king of power

Chapter 1528 Do you do not support BOSS? (Brothers, again for

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After staying in Russia, Chen Li was full.

Not only is a cooperation intention with Russia, but also got Chen Li's most desired things: two An-12 transport plane, two Ir -76 transport aircraft, 5 frames - 17 plateau transporters and these models The maintenance team, when these aircraft and ground maintenance personnel are waiting for the US military aircraft in Afghanistan, it has been waiting here to laugh.

Chen Geng photographed the shoulders of Barry Hamp, said: "Bari, what you want, I will get you, then you can see you.

"Boss, you can rest assured,"

Barry Hamp slammed this Ir-76 thick landing gear, said that Chen Geng said with confidence: "I assure you that we are definitely except for official transportation power, the biggest private transportation and Combat power.

"Very good,"

Chen Geng's performance is very satisfied with Barl Hamp: "What else wants me to help, now I don't say hello, I have greeted it.

"That is gone.

Barry Hamp is a chest, confident: "BOSS, you will be better!"

Chen Geng Shen, asked Bauri Hamp: "Bauri, where are you ready to purchase?"

Among the contracts that Barry Hamp, in addition to the combat contract, there is also a part of the logistical contract. As for the Chen Tailor, there is no transportation machine, how can I provide a supply of supplies to the US military, um There is a kind of operation in this world called a bucket ... but now, since your transportation machine is in place, then there is no need to give some people again.

"Iran, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan ..."

Barry Hamp said that several names of the countries around Afghanistan: "BOSS, our supplies are generally purchased in these countries.

Chen Geng's brow wrinkled: this Barry Hamp, it is a bit unbelievable.

Looking at Chen Geng frowned, Bauri Hampton was a bit panicked: he didn't understand where he did not do, these countries were neighboring countries in Afghanistan, from the perspective of transportation, this distance It is the most advantageous.

I don't understand where I have committed the wrong Barry Hamp, and I will turn the eyes of the help to the Riener Taylor around Chen Li, I hope that Riener Taylor will save himself.

"Mr. Humph, the country you choose is not wrong,"

Rie Larn Taylor said: "But these countries are small countries, industrial doors are uncommon, not only high prices are high, but once your bulk purchases, not only price advantages, but will also increase price, right?"

Barry Hamp nodded: "Hey ... is this ..."

"Then why don't you look at it?"

Riener Taylor followed: "The east of Afghanistan is Huaxia, Huaxia is a big country. They are rich in physical production. The most important thing is that their industrial categories are very complete. You can purchase all the materials you need in any place. And the more purchased, the more you can fight enough.

"Hey ... Is this this?"

Barry Hambernne, he felt that he seems to understand anything, but some don't understand.


Riener Taylor is surely nod: "Huaxia is the fourth largest trading partner of our Milin, they can provide us with all the materials needed for logistics, and even when you have established a good partnership, you only need to give The other party sends a fax, the other party can be ready to be ready for the various materials we need, and ensure the price is low ... Oh, yes, I will give you a contact information, this contact information is BOSS in China The person in charge of a company, he will help you handle everything.

When I arrived here, if I didn't understand what I didn't understand, I could jump from the highest mountain in Afghanistan: BOSS is clearly in the China, and you can buy it. Let the money make money, I ran to Pakistan, Iran, these countries, you said, what do you mean? Thinking of this layer, the sweat of Barry Hamp: It is really a big big thing.

Fortunately, he is not stupid, immediately takes the measures to remedy, and nodded: "Miss Taylor, you are right, you said that my brain, I didn't expect to go to Huaxia ... Hey, you give me this Yes?"

"Huaxia Commercial Aircraft Manufacturing Industry Group General Manager Wang Dazhi.

Worried that Barry Hamp doesn't know the volume and ability of this company, Reni Taylor "Good"

Remind Batri Hamp: "This company is the largest commercial aircraft manufacturing company in Huaxia, which can produce Boeing 737 and Boeing 757 aircraft, which can also produce aerospace engines, helicopters and small fixed-wing aircraft with Boeing 747. It is a large-scale enterprise group having more than $ 1 billion in a year. It is basically equivalent to Boeing in China.

Barry Hamp's foot is soft, almost falls to the ground.

Yes, he did not heard this Huaxia Commercial Aircraft Manufacturing Industry Group, but the Riener Taylor's "Basic Boeing in Huaxia"

This sentence, let Barry Hamp hate yourself two mouths, so I wake yourself: What is it before? !

At this time, Riener Taylor was drifting. "This Huaxia Commercial Aircraft Manufacturing Industry Group is only one of the industries and investments of BOSS, in addition to the aircraft manufacturing, BOSS also has automobile manufacturing, real estate, Trops, fixed infrastructure construction investment, high-tech ... too much, I can't finish it for a while.

Barry Hamp!

His feet is soft, it is really soft, Barry Hamp swearing, if it is not a unremitting exercise for many years, this moment, I will sit on the ground, I have a big.

However, compared to the bart, Barry Hamp's heart is still shocking and shocking: Huaxia's Boeing is just one of BOSS in China, how many industries have invested in China in China? No wonder BOSS is the world's richest!

His hearts set up ideas, and looked back with Mr. Da Zhi.

............ "Mr. Humph seems to be frightened by you.

On the way back, Chen Geng and Rielan Taylor are fun.

"It is so stupid,"

Riener Taylor disdainful mouth: "I have never seen such a stupid person.

"Ha ha……"

Chen Gei also felt that Barry Hamp was still stupid, but he did not be angry, just felt very fun, then told Ri Ni Taylor: "Let the old king say a phone, and let him have a mental preparation.

"Okay, I will go."

................................ I received a call from Riener Taylor. Wang Da Zhi attaches great importance to it, thinking that Chen Li has had any new instructions, but when he understands a military person of his chairman. Contracting companies are ready to purchase some logistical supplies from Huaxia to make themselves to help coordinate, Wang Daxie suddenly pays attention.

Hanging up the phone, Wang Du Zhi quickly made this situation to the upper side: Although the Barry Hamp's purchase from Huaxia is some ordinary items, like bottled drinking water, food and so on, but After all, it is a military, and it is a military sold to another country. How should this matter to operate, whether it can be operated, he is also black.

A sector of the phone received from Wang Dazhi is also highly attached, because this kind of thing is not expensive, what should I do? Everyone started discussions immediately.

It is said that I can't pick up this list, the reason is that Mi State now is a missed war. If we provide logistical replenishment to Miki, it will become Mi Lijian's governance, but this argument comes out, it is immediately given I turned back ... "Is the rice people this time is a non-righteous war? This is a distinction, the family is so big, you still don't make people retaliate back? I will put it here today, if It is such a thing in our home, and I also firmly support the retaliation.

Not only that, I also believe that we provide logistical replenishment to the US military at this time, in fact, in order to show our attitude toward the US: We are in this military action with actual actions, don't forget, before Chen Pi Say that turned ... "

Ok? Huh? This argument came out, and everyone's eyes suddenly looked!

Previously, the relationship between the two countries can be described as reducing the ice point. But the plane came out, the relationship between the two countries quickly warmed, in just two or three months, the relationship between the two countries has been recovered very well, if at this time, Huaxia can provide logistical replenishment to the US military ... even if it is just a military container, the military contractor of the Mi country is purchased from Huaxia from Huaxia from Huaxia ... But we provide a supply and supply, but what did you explain? This shows that we have taken practical actions to support Milinian's action.

Only this point, compared to making money, it is a little thing.

Then, this old brother said: "Comrade Wang Dafu also said that Mr. Chen believes that in the next 2 years, the total amount of the US replenishment purchased from Huaxia will not be less than $ 1 billion.

This is coming out, it is a big shiny eye.

It is 2001, 2002, in 2002, after such an economic development of these years, our foreign exchange reserves are actually relatively abundant, no more nervous, but the "foreign exchange shortage" left behind the previous year.

It is not so easy to solve, this stuff is with "fire failure"

Same, it is forced, even if there is enough foreign exchange reserves, but still want to die, the most important thing is that this is not less than 1 billion US dollars!

The rice is of course giving the dollar!

Small money, really sweet!

It can further ease the diplomatic relationship with Milinjian through this measures, and you can make money through this measures. Can you not know what you should do? I immediately made a statement: "I support.

Someone first raised his hand, there is a second raise hand: "I also support.

"I also support,"

Of course, some people are relatively small, and they also expressed their support: "But in order to avoid stimulating some countries, I suggest that it is not coming to the official, and this matter is a general foreign company to come to our country's purchasing materials.

"? This method is also good.

"Yes, you can desalize political color ..."

......... After a letter, the plan will be handed over, the program has two suggestions: one is the purchase of this purchase as a general folk business activity, the official is not expressive; the second is the official implicit statement To name this to the meter, you support them.

As for which solution, you will look at the election.

There is no waiting for you for too long, and the final program and instructions will come down: allow purchase, put it as a regular private business activities, the government does not interfere, the relevant private business agencies can actively help coordinate.

Seeing this instructions, everyone will understand that the leaders mean that it is a civil business activity, but when we have any foreign teachers activities with Mili, this will come out: Xiao Qiao, When you are so awkward, I am, how is it? What does it mean? Probably this means .................................. Barry Humprum has not been to China, although this time he already knows that his BOSS has a lot of influence on this land, However, the publicity of the entire Western world is not white. At that moment, his feet have a soft, when the plane officially landed in a certain province of northwest, he feels that there is an invisible pressure. On your own body, let Barry Hambu can't help but take a deep breath.

But he just walked down the plane, stopped: there was a champagne golden Toyota smallba on the runway of the airport, and some people pulled two red long, with Chinese and English. "Warm welcome Bari Han Mr. Pu

- Bauri Hubprum can only read English, as for Chinese meaning, it is he guess.

English is a very good flight attendant, telling Bauri Hamp: "Mr. Humph, Mr. Wang Dagu is already waiting for you.

Wang Dazhi is waiting for me below? Barry Hamp is really a bit of a pet, he understands that he has no way to be with this "Huaxia Boeing" in the heart of BOSS.

The general manager is compared, and the other party actually came to the airport to welcome himself, which made Bauri Hump felt that he had a great face.

"thanks, thanks……"

Barry Hamp, I saw the flight attendant, while looking at the welcome people, I saw a suit wearing a cut-cut body, and the middle-aged man in the momentous middle-aged man was headed by him.

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