king of power

Chapter 1503 George Visit

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Ding Ruo's expression also lifted: "What is your meaning?"

"A lot of this year?"

Chen Minghui asked: "Do you think?"


Ding Ruo did not talk, after a while, she seriously said to Chen Geong: "I have to tell your judgment and my dad.

"it is good.

Chen Geng nodded.

...................... "Chen Li's meaning?"

Listening to the self-prostitutes, it is already a Ding Police, but I always like to call my teacher's Laosteous, and the brow wrinkled: "He is really said.

Ding Ruo smoke point: "Yes, he said that.

Ding Navy did not talk, he took a smoke to smoke.

Today, today, for many people, if their own judgment has conflicted with Chen Pai's judgment, then what is the problem of considering Chen Pai's judgment, Chen Geng's opinions and suggestions, and all this It is Chen Song's own prove that there is no number of past proves, and now.

After a long silence, Ding Navy finally opened: "Does he talk about his advice?"

"No, he didn't say,"

Ding Ruo smoke, but then, she added another sentence: "But he said, the thing is the same as the car as a car.


Ding Navy is a bit surprised: "Do he really say this?"

"Yes, he does say.

Ding Navy sank for a moment, nodded slowly: "Okay, I know.

Listening to my old man said, Ding Ruo is no longer saying, she believes that her father will deal with the things that will be processed - this is actually a tacit understanding of Chenmong and above for more than 20 years.

------------ Chen Geng's manor, I have a very special guest today.

Because of this special guest, Chen Geng's manor maintains the highest level of warning, in the outer circumference, the helicopter hovering in the sky, although the helicopter looks flat, but if it is observed with high-power telescope, it will find This helicopter with "Samurai"

Very like, on the two rigs on both sides of the fuselage, one side hangs, and a set of 7 on the other side.

62mm, these three hovering helicopters in the sky, always monitor the sky and the sky in the sky; on the ground, it is a group of peripheral lines, and in the outer line, it is a group of groups. Into-wear, the inside security force of the elite body of sunglasses ... From the sky to the ground, the total three-layer line of defense, can be said to be strict to the extreme, everyone is serious, it seems to be at any time Have a bad egg to launch an attack to Chen Geng's manor, but the most inner interior, but I am talking to his guests ... "George, what you mean,"

Chen Geng gave guests to the guests: "Just like I promised you a few years ago, if you intend to participate, ok, of course, no problem, I support you.

George did not think that Chen Pigang agreed so much, and he had been toned.

The same is true for George, Mrs. George is also the same. Be a few years ago, Fernandes Chen promised to her husband. If the future, George wants to follow the father-in-law, step into He will support George's campaign.

This time, after deciding to participate in this campaign, George's first visit is Fernandez Chen. It was original Laura that this matter may be a bit trouble, but it does not become a good profit from Fernandez Chen. I promised it, this is to let Laura feel a little little person.

George didn't know that his lady had such a thought. He said that he was grateful to Chen Geng: "Fernandes, thank you very much, really, more words can't express my gratitude to you, I You guarantee that once I can enter the White House, you are the most distinguished VIP.

This is actually a nonsense, one of the governors of 51 states in the United States. George's head is not good, and will give Chen Geng to evil, and considering that Fernandes Chen and his father have good private hand, there is so good "Family Traditional Friendship"

Can George you can do it? It is not good to use this guy to pay evil, it is a thing that is fool.

"If I want to invite some friends to hold a banquet?"

Chen Geng semi-fake, smiled and asked: "Can you?"

"no problem,"

George did not hesitate: "I will let Laura helped you.

"Haha ... I have this sentence, I know that I have not interped friends."

Chen Mongxiao seems very happy. He took George's shoulder: "Right, George, if you can be elected, leave a position with me?"

This is also the meaning of the question, I support you, you certainly have to return.

George did not immediately promise, nor did it refuse, he nodded: "Talk about it.

"Reassured, George, I will not let you be difficult,"

Chen Ge said: "It is good to help me arrange a deputy, this is no problem?"

As long as a deputy is good? When I heard Chen Li, it is not only George, but Lian La is also a breather, he immediately nodded: "This is certainly no problem.

According to the constitutional provisions, the president can appoint no more than 14 cabinet-level ministers, and assist the 14 cabinet-level ministers at least six or seven times 14. Chen Geng is just a deputy director in his own government. This is simply awesome.

Got George's answer, Chen Geng also promised George: "Well, then I also assure you that during the campaign, my media agency will work together to cooperate with you.

Is there such a good thing? George built: "Fernandes, you mean too much, this, which department you want to go, you will pick it, I will make you satisfied ... Yes, who is you ready to let comes?"

Chen Ge said: "Rosmary.

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