king of power

Chapter 1184 is for the efforts of feelings

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Aiore Richardson found himself actually agreed with Chen Pi: Yes, if it is only the patrol task of such low threats, use F-16.

F-14 or F-18 The most advanced fighter of the US military, that is, huge waste, does not use such advanced military jet fighters to patrol every hour of flight, single is the depreciation cost of the fuselage How many? With A-1, this type of teeth, there is no advanced equipment, but enough aircraft to perform such tasks, it is really the most appropriate.

"This ... is a bit truth,"

Aiore Richardson nodded: "But how do you plan to improve?"

Chen Geng immediately said: "First of all, it is to install the communication equipment such as the US military active station and the enemy I identifies the equipment.

"this is necessary.

Ai Ott Richardson immediately nodded.

"As for the second point,"

Chen Geng said: "If you think, if you think that there is a need, let the Lite R-3350 star piston engine above the A-1, after all, I want to find a large-scale Lite R-3350. Repair spare parts is very difficult, and very expensive.

If possible, I want to change into the PW100 series of PW125 or PW126 series. The maximum takeoff power of the two series of turbo propeller engines is similar to the Lite R-3350, but there is too much weight. The most critical is that in this way, we can use the US military fuel.

As for the engine, you don't need to buy new, you know, my company has aircraft dismantling and second-hand aviation components recycling and refurbished business, we can buy second-hand PW125 or PW126 engine from the market. Replacing ... The plane is a plane that is old, there is no need to use new engines.

Aiore Richardson heard from the head.

If you do not give an A-1 to the engine, it is of course possible to save the next money in the early days, but like Chen Geng said, on the one hand, the Lite R-3350 engine has been suspended for more than a few years, the production line has been dismantled. Half a century, where did you find a fitting? On the other hand, even if it considers the convenience of the logistics reinforcement, it should also be replaced with turbine propeller engines to ensure that it is possible to interoperate with the US military logistics, reduce the pressure of logistics replenishment.

As for the engine, as Chen Ge said, the plane itself is some plane that has already been sealed for more than 20 years old, is there any need to buy new engines? Directly buy a batch of second-hand engines from the market, cheap, save money, the most important thing is to stock!

As for the problem of being able to recruit the right pilot, whether Iryte Richardson or Chen Gongdu is not worried, there are too many people who want to eat food in the United States, even if the United States can't find, disintegration Some of the Soviet Union also have such talents, the price is cheap.

As for these former Soviet pilots to fly a-1 problem, it is a joke, a group of pilots who can open the most advanced jet ultrasonic fighters, can't open slowly, the fastest speed does not exceed 600 Kili hourly propeller plane? !

Ai Ott Richardson thought, said: "I will help you ask, it should be no problem, if we have the amount, maybe price can be low, but this is a changing engine, Are you ready to do anything? Can we undertake? "

Chen Wai listened to the smile: "Ai Ort, do you forget the A-1 attack machine is Douglas's product?"

Ai Ott Richardson took a head: I really fainted!

At the beginning of Douglas, it has become a copy of the McDark Group, with the relationship between Fernandes Chen and Macarona, and at least it is not worried that it will be taken by McDe.

Chen Geng said: "In the retrofit of the A-1 attack machine, Douglas has replaced the modification of the turbine propeller engine, but on the one hand, the jet plane is booming, on the other hand, turbulers The price of the engine is still very expensive, so the Navy does not adopt this modified plan, but the relevant tests and technical information are reserved. For McDe, if there is no us, those materials are a bunch of waste paper, now With us, their information can also sell some money.

"I think it is true, I really have such a thing,"

Ai Ott Richardson nodded: "Then you ask Macona, they are willing to help us this, if he is willing, I will find a way to get a batch of A-1.

...................... "Mike, I remember that you have said to me, you have previously sealed a batch of information, including the US Navy A-1 carrier attack machine to modify the data of the turbine propeller engine, yes. ? "

Say goodbye to Ai Ott Richardson, Chen Geng asked Macon at the phone.

"Yes, there is such a thing, but do you ask this?"

For Chen Ming's question, Wheat Tangner is very strange.

"I have a home here, ready for a group ... Well, about 12 A-1 attack machines replace the PW125 or PW126 series turbo propeller engine,"

Chen Ge said: "To use your information, if you can, the best is that your people help me do this modification, how? I would like to help me this?"

"Just this, I'm so, you have come over, you don't have to manage anything else, I will help you get it."

Little McKonal did not say that I promised him, I will help myself in the year, this is not a matter of business, I don't make money, and I have to pay attention to Chen Mong, for small McDonalla is the most important thing, but he is curious about: "But your brother, what do you get to be a batch of old teeth? Isn't you planning to send them on the battlefield?"

After that, Xiaomi Donner can't help but laugh, he felt that he was still humorous.

But I don't think, Chen Piped is definitely replied: "Yes, I am really ready to send this plane to the battlefield.

"Cough and cough ..."

Small Mac Dona is vigorous cough.

"I didn't joke with you,"

Listening to the small wheat of the phone almost coughing the lung leaves, Chen Geng said: "I have a defense contracting company with a few friends, and the reason why I have to change this A-1 attack machine. Want to get from the Air Force or the Navy to the low-intensity air patrol and support tasks ... Do you think this task, Can the A-1 attack can be completed? "

Low intensity air patrol and support tasks? When you listen to Macarona, you know what is going on. He figured: Hey!

Don't say, let A-1 this old turn to teeth dry the plane to do this, it is really competent!

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