king of power

Chapter 1495 is preparing in advance (brothers, again for the new book

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This post is so dry, so that the administrator is placed, bold and floating.

More interesting is because this is too interesting, soon, it is no longer only limited to the Internet, and many traditional media have also begun to reprint this post, and in a very short period of time, it has become a large gossip mass. Hotspots discussed.

No way, this is a fresh hard, Milin is the only super big country in the world, and we have seen the Eye redness of Milinian, but Milin is actually started to learn we, this is still Don't you pride well? Chen Geng did not know that the three-wheeled bus of Milinan's three courier companies took a small fire on the Internet. It is clear that there is still a year of more than a year, he will fight, now it is going to be in the next Military military outsourcing activities earned a pen ... "Bauri, I don't understand this piece of military, but I want to know, if I want our defense company to reach such a strategic goal: US The government suddenly decided to play hands in a country in Central Asia, can we guarantee the greatest interest? "

Call Bauri Hamp asked him before, and asked him to him.

In these years, the military contractor led by Barli Hubprum earned some money, but since the US military has not had a big external action in the past few years, it is also limited, but it is more than a year, the Afghan war, Chen Tillage should be prepared in advance.

But Barry Hamp wants to be awkward, he is first, then an excitement lows the sound asks Chen Geng asked: "BOSS, you are a big foreign military action?"

Chen Geng smashed, he didn't expect Barry Hamp, it would understand it so much, but ... here understands it seems true? I nodded, Chen Gengcang said: "You don't have to ask this.

The meaning of the words, I don't know, even if I know, I can't say it.

However, Barry Hubprum is a very colorful color, then nod: "BOSS, I understand as a soldier, the war's decision is not what I care, but as a commander, I must confirm confirmation to you. How big is your chance? "

Chen Geng Xin said that I have 100% of the grasp.

But the words, of course, can not be said, Chen Mong smile, did not answer this question of Bauri Hubprum, but asked Barry Hamp: "Bauri, you know that after the War of Vietnam, we Milinian How many foreign military actions have been launched? I am talking about the size of the basin of the military complex.


Oh, Barry Hamp's eyes lit!

He felt that he had already understood: this time, not BOSS is driving behind, but the US military complex is driven behind.

Also, after the Gulf War, the military giants of the United States have won a lot of orders, and the earned pot is full, and the war that has just been ended this year is the same, the US advanced military equipment is bright in front of the world. In the case, I have an advertisement to the world. It is said that orders from the world will make those military giants pick up the hands soft, taste the sweet military giants you want to play again "Advertising" after a few years.

This is quite normal, and BOSS gets the wind in advance, and it is too normal to prepare.

Thinking of this, Barry Hampton relieved, then confirmed to Chen Geong: "So, how big is the size of this war?"

Chen Geng Shen, said: "Nota this year this year.


Barry Hubpribe is clearly spiritual.


Chen Mong smiled nodded and continued to say: "Not only this, considering that there is no longer the existence of military threat to Milin, everyone, it is best to make this military Action is engaged in a long-term military action.

"Long duration is longer?"

Bauri Hubu immediately grabbed the focus, and hurriedly asked: "Can you have?"

"Two years or more,"

Chen Wirong Xiao said: "Bari, you know, when there is a Soviet Union, everyone has no way to hold a carnival, but now, the Soviet Union does not exist, everyone finally found a carnival opportunity ... Of course, you are best This matter is confidential.

"I understand, I understand, BOSS,"

Barry Hamp started, everyone excited, he certainly know why Chen Li demanded that he had to keep this military action confidential, and more understood why this military action, nodded: "BOSS, I am a soldier, confidential and observed discipline is engraved in my bones. I swear to you, I will never discret!

"In fact, you don't have to swear, it doesn't matter, or even you don't say it doesn't matter, as long as you can withstand the corresponding consequences.

Chen Geng lightly dotted him.

Obviously, Chen Ming's is very effective, Barry Hamp seems to think about what, his face is white, the whole person is taking.

Looking at the reaction of Bauri Hubprum, Chen Geng Xin smiled: You know the horror of military computers.

In Pali Hamp, it quickly adjusted his emotions, seriously said to Chen Geng: "BOSS, we have three squadrons, have passed modern modified A-1 attack machine, there are 2 squadrons L- 39 trainer, in addition, we also have a 500-person ground combat force. If you really say, this is a large and long-lasting military action.

With your relationship with the Pentagon, I don't doubt that we can receive enough military orders, so my suggestion is to supplement a squadron's L-39, and rent one to two transport planes, as for the ground actions, I It is sufficient to add a strengthening even.

But now you don't have to worry, if you have any exact time, you can prepare for half a year in advance.

Chen Geng is somewhat surprised, only need to add two squadron's L-39 and one to two transport planes? He wrinkled his eyebrows and asked Barry Happ: "Are you sure? Just need this?"

"BOSS, I assure you that these are enough,"

Barry Hamp is sure to nod: "After all, your purpose is just making money, and you are definitely not happy to conflict with other forces, right?"


Looking at Barry Hamp, Chen Mong suddenly laughed: "I just want to make money, and if I want to make money in this event, there are many people ... Bauri, thank you for your reminder.

Barry Hamp smiled: "Yes, you are a big boss.

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