king of power

Chapter 1497 Invitation Expedition (Brothers, New Book

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The standard processes such as meetings, the standard process such as the cold and other meets. After Wang Dazhi explained his intention, Sun Weiguo said: "Total Wang, for Shangfei Group can self-developed this high-power gas turbine, we The sea oil group and I am very admired, but the king you may not be particularly clear, because the working environment of our sea drilling platform is particularly bad, so we value some of the stability and reliability of the product, this ... "

"I know,"

Sun Weiguo's refusal did not have the expectation of Wang Dazhi. He didn't think of himself. He felt that he had a horse. People will definitely give her face. In fact, from the beginning he is doing this is a lasting The psychological preparation of the war: "The working environment of the sea drilling platform is relatively special, especially our oil companies, high temperatures, high salts, these special work scenes, how to stabilize and reliable work, have put forward higher requirements. ... Sun, I heard that the main generator above the sea-sea drilling platform is the Rob211 gas turbine generator group in Robs Royce in the UK? "

Sun Weiguo nodded: "Yes.

"The stability of RB211 is well known and recognized in the world. Our sea oil header is selected RB211 gas turbine generator sets," "

Wang Dafu first stood RB211, followed by the topic, then said: "But Sun always knows that our Shangfei Group introduced RB211 engine technology from Robs Royce Group, and our commercial flight group production RB211 engine, whether in many aspects such as fuel consumption, noise, maintainability, and overhaul cycle, the RB211 engine produced by Rawls Roys Group is flat, and is there more than an individual indicator? "

"This is real?"

Sun Weiguo was surprised.

Shangfei Group has been pitted by Rolls Royce Group in his early years, they are introducing "TAY"

When the series engine was taken by Rawls Royce to introduce a complete technology, process and production equipment of the RB211 series engine, it is said that Shangfei Group has spent more than 100 million US dollars.

That is a few billions in the early 1980s. In the past few years, many people will be a joke.

After 90 years later, Commercial Flying Group slowly realized the self-production of the RB211 turntile engine, but because they have not found a plane, repeatedly rejected the Boeing, McDao, and Airbus have been rejected, Shangfei Group only Can use the technology of the RB211 engine as its own technical reserves, and then have to take a different path, and use the West Volley-East to lose this project, develop the RB211 engine's navigation gas turbine.

In the first two years, the Commercial Group has begun to mass production, and the RB211 engine is only found in the RB211 engine.

For all, most Chinese people, including Sun Weiguo, have a solid impression of our company from abroad, product, product, technology, afterwards, after prior domestic production, will definitely be in each There will be performance degradation, almost impossible to make the overall performance comparable to the original version, as for the original version, the individual technical indicators are more than the situation, but also don't want to think!

But now, Wang Dagizhi actually said that the RB211 turntile engine produced by Shang Flying Group has reached the extent to which the Rob211 engine produced by the UK Robs Royce Group is exceeded in individual technical indicators. Let Sun Weigu have some can't believe: How is this possible? This egg is too ignorant? Sun Weiguo's response did not have the expectation of Wang Da Zhi, he smiled and took out a leather paper package from the bag and handed Sun Weiguo: "I know this sounds some outrageous, but I said it is Detailed data contrast, Sun always have time to look at it.

In addition, we have to have a gas turbine developed by the RB211 turntable engine, maintaining the overall life, overhaul cycle, maintenance interval, and reliability in terms of Rawls Royce RB211 gas turbine ... Inside this information There is also a corresponding data.


Sun Weiguo didn't talk, he wrinkled with brows, and he began to think about the words of Wang Dazhi.

There is no doubt that Wang Dazhi's words and this information gives yourself, it is telling yourself and the entire sea oil company: the gas turbine generator set produced by our Shangfei Group is not the difference in British people. In this sea As a state-owned enterprise in Huaxia, oil head company is the British priority to take care of our own people? And Sun Weiguo is more clear. If this information is true ... Even Sun Weiguo I feel that the possibility of Shangfei Group is minimal ... The Oil Corporation is in trouble: Once the oil company directly refuses, business The Fei Group dare to hit the lawsuit to go up, please lead it.

For the leadership, they are very simple to consider the problem: Since Shangfei Group can provide similar products, why don't you use people's business flights? Do you have to buy British? I don't know how it is the country to have a foreign exchange? what? !

You said that the British original product you used before, I want to continue? Ok, no problem, you can be problematic is that all the accumulation of gas turbines produced by the people's business flying group is almost the same as the British original product. Why do you have to stick to the UK? Is there any problem in this? This problem cannot be more important, and it is easy to 404.

Sun Weiguo himself clearly, so he immediately understood that this time I want to open the business flying group is not so easy, at least, there is no strong enough, enough to convince, can block the reason why someone is mouth, is not This may make this more easily.

"It's too hard to confuse,"

Sun Weiguo quickly adjusted his mood, and the trip: "Wang Qi, if you have such a RB211 gas turbine produced by Shangfei, it can have such a good performance, then, we will definitely consider it.


To be here, Sun Weigan is turned, then said: "The king is always, you also understand that there are too many aspects involved in this kind of thing. I am not so uncommon, and I have to take care of my emotions. I can't let some comrades. Pick the problem ... "

"I understand,"

Wang Dazhi nodded: "So I solemnly invited our comrades from the oil company to come to our business flight group to see our products.

Sun Weiguo is a bit depressed: I am not this meaning. ------------ PS: Brothers, through this rare recommended opportunity, the millennium is coming again, seeking brothers to support new books "Modern Hand Art Man", recommended, click, collection, all want, brothers are not polite, the next year, the millennium is drinking porridge or eats steamed bread, I will see everyone.

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