king of power

Chapter 1556 is committed

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Xie deputy is always as good as the flow: "Lao Li said it also makes sense, then we are not as good as this, let's take a look at these brands, first look at their sincerity, Of course, the best choice is Cadillac and Lincoln, if general company And Ford is willing to cooperate with us, let them finalize the cooperation in the cooperation, many nights, how do you think of Xu Jiangping? "

Ok? For the deputy director, let the eyes of the people of the meeting suddenly lit: Yes, first contact these companies to see, and who will never cooperate, of course, it is more sincere.

Xu Jiangping also felt that this method is good, there is even a little idea in his heart: if the general car and Lincoln car are willing to take Cadillac, Linken comes out to work with us, isn't that better? After all, the previous ideas are only their own guess, Cadillac, Lincoln is reluctant to cooperate with Yiqi, but also everyone's conjecture, with the economic volume of Huaxia in the world, it is universal, Ford actually I really want to cooperate with Iqi? I thought here, Xu Jiangping opened, he said: "I think this method is good, hey ... everyone raises the table.

The result of the vote is not expected, and the full ticket is passed.

Other leaders of the meeting are the same mind: go to contact, never fall two pounds, in case Cadillac and Lincoln agree? The vote passed, this video conference was over, and the meeting was over. It does not mean that IA must contact these target companies. It is very simple. Iqi is a state-owned enterprise, and it is a core central enterprise. Although the state began to reform to state-owned enterprises, giving a larger autonomy in state-owned enterprises giving operations, but this major business matters involving foreign cooperation are clearly an exception. Xu Jiangping must first communicate with the leadership, listen to leadership meaning.

After sinking, Xu Jiangping took out the phone and dialed it. He said, he said with the warm tone: "Is there a time tonight? I have a meal together, I know that there is a place's sheep scorpion ... "

...................... Fortexuan is a very famous place in Beijing, a place to eat sheep scorpion. When Zhang Changmou arrived, it was 7:30 in the evening, it was the time in the hotel, and saw the standing Xu Jiangping at the door, Xu Jiangping quickly walked two steps, respectful to Zhang Chang, "old leaders, you are coming.

Zhang Changmou took more than ten years in Yifu. After the first step of the auto bureau, after a hollow, after the reform of the step, Zhang Changmou was already a deputy step, so Xujiang Ping, bished, said a old leader. It is not a problem.

Seeing Xu Jiangping's respectful action, Zhang Changmou is also very happy, laughing and walking: "Hehe ... Xiao Xu, I have said to you, don't be so polite, how do you not listen?"

"Hehe ..."

Xu Jiang Ping is just a laugh, and it does not answer.

Zhang Changmou is also welcome, he is self-importance, the feeling of I. It is the mother's family, and Xu Jiangping's old man, naturally the child's child, the big steps come to the private room, when he didn't let the land, he It doesn't work with Xu Jiangping, asking directly: "Xiao Xu, talk about it, what is it?"

For this speech habit of Zhang Chang, Xu Jiangping can't clearly clearly, heard, he immediately said: "Old leaders, we must expand the scope of foreign cooperation.


Zhang Chang nodded, and the Jiangsu Ping continued to say.

"The first two days officially gave approval to Brilliance and German BMW car cooperation. After heard this news, there was a gas,"

Xu Jiangping said: "Of course, this is not something else, but we are Yifan, as a eldest son, the brilliance cooperates with BMW, I heard that the first steam is also following the Mercedes-Benz ... Old leadership, the world Deluxe car brands are so many, and these little brothers in China are looking for someone. When we come to Yaqi's face? "

"Okay, I understand what you mean,"

Xu Jiangping said that Zhang Changmou has understood that Xu Jiang Ping's meaning. He stared at Xu Jiangping asked: "So? How do you think about it? Prepare to grab this partnership from Brilliance or Shougong ? "

"Of course, we can do this kind of thing as the old brother, how can I do this?"

Xu Jiangping hooks: "This time, please lead you, in fact, there is something to ask you to see you: If we also find a partner, such as Cadillac, Lincoln or Volvo, whether the organization is allowed We contact them? "

It turned out to be this!

Zhang Changmou laughed, and he is very satisfied with Xu Jiangping's practice.

Xu Jiangping is also looking for himself, just wanting his attitude: Looking at your little brother, I started to hold a big thick leg. FAW began to sit, I have an idea, but I still hope that I will not give my mind. At the same time, it is also hoping that he will make a son in policy.

To be honest, Zhang Changmou is very happy, Brilliance, Shouqi has hugged BMW and Mercedes-Benz's thigh. From this perspective, it is nothing wrong with the eldest son, from this perspective, Iqi is indeed It is grievable, but even in this case, Yifang also maintains the style of the eldest son. It does not bully the little brother, the little sister, this is fine.

He nodded: "I feel that there is no problem in principle ... Hey, I will communicate with the leaders, but the problem should not be big. These years have a contribution to the country, and the leaders also look at the eyes. inner.

Xu Jiangping is big, and I am busy with Zhang Chang.

...................... Zhang Changmou did not make a promise, the next day, he said this with the boss of the letter production, and the boss also felt that it was bought in this matter: as a eldest son, then There should be a long treatment, but now, it's really not appropriate.

The boss immediately nodded that if Iqi is willing to take the initiative to contact the partner, it will fully support their actions.

With this sentence of the leadership of the supervisor, Iqi side is completely relieved, and I have returned to Xujiangping in Spring City, immediately take the group's name to Cadillac, Lincoln, Lexus, Volvo, Audi and Jaguar and other European and American luxury car brands Ask the letter, indicating that he intends to go to the other company to investigate, is the other party convenient? If it is convenient, please also ask the other party to assist in handling business inspection visas.

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