king of power

Chapter 1491 attracts industry users

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"BOSS, I have found that the government does not have a clear text of the logistics and distribution, only stipulating the motor vehicle,"

Steve Ballmer, who will take the entire section from the head to the end, is excited, not to: "That is, as long as you get the tricycle to the United States, we can pass the certification of the motor vehicle. Use it as a logistics car.

"The government does not have a clear text on logistics and delivery vehicles?"

There are not many surprises of Chen Wantong: "How?"

"I also feel incredible, but this is the fact!

Steve Ballmer: "I turned back to give you the file fax, you will know.

It really is!

Looking at the documents from Steve Ballmer's fax, Chen Geng is surprised to find that don't see the high-rise logistics and delivery car on the United States, but the US government can basically use it for logistics. "Motor Vehicle"

These three words are summarized: as long as they are in line with motor vehicle conditions, they can be used to do logistics and delivery vehicles, while in the United States, two-wheeled motorcycles are motor vehicles? Of course!

Come in the world!

So what about three wheeled motorcycles? When I thought this, Chen Geng was happy.

He thought about it, pick up the phone to play to Laraford: "Do you want to sell your three-wheeled motorcycle to the United States?"

At the beginning of Thailand, it was in the later period. Chen Tong's entire transferred to his security team. It is said that it is still good now, it has become the largest sudden mutual car manufacturing group in Thailand and Myanmar, in two The state provides more than 100,000 jobs, and the status of the two countries is pivotable.

"Sell three-wheeled motorcycle in the United States?"

Received Chen Geng's phone, Laraford is a bit: "Who are we sold?"

As an indigenous in the United States from small to large, La Lefot really didn't have a three-wheeled motorcycle in the United States.

"Sell to eBay,"

Chen Ge said: "As a logistics for eBay logistics, of course, it takes a little modification.

"That thing ... can you?"

I heard that the logistics is used as an eBay, La Left is excited, it is , excited, if the three-wheeled motorcycle can be used as a logistics, then not only eBay, UPS, USPS, Fedex and the United States Small and small logistics companies will be their potential customers, saying that hundreds of thousands of three-wheeled motorcycles can be sold in the United States each year, although the overall scale of the market is not large, but if they can sell a few dozens in a year 10,000, compared to the profits of hundreds of millions of dollars in a year, this is a big money, and finally in their own hands, there are millions of dollars.

As for the , it is also very understandable. If the three-wheeled motorcycle can be used as a logistics to send a car, then why never appeared in the United States? "Yes,"

Chen Potent said: "Go back, you are connected with eBay's Steve Ballmer, let him send the government about the relevant provisions of the logistics and distribution, and communicate with Steve, learn about eBay For the demand for logistics and delivery, you will have such a car to do the certification. As long as the certification is passed, you can get the ebay order, and there is an eBay order, you can travel to other companies. Marketing.

"I'll go!

La Left was excited, he didn't think your own BOSS would deceive himself.

........................ Money earning is the biggest motivation.

La Left and Stanson and others were confirming that this three-wheeled motorcycle can indeed as a logistics and delivery vehicle. They started busy, registered, introduced production lines, and modified five three wheels Motorcycles for local adaptive testing and certification.

This three-wheeled motorcycle is a multi-year mature product in the Southeast Asian market. Everything is highly mature, so everything is smooth, and after half a year, the entire test and the certification process are successful, and the certification of the US government. Two months, Larafurt et al. Hosted to eBay over 100 three-wheeled motorcycles.

When this three-wheeled motorcycle walks on the streets of the United States, watching these spokes of eBay Logo's strange cars, the whole US ... In fact, there is no movement.

This is a car for industry users. Since it is only for industry users, ordinary people will care about this stuff? However, the people didn't care, people who did not represent the logistics industry did not care, such as the UPS's senior executive, inadvertently saw a tricycle parked on the roadside, suddenly: What car? How to apply eBay's logo? Huh? There is also a young man wearing eBay's polo shirt, is this the logistics and delivery of eBay? Is this a logistics and a car? This executive of the UPS is light in both eyes!

As a senior in the world's largest logistics, his eyes are of course solely sleeper. In the first time, I realized the advantages of this logistics and delivery car than the traditional logistics. The first thing is the first point, that is, this dock The car, when you look at it, but you can't get it, but it hangs the number plate of the motor vehicle. This means that this is a motor vehicle that can be legally on; secondly, the closed cargo box is large enough, basically 99.

9% of express parcels can be placed, and the volume of the entire freight box will not be less than three cubic meters, not small; the most important point is that it has a closed cab, this point is for logistics distribution It is very important to say that this means that this car has the ability to perform the distribution task all day.

Not expensive, the storage of the warehouse is not small, you can legally on the card ... These three reasons, it is sufficient to attract this executive of UPS.

After you sink, he simply got off the bus, and delivered the distributor who was ready to give the customer to a 10 US dollar: "Bun, can I ask you a few questions?"

"You talk about it first.

Ebay's distributor looked vigilant this fat man, but did not pick up.

"Reassured, I am just curious about your car,"

UPS executives smiles: "What should I answer this question?"

"That's no problem,"

The distributor's face is sent, and it will pick up 10 US dollars. "You ask.

"Is this car that is your eBay just equipped with a distribution truck? How do you think he?"

"It's our distribution car,"

The boy is nod: "As for what you think ..."

The guy shrugged, a bit uncomfortable: "It is a bit noisy, comfortable is not good, than the original distribution car is far away, but the basic conditions are still guaranteed.

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