king of power

Chapter 1175, Buffet Restaurant

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The Riener Thali mouth is one: "The guys who preparatory committees are hope that you can raise your hands before and after the exhibition, you can also know that a lot of business people come to exhibiting It's all executives, these guys are more crazy, and your time is more powerful for this piece of hits, so ... "

Ri Li Ni Taylor said, Chen Geng, clearly: this time came to the fight against D, so that the people of the Detroit Auto Show Preparatory Committee were worried about the D products of the Detroit. The provision of problems, I hope I can lift your hand.

Some things, you don't know, when you don't know what you look like when you are in front of the people, and you know Chen Geng, in these world-class automotive manufacturers, more than half of the middle or more management personnel involved D. Of course, these people XI-food Hello Y this kind of strong D products have less, most of them are Diji, this type of addiction is not so strong.

Many friends may be curious: Is it seen in the Westerners? Is D number? In fact, many people in the West seem to, and the Di Ma is really can't be a D product, and it can only be "stronger".

Tobacco, this is not blamed after several years, there is a group of people who are tirelessly promoted the legalization of D hens. These people who drive D will tell the people in this way: this is a tobacco, Don't be so nervous.


I know the meaning of Riener Taylor. I have never thought that I am a US man's Chenmong normally nod: "You reply to the preparatory committee of the auto show, I will fully respect the personal preferences of exhibitors, let They are relieved, in that time, the most important thing throughout the Detroit is the smooth convening of the auto show, and guarantees that all manufacturers and exhibitors of this auto show are at home.

Riener Taylor laughed and flying quickly on the book.

"Right, I didn't make a mistake, our AMC's self-service lunch restaurant opened this noon today?"

After signing the word on a document, Chen Geng asked Reni Taylor with his mouth.

"Yes, that's right,"

Rira Ni Taylor looked at the Notepad, nod: "Do you want to see it?"

Chen Li followed the pen on the table: "Of course you have to go see.

For "small government, big market"

In the United States, the mayor wants to be lazy, there is always a lazy way, and it is still the kind of light and big, and Chen Geng is curious about the first day of the restaurant opened, how will workers' evaluation of the buffet restaurant? .................................. Chen Geng's response to the workers, AMC car workers are actually thinking about 0.

$ 99, what kind of meals can you provide for the coffee table? Don't you eat the kind of pig? With this suspicion and exam, the first batch of workers came to the buffet restaurant that had just been built, two steel structures, up and down, the total area of ​​2,600 square meters, just went at the restaurant, the workers saw it A huge whiteboard, the whiteboard writes the content of the meals provided today, watching the meals provided on the whiteboard, walking in front of the workers are somewhat surprised ... " soup, cream soup ....!

There are 6 kinds of soup, you can.

Light is a soup to provide six kinds, which greatly unexpectedly.

"Not just soup, you see the staple food, there is burger, egg rice, curry rice, fries ... There is still dumplings, very rich.

The species of staple food in the cafeteria are also greatly unexpected. "Look, there are fried chicken, fried fish, weapon flowers, four season beans, there are shrimps ... God!

There is also a steak and pork chop, so much thing, it really only needs 0.

$ 99?

The roughly browsing a variety of soups and staple foods, vegetables, vegetables, and workers' attitude, and the type of meals, just as long as 0.

$ 99? "Yes, as long as 0.

$ 99, "

Specially, I will come out from the restaurant in the restaurant, as well as a apron, and his smile shouted with the workers: "Mr., this is the trade union for you. Strive for the welfare, the union has a part of the money, the factory has a penny, you personally have some money, let us have a wonderful noon, I assure you that this lunch has every day, gentlemen, are you still satisfied? "

Does the workers are satisfied? If they come to the other, they represent their attitude ... "Michel, you dare to ensure that there is such a meal every day in the future? If so, when you have changed, Laozi also chooses you.

"Epser, your guys finally did a good thing.

"Well, EPer, your guy, I admit that I didn't choose you, you are a good union chairman ..."

.......... Listen to the voice of the workers, and the face of Michelle W. Epper smiled, and even the workers said: "Thank you, thank you, worker brothers, don't wait here. , Hurry, there is a hot meal waiting for everyone ... Remember to swipe.

Each worker must pay 0.

$ 99, but actually does not require workers to pull out 0.

99 US dollars to hand over the canteen, can't make a coil with the access card, as long as you have a visit to the access control card, you will have a meal in your restaurant. Wait until the end of the month, the company's finance department will be with the canteen. Contract, confirm that each worker has a few meals in the restaurant, then deduct this part of the fee, of course, if the workers are worried that the company will calculate the wrong bill, they can pay directly, but if they pay, the money is a dollar.

For this way of operation, the workers have no opinions. For them, what is the taste of the $ 1 is the taste of the rice bag.

What is the taste of the meal? When the first batch of workers who played the meals, they sent the food into their mouths, they gathered together: the taste is good.

It is really exaggerated than the restaurant, but it is really exaggerated than the restaurant, but it is not, it is not, simply, the mainstream mass level, such as fried chicken blocks and burgers, just follow the street The fried chicken blocks in the fast food store in the visible, there is no difference in the taste of the Hamburg.

This is enough.

For the workers, as long as the food in the canteen provides a popular taste, they are very satisfied.

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