king of power

Chapter 1522 Invitation

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Alekse thinks that if Fernande Cantonese is his friend, Mr. Vladimir is about to re-consider the value of this guy.

He asked in Nikola Malinkov, "Mr. Marinkov, is your relationship with Fernandes?"

Alexei is the most trusted person around Vladimir. Nikola Mallov can't tell him. He hesitated himself: "How do you say it? I am comparable to Mr. Fernandes, and then……"

Speaking of this, Nikola Marlinkov is somewhat embarrassed, secretly read Alekse.

The expression on the face of Alekse's face has not changed. What is going on the situation, who doesn't know.

Seeing the expression of Alekse, Nikola Mallov said: "Mr. Fernande is a very lonely person, and he has never seen whether the other party has money, use Mr. Fernandes. For example, 'anyway they have no money.

This sentence is too big to Alexei's harm. He instantly feels his heart.

It can be more heartbreaking, but he has no way to reverse.


Slightly depressed nodding, Alex asked to Nikola Mallov: "So Mr. Marinkov, did Mr. Fernandes have been to find you?"


Nikola Malinkov nodded quickly: "He said he is preparing to rent some transport aircraft and helicopters from Russia, I want to ask me to help.


Alexei suspected that he did not hear it wrong: Fernandes Chen came to Russia to find the deputy director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, just want to rent some aircraft? "Yes,"

Welming the eyes of Alexei, Nikola Mallov once again said: "He hopes to rented some aircraft from Russia, mainly an A-12, Il-76 and Mi-8 or rice-17.

"What did he rent a plane?"

Alexei is really something else.

"You don't know?"

Nikola Mallov is strangely looking at Alexei: "Mr. Fernande is one of the largest military contractors in the United States. This time Milinian has to do it in Afghanistan. Of course, he will earn a pen.


Alek Xie Zhang opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but did not say a word.

........................ "Fernandes Chen wants to rent some aircraft from Russia?"

Listening to Alexe said that Chen Li came to Russia this time, Comrade Vladimir also stunned: "Just like this?"

Alekie nodded: "Fernandez is only talking to Mr. Marinkov in the phone.

"This is ..."

Comrade Vladimir sinks.

As a family of bighamists, in Vladimir, Chen Geng wants to rent some aircraft from Russia. This is not a matter, and the current economic economy is very difficult, there is a significant number of military Equipment is not maintained and maintained in the ground, only on the ground, and for the big hair, it is not a precedent for renting their own equipment, and even in the 1980s, the former Soviet government will rent a 670 type cruise missile nuclear submarine. Give India, the nuclear submarine can rent, just a few transport aircraft and transport helicopters, which is really not very dense.

After sinking, Comrade Vladimir asked Alexei: "Is there a comrade Mallov in Malinkov?"

Alexei: What does Boss do? Do he prepare to rent Russia's aircraft to Fernandes Chen? "What do you do?"

Looking at the appearance of Alex, Flagimir said with a smile: "Alexei, do you feel surprised?"

"Hey ... it is a little,"

Alekse's old man nodded: "I didn't expect you to agree ..."

"Just rent a few transport planes,"

The meaning of Flagimir face: "I still say that you are worried about Fernande," ""

Alekse immediately shook his head.

How much benefits from the Soviet Union before the Soviet Union collapsed, this is not said, but there is a little, this guy is definitely a good partner.

Vladimir sneaked it, told Alexei: "Let's find a suitable person, hey ... let our embassy, ​​contact Fernandes Chen, said that I am looking forward to meeting with him. That kind of pure, completely private nature meet.

In Vladimir, Chen Geng wants to rent a few planes from Russia. It is not called a matter, and he really values, or the relationship between Chen Geng and Xiao Georg and the president before the United States. ... Yes, for many people, Chen Geng and Xiao Ge George seems to be somewhat unknown, but for the most powerful intelligence agencies on this planet, even if it is still in the world now Russia in one of the most powerful intelligence agencies, when Ross Mary's name appears in the list of Little George's Campaign Committee, the high level of the big hair has noticed this, and according to this self-determination : The relationship between Fernandes Chen and Xiao George, I am afraid that we have to be much thick than we think.

For yourself, this is enough for big hair.

As for those things that Chen Geng used to take away from the Soviet Union ... as a qualified or even a superior politician, the two words are already deeply in the bones of Vladimir.

Despite the temporary thinking about what Mr. Vladimir thinks, Alexei nodes do not hesitate: "Ok, Mr., I will arrange it.

.................... This is an instruction from Mr. Vladimir, and the big Mao Dietian Embassy attaches great importance to the ambassador person to contact Chen Geng. In order to explain this matter, please Request.

For the comrades of Vladimir want to see yourself, Chen Mong did not feel unexpected, he immediately told the ambassador to Mi Mijian: "No problem, can visit Vladimir in this Moscow trip Mr., this is also my wish.

Chen Geng has a quick agreement, and the ambassador of Mao's home is also a breather. I really worried that Chen Geng refused himself before this.

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