king of power

Chapter 1520 Chen Geng is also a big figure.

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Lao Ding did not talk, it indeed, since he met Chen Geng, this kid did not speak in any event. Think of this, and the comrades of Lao Ding suddenly excited: that is, Huaxia will usher in a rare 10 year? !

Really, the comrade of Lao Ding is completely calm, trembling: "Xiao Chen, I know that you will not talk, but ... do you really think we can have 10 years? You should know what this means? .

"Trust me.

Chen Geng did not say much, only to say these three words, but these three words seem to have a magical magic, and suddenly let Ding Navy have a lot of rest assured that I took a sigh of relief, Ding Navy heavy Tao: "Good !

Although there is only one word, Chen Li knows that his old man has now gambled, after the end of this phone, he will tell those people who make him call himself: Chen Mong It is believed that Huaxia can usher in 10 years of precious opportunity!

After saying this, Ding Navy once again asked Chen Ge: "What should you do with us?"

When I heard this, Chen Geng was laughing: "Dad, don't say that I have no suggestion, even if I really give you suggestions, do you have that courage to listen?"

"Oh ... huh, ..."

Ding Navy suddenly became a bit embarrassed, he understood the meaning of Chen Li, now Chen Pigang, but the "Huaxia's old friend"

It is, it is one of the governors of Mili, and the governor of 51 states in the United States. Such a person, the suggestion he gives, even if it is reasonable, who dares to guarantee that there is no other thing in this? In a word, Chen Geng's current identity, where he is, so that even if you want to believe his words, you will not consciously be alert to his words, this is not related to trust, this is the position decision.

However, at this time, Chen Li has once again opened: "But if it is recommended, there is still one.


Comrade Lao Dingyi: Chen Li really has suggestion? "This suggestion is not what you ask, but it is recommended that you have to seize this rare opportunity, some development, the improved equipment can also be used,"

When I said, Chen Pigong revealed: "For example, a large transporter, such a big country, it depends on the Ir-76 bought from the old hair, do you really feel no problem?"


Lao Ding did not talk, some things he know, but it is not suitable to tell Chen Li.

................................ The old man does not talk, Chen Li also does not mind, he is very open to this matter: I suggest I am giving you, you listen, listen, don't listen Also with you ... anyway, no matter what you can't listen, when this nation has come to this step, the big plane, big transportation machine is certain, this is the historical law, not transferred in a person's will.

When it comes to the big transportation machine, Chen Pi will think of a thing. Unfortunately, this matter must have to personally go to horses, think of this, Chen Geng told me: "For me, I want to visit Moscow to visit some old friends.

"Do you want to go to Moscow?"

Rie Larn Taylor immediately asked: "Is it in the official identity or private identity?"

Chen Ming smiled and asked: "I am now in the current situation, is private identity and official identity?"

"Still distinguishing,"

Riener Taylor said seriously: "If you go to Moscow with a private person, even everyone knows that you are Mili's tribute to the state Governor Fernandans Chen, but you will go to Moscow with a private person, just handle Mr. Fernandez Chen. Private.

Oh ... You will say it around you? "That is flexible,"

Chen Geng said with a mouth: "Who stipulates that Fernandez Chen goes to Moscow office, it must be carried out in the official identity? Who stipulates that Fernandez Chen goes to Moscow to operate private affairs to do the official identity? Little girl, don't do this, don't work, To be flexible.

Rie Larney Thaler can't help but sigh: your own BOSS, every time it is.

...................... As the Riener Taylor said, Chen Gengmei Jianjian Temmita is the identity of the state governor, plus his good private relationship with the current Military University, and Milinian A good private relationship between the military's big , when Chen Geng said to Moscow, "see a few friends as private as"

At the moment, in his private plane took off, Moscow's countless eyes looked at the sky: This guy came to Moscow to do this? Even if the Vladimir Pu Mr. is not exception, he is also deeply curious: this guy, what is going to Russia? "Alekse, you said, Fernanders guy came to Russia this time, what did you want to do?"

Vladimir asked Alex asked.

"Sorry, Mr., I can't think of it,"

Alex as shakes his head, and the old man said: "But for his 'just look at the old friends', I am half word.

"Yeah, come and see old friends? Hehe ..."

Vladimir shakes his head and then told Alexei: "Mr. Marinkov saw me at three pm.

"Nikola Mallov?"

Alexie's brain is fast to turn a circle ... Don't turn it, in Russia, "Marionkov"

However, the big name, like the king of Huaxia, Zhang, Li, Zhao, you walked in the street "Hey, Marionkov, I haven't seen you for a long time"

It is estimated that there is one-third of people look back, so as the side of Vladimir, Alexei must figure out which Malinkov in Mr. Vladimir in the shortest time. Which Marlinkov is.

For good, Mr. Vladimir has just mentioned Fairno, but also Malinkov, and Malinkov, which is a good privatant with Fairnz Chen, and only the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Nikola Malinkov.

It turns out that Alekse did not guess the wrong, Marlinkov in the mouth of Vladimir is indeed the deputy director of the Ministry of Service, Nichola Malinkov, heard the words of Alexie, Mr. Vladimir gently "Well "


Alex Xie Song has a sigh of relief, hurriedly: "Okay, I will notify him."

"Accompanied by the tiger"

This matter, ancient and modern Chinese and foreign pool is an exception.

As for Mr. Nichola Malinkov, when receiving the phone from Alexei, the whole person is : What? !

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