king of power

Chapter 1507 Who is pregnant?

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I sent away Li Captain, Wang Da Zhi wondered it, directly went to the power laboratory of Victor Fladmilovic Kapaa, waiting to Victor Fladi Milovic Card Pay is busy, and Wang Dagizhi smiled and said to him: "Victor, delay you?"

Victor Fladmilovich Capaa is a smart person, knowing that since Wang Dazhi deliberately finds himself, it is definitely a very important thing, he didn't hesitate, nodded! "Just I have to Take a break, don't go to the lounge to have a cup of coffee to eat something? "

"You drink coffee, I still drink tea,"

Wang Da Zhi quickly said: "I really don't drink coffee.

Victor Fladmilovich Capaaton harail laughed.

After drinking a cup of coffee, Victor Fladmilovich Capa Asked to Wang Dazhi: "Wang, what question do you want to ask?"

Wang Dazhi did not sell Guanzi, asked Victor Fladmilovic Kapaa: "Yes, Victor, do you think it has the current technical level and material level of our commercial flight group? What is the ability to imitate this helicopter 'air crane'? "

"Company preparation imitation 'air crane'?"

Victor Fladi Milovich Capaa said: "Can Americans agree?"

Chen Geng helped the Huaxia government to introduce "air cranes" from the United States

This matter can always be accomplished by the domestic hospital, and Shangfei Group as one of the most valued industries in China. Everyone is of course not strange to this matter, with everyone to CH-54 / S-64 The performance of this plane and the main technical indicators, the research and development process is like several people, Wang Dagizhi is no exception, heard, he said: "Sikoski's 'air crane' heavy helicopter is in the late 1960s The initial development, that is to say that this plane has been here for almost 40 years, and the patent protection period is only 20 years, so this plane has passed the patent protection period. If we use it to imitate it, Americans may not be happy. , But from the perspective of the law, they have no way. "

Speaking of this, Wang Dazhi looked at Wickdo Fladmilovich Capa: "So, now I want to know, for the current business, do we have a 'aerial crane 'The ability of this heavy helicopter for imitation? If you can, have those difficulties? "

Listening to Wang Da Zhi said, Victor Fladi Milovich Capaa pensive.

After a while, he finally raised his head and said to Wang Du Zhi: "First, the material and manufacturing process of the body, our Shangfei Group has already had a large-scale passenger plane of the Made 100-ton-201, so I think, In the body, we are not big, even if there is a problem, I think it is not possible to overcome.

Wang Dazhi nodded, he thinks so.

See Wang Da Zhi nod, Victor Fladi Milovich Capaa continued: "I think if the group really wants to imitate the 'air crane', the main problem is three: The first, the power The system, the 'air crane' is equipped with two Pratt Whitney's single power 4500-axis turbine engine, while the whole Huaxia, the most powerful turbo engine is our group's scroll -2000, The maximum emergency power 2250 axle horsepower; the second, the transmission system, this does not say, want to transport the power of the 9000-axis horsepower to the main rotor and tail paddress, the requirements for the main speed or tail decelerator Very high, and our group currently does not have this level of reducer; as for the third, the main rotor, the main rotor blade of the 'air crane' is more than 10 meters, which is more than 60 cm long, that is, this The bottle is very difficult, I don't know what kind of your country can make this rotor, you know, I am not a helicopter rotor expert ... "

When Victor Fladmilovich Capaa said these problems, Wang Dazhi listened while heard, waiting for Victor Fladi Milovich Capaa finished. After he thought about a moment, he said: "Victor, is the case, about the first point, 'air crane' uses two 4500-axis horsepower turbine engine, we are not such a big power turbine The axial engine, go to the American hand, it is estimated that Americans can also sell it to us, then can we use 4 vortex -2000 combinations to achieve almost power? "

Wang Daji is also simple. Since the direct-11 can be used in one engine, straight -9 can use two engines, straight-8 can use three engines, and our imitation 'aerial crane' uses four engines to achieve the same Power is not ok? "Ok?"

Victor Fladmilovich Capaa really didn't think about this possibility, heard, he suddenly showed: four engines? Is this not a bad? But immediately, Victor Fladmilovich Capaa is also true: Since Americans' CH-53E "species"

Heavy-duty helicopters can be installed 3 engines, then four engines ... In addition to comparing the design level of the designer, it seems to be true in theory? Victor Fladmilovich Kapa Asked for a long time, finally gave an answer: "Theoretically, it is only complicated, but it can also solve ... but the main This piece of reducer, what is the company planning? "

Wang Dazhi did not answer, but asked Victor Fladmilovich Capaa: "Mr. Victor, if the company really wants to go to Malaysia, you are willing to develop this host accelerator ?"

Victor Fladi Milovich Capaa can be Mi-26 "aura"

The main designer of the Vice-General of Heavy Helicopter, Mi -26 is equipped with the total designer of the VR-26 main speed drift, so Wang Dagizhi feels that the Victor Fladi Milovic Kapaha is developed This main speed should be no problem.

At the same time, in order to convince Victor Fladmilovic Kajaa, Wang Dagizhi is following the support: "Victor, you may not know, although the 'aerial crane' is equipped with two 4500 Horsepower turbine engine, but the performance of the main speed of this aircraft is limited, so the total power can not be 9000 horsepower, limited to the level of metal materials at that time, the maximum drive system of the 'air crane' can only withstand 6600 horsepower Power, even the last generation improvement: CH-54B / S-64F, the maximum power that the transmission system can withstand is only 7900 horsepower, I think you have developed a larger speed or longer loader with a higher power, actually There is no problem.

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