king of power

Chapter 1550 cuts the largest piece of cake

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"Or send it to ask,"

I have been sinking, Tommy Franks said: "Maybe the current technology has improved more?"

In the existing situation, he can only hopes this.

"Good gentleman.

Dennis Patrick nodded immediately.

Tommy Franks thought about it, and said a little self-deprecating: "This way, I personally write a letter to Mr. Welch, maybe AMC can pay attention to some.

Dennis Patrick hesitated, tested and asked: "General, your relationship with Mr. Fernandes is good, or you want to write a letter to Mr. Fernandez?"

Directly give Fernandes White Letter? Tommy Franks is still a bit, and some hesitation: the heart is the excuse for Fairnande, and no one does not point to pick; and the reason for hesitation is also very simple, don't look at yourself is a coalition commander, Can Fernandes Chen care what is ourselves? It is very clear that you are a coalition commander, cocamefus is very clear, and there is a good private relationship between Fernandes Chen and the Pentagon, and even the status of his position. What kind of.

"General, you are the commander of the coalition,"

Dennis Patrick advised: "As a commander, you can see the soldiers causing a small accidental casualty due to this situation, and ask the HMMWV military R & D company to help find a way, even if you pass it, for you Is it good news? "

Ok? Listening to Dandi Patrick said, Tommy Frankus sinking, laugh: It makes sense!

.................... As the commander of the coalition, the personal letter written by Tommy Franks is very valued. Reni Taylor will send the letter to Chenmong's hands in the first time.

Seeing Dennis Patrick's words in the letter, the AMC Group asked the army to design a protective property of the HMMWV military vehicle to protect the life of the soldiers, Chen Cheung couldn't help but smile: how so familiar ... ... Say, I have forgotten this business, this is a big business worth tens of millions of dollars.


See your boss in a daze, Ri Larn Thaler can't help but remind it.


Chen Geng reacted, nodded: "General Franks will give me a good business.

General Tommy Franks introduced a good business to BOSS? Riener Taylor did not read the content inside, so she was somewhat surprised: What kind of good business is Tommy Francs? Chen Geng also said that he told Riener Taylor: "Help me contact Mr. Welch, say I have a new project.

When Chen Geng arrived at the AMC Group Research Institute, Jack Welch was waiting for himself. He saw Chen Geng, Jack Wilch immediately greeted, smiled: "Boss, what is good news? "

Chen Mongxiao said: "General Tommy Frankus in the Afghan coallers wrote a letter to me, saying that the protection performance of the M1114 military vehicle is still inadequate, hoping that AMC can develop a set of protective properties for HMMWV military vehicles. Kit.

Jack Wellch frowned: "The carrying capacity of the HMMWV military vehicle has almost reached the limit. If the protection is increased, the chassis and suspension systems can't bear it.

This has not, or not, it does not refer to the normal road, but it is impossible to increase the weight of the body, and HMMWV cannot pass the military's password testing on various pavements through the military.

And Jack Welch is a little curious: BOSS is specifically running for this little thing? Don't you? "I think so too,"

Chen Geng's head: "I think we need to develop a good protective performance, a high-performance motor vehicle based on truck chassis, which is sufficient to prevent Afghanistan and Iraq's roadside bombs.


Jack Wellch's eyes shilly, and even asked Chen Geng asked: "BOSS, you said that after Afghanistan, we have to do it for Iraq?"

Although Iraq has a large-scale anti-injury weapon in the United States, I can have military actions in Afghanistan, even in the United States, there are also many people think that the US government is unlikely to do it ... Two wars, even if the two opponents are weak chickens like Iraq and Afghanistan, but only military expenditure is also enough to let the US government have a headache? Jack Welch is also thinking, but when the US government is preparing to Iraq's hands, Jack Wellch can't pay attention to it.


Chen Piped nodded: "The most late will not exceed the summer of next year.

In fact, in March next year, the Iraq war opened, but at this time, Chen Mong definitely can't say too much.

"March next year? That is not a few months ..."

"Yeah, not for a few months,"

Chen Geng nodded, meaning deep: "Jack, you know, HMMWV military vehicles are beginning to engage in the 80s, and now have more than 20 years ..."

How about 20 years? In fact, it is not very good, that is, the gods of the Pentagon are filled with this war.

This point is too clear in Jack Wellch, so he nodded: "I understand ... Boss, how many orders do you think this new type of high-protection vehicle?"

"Conservative estimation, there is also a large and medium-sized model, three models added, the total scale problem of 15,000 units is not large, as for the total value of this order, I think it will exceed 30 billion US dollars.

Chen Ming's reasoning is because he is very clear about the future of the US military, how big is the demand for high-protection anti-Anti-Anti-Anti-Anti-volute car, and also knows that in the future more than 10 years, Americans are on the battlefield of Afghanistan and Iraq. How many military expenses have been put, such a big input, how can you not come in a cup? More than $ 300 billion? !

Jack Wellch is excited!

Although he is very clear that the $ 30 billion orders cannot be all given AMC. If you want to eat or eat, then it will make anger, but this does not hinder AMC's largest cake in this.

He is a head: "BOSS, what do we do?"

"Taking advantage of everyone now has no chance to react, we quickly took out such a car,"

Chen Ge said: "As for the name of this high-protection vehicle, I call it anti-mine anti-action car.

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