king of power

Chapter 1572, improve the proportion of military military contributions

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"This is not wrong,"

Chen Domini is on the armrest of the sofa: "We are the guardians and protector of civilized world. Many countries in this world enjoy the security and umbrellas provided by Milin, then, in our need to spend more military expenses. When you provide protection for peace of the world, are those protected by the protector, and have a obligation to provide us with more support? "


Little George's eyes have grown up.

At this time, he does not understand Chen Geng's meaning: Milin's overseas military base, the country is to bear part of the garrison cost, such as the US military station in Dongpu, the East Government wants to provide the Milinan government The expenses of 62 to $ 7 billion are embarrassed by station ... My army stationed in your country, you have to provide me with garrison funds, Milin is so overbearing.

Of course, Dongpu is a wonderful figure in the wonderful, and there are so many other countries, even as the Germans of the World War II for World War II, the garrison fees provided to Miliejian are not 100 million US dollars.

Taking into account the total number of people in the German army up to 7.

50,000 people, in fact, there is no matter how much money on each head in the head of Demilian.

But this is not the focus, the focus is, Chen Li's meaning is to improve the cost of garrison? Prior to this, Xiao Jorget had never thought of so much, so he said with the Baba: "This ... Fernandes, this is not right?"

"What is not suitable?"

Chen Geng Li Zhuang said: "Our military spending has accounted for 3 of the total national product.

7, will reach 4% next year, but we provide security to the world!

And what is the German we protect? Because of our protection, their military costs are maintained in GDP all year round.

Around 2%, in general, the proportion of military expenditures in a country in GDP is approximately 2.

8% to 4% is more healthy, higher than this ratio, will have a negative impact on the development of the economy. If it is below this ratio, it means that this country will be used in the national defense expenditure. Money is used to develop the economy.

Therefore, this is obvious, our Huamijian taxpayer's money provides protection for the Germans, but the Germans do not save this part of the money to our soldiers, but hold this money to develop their own economy In the Daruto, do you think this is fair? "

Xiao George's eyes are bright.

Fair unfairness is not the focus, the focus is that he suddenly found that he has a great reason for the money to allies.

If you can't finish it ... "And George, this is not a focus, our overseas garrison needs a large number of employment local staff in the local area, and we need to spend local, so our soldiers have also played the role of the local economy. According to statistics, single is our dermatoma, one year can create at least $ 5 billion in income for the country, if counted, this number is twice as much as the number of upstream industries!

But, we only got a little poor garrison fee every year, George, do you give this situation? Is it reasonable? And if we can improve the proportion of the country of overseas garrison, we can compress our military expenses, use more money to develop our own economy, do you say this is this? "

In fact, even if the United States has improved the proportion of the country in the country where the overseas garrison is located, the military complex of the sweetness will also change the military expenditure, and if you want to save the money to develop the domestic economy, it is impossible. But this is not the focus, the focus is that this link must be said so.

"I know,"

Xiao Jorgeted a long time, then nodded: "What you said!

However, after the words, Xiao George is smirking again: "But Fernandes, you know, improve the proportion of military charges in the country of overseas garrison, this is very troublesome, nor I can push it alone ... "

"I understand, I understand,"

If you don't wait for Xiao Ge, Chen Geng nodded: "George, I understand how difficult this is, I just ask you, if I come to work, will you support me?"

"You come to work? Fernandes, are you not joking with me?"

Xiao Jorzhi has widened his eyes, and his face did not dare to confuse. Just just, Xiao Jorgeti thought that Chen Mi came to say this. It is hope that he will promote the proportion of military contributions to the country where overseas is located. I didn't expect it, this guy is ready to play? "of course,"

Welcoming Xiao George is shocking and not daring to confuse the eyes. Chen Piped is nod: "George, don't forget, I am a governor of the United States, the governor of the United States, since I am in this position, I must Milin's interests ... Of course, as the president of Milin, when I am driving this, you will support me, right? "


Xiao Ge said, don't know what to say, although he didn't know why Chen Li suddenly had to do this, but this is not a focus, the focus is true to Mi Lijian, even the advantage of this big lead, once this It is really forcing the country where the garrison is in the country, which is definitely able to use the great political achievement during the ruling period. When you get the next campaign, you will blow it.

So, although Chen Li is doing this to do this, Xiao George is still unsure, and the extraordinaries are absolutely simply: "Of course!

This undoubtedly!

I support you 120,000 points, there is any need to help, you come to me.

"That is said,"

Chen Geng nodded, he is waiting for Xiao George: "So ... we keep close communication with this matter at any time?"

Listening to Chen Li, the more happy, Xiao Jorge laughs: Fernandez Chen is clearly sent to himself.

"Of course, this is what it should be ... Fernandes, what will you do next?"

After realizing that this matter has the benefits of yourself, especially after the benefits of the next election, Xiao Ge George immediately adjusted his mind and began.

"I will communicate this one with a good friend who is better to have a better relationship, letting these friends send some sounds as private as private."

Chen Wirong said: "When you have these voices, we can discuss this thing in justice.

Then you can find a German, especially if you find Schone.

Of course, this is not necessary to tell Xiao George.

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