king of power

Chapter 1558 is never missed

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What is the German reaction? The following people are very clear how their boss wants to enter the Huaxia market, and how to be blocked twice outside the door of Huaxia Market, so after the Iqi Group's public letter, it immediately caused Ferdinan Germany. Pay attention.

For the Huaxia Yives Group, Ferdan De Pijish is not strange, so after it is indeed the letter from Huaxia Yiqi Group, Ferdinn De Pijish immediately told: "Check the applause, the purpose of Huaxia Yives Group what exactly is it.

Although the current year of Wolfur Motors "only"

1.7 million, but it is also a first-class car manufacturer in Europe. Although there is no entrustment to China, if the entrustment will be ambassador to the Embassy in China, it is really a word, soon, the situation understands I saw that Huaxia Brilliance cars officially established cooperative relationships in BMW in Germany, and Huaxia Shouqi Group also started with German Mercedes-Benz Group to hook up, Huaxia's largest auto industrial manufacturing group: FAW Group began to sit still They also want to find a world-class luxury car brand to cooperate.

The opportunity of Wolf Mao car is coming!

Got this news, Ferdinand Pijich's eyes suddenly lit up, immediately told: "Let Wen De En see me!

Martin Wen Den, Chairman of the Audi Group's Board of Directors I just taken this year, I still caught him, Ferdinn de Piji asked him directly: "Martin, how do you see the Chinese market?"

Martin Wen De En: Huaxia Market? But his reaction is not slow, and immediately said: "Sir, I think if Audi wants to be a real world-class luxury car brand, you must enter the China market.


Listening to Martin Wen Den said, Ferdinand Pieri smiled: "Why do you say this?"

"Because the current China, after these years of reform and opening up and economic development, it has become the engine of global economic development."

Martin Wen Den did not hesitate to say: "The most important thing is that the current Chinese society has accumulated a considerable wealth, this, from the Chinese passenger car, a continuous year, more than 3 million It can be proved that the most rare is that Huaxia's economy has maintained a very high growth rate, which is unimaginable.

In short, whether it is from the total amount of GDP, GDP growth or any other measurement of the economic index of a country, it means that the current Huaxia is no longer the Western society habits, and for our Wolf Mao, give up Entering such a market telling growth, it is simply unimaginable.

Yes, Martin Wen De En can't understand, why didn't Wolf Burgon not enter Huaxia? What do you think about the three major shareholders of Wolfur Motors: Porsche family, Pijish family and the Saxony Government think? When the US cars have entered the Huaxia market, even when Mercedes-Benz and BMW began to hook in Huaxia's business, Wolf Mao did not move.

Talking about this, Ferdinand Piyi laughed: "Martin, do you think that the board did not see the Huaxia market?"

Ok? Listening to Tidand Pijish said that Martin Wen Den immediately realized that things were not as simple as they thought.

"As early as 20 years ago, we were brewed into the Huaxia market, and at that time, the early 1980s,"

Talking about this, Ferdinand Pijix's eyes are not brought a bit of memories: "You probably be imagined, the Chinese in the 1980s is actually very poor, just like many movies described in the past, There is no technology, so in the negotiation process of the Chinese government, we are actually more advantageous ... "

Martin Wen Den listened to the end of the end.

Although he entered the Wolf Fort Group from the beginning, he was only a general worker 20 years ago, and where did the Wolf Fort Group have had such a paragraph with Huaxia? As for the process of negotiations, such as the "we are more dominant" in Ferdinand Piji.

In fact, it is said that the German attitude is arrogant, Martin Wen De En does not feel that this is not something wrong: we are more powerful, so we are proud, what happened? But in this way, Martin Wen De En will not be curious, I can't help but ask: "Mr., then?"


As soon as I said, Ferdinn de Piji couldn't help but smirk: "At that time, we talk to Huaxia, who can think of it, at that time, Fernandez Chen took his AMC. Huaxia, so, you will know ... "


Martin Wen Denn silently said: What is this special mother? "Later, he came to the 80s tacit understanding, we tried to cooperate with Huaxia, but the death of Fernandes Chen ..."

When it comes to Chen Geng's name, Ferdinand Piyi's mouth can't help but twice, this is only said: "In short, the two chances put in our face, all were stirred with Fernandes.

Martin Wen Den listened to the end of the end.

Before this, he has always been quite strange. Boss does not see the rapid development of the Huaxia economy. Why didn't I enter this market for the world's largest population? I only know that it is not the plan to enter the Huaxia Auto Market. It is called by the two slaps. So the problem has come, Mr. Ferdin Deli Sihi suddenly called him in this time, what is it for? thing? Is it ... Thinking here, Martin Wen Den suddenly a spirit, hurriedly looked to Ferdinand Pijish: "Mr., you mean ..."

"No reminder,"

For Martin Wen Denn, Ferdinand Pijish is very satisfied, appreciated, I have never been able to work after seeing Mercedes-Benz cars and BMW cars in Huaxia before seeing Mercedes-Benz cars and BMW cars. I have lived, I am also ready to find a world-class luxury car brand to cooperate, so ... "

As the chairman of the board of directors, Martin Wen Den immediately responded immediately: "Mr. you mean, let Audi cooperate with Yives?"

Ferdinand Piki nodded, flashing in the eyes: "This is the great opportunity of our Wolf Fort Group to enter the Huaxia market!

This time, I am absolutely not allowed to miss again.

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