king of power

Chapter 1580 is scary

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Richard Ford stayed.

George Soros has also stayed.

Fernandez Chen Yanzhi's chisel said that it takes five years to kill Lehman Brothers, which is like a joke.

Who is the Lehman Brother? This is an old-fashioned investment bank, which has been established in 1850, and has been managed in the hands of more than 150 years, and the funds managed by the whole world have become the world 's rich, the first choice of investment banks (in this period, Hong Kong Island and The 4V star selected the Lehman Brothers as the preferred partner. Of course, when the Lehman Brothers bankrupt in 2008, these Hong Kong Island and 4V stars were the most worse, almost all of the bloodsartments were sorry.

Not only that, because of the huge success, Lehman Brothers have been involved in the three major stock indexes of the United States in 1998, becoming the standard Pubei 500's constant stock, 2000 is the most beautiful and professional journal: "Business Week" For the best investment bank in 2000, in the previous year, in 2001, it was incorporated in Puel 100, which became a member of the Netherlands Amsterdam Stock Exchange ... Just a world's top investment bank, Fernandes Chen I dare to say that only five years will let him disappear in this world? !

The first reaction of Richard Ford is that this guy is definitely crazy: Do you know who we are? We are Lehman Brothers!

George Soros's first reaction is also the guy is definitely crazy. Do you know who you are talking about? This is the Lehman Brothers!

Especially Richard Ford, he is aware of the two sounds: Dry the Lehman Brothers with five years, hahaha ... Is there anything more coming than this? It can be said that the mouth is, Richard Ford suddenly discovered that he couldn't say it. It was at this time. Richard Fald suddenly realized a thing: Fernandes Chen Guy, more than just a business, he has a keen sense of financial smell, so that all investment agencies are in touch with ... aware of this, and then look at Chen Monga's full look at it, but slowly They are all calm faces, Richard Ford's heart is immersed: Movieman brothers have any fatal vulnerabilities that have not been discovered yet, were discovered? Also at this time, Richard Ford suddenly sounded Chen Geng's nickname: Dongfang wizard.

Yes, this guy is the Oriental Wizard. The legend is really a mysterious witchcraft with the orientation ... Don't blame Richard Ford so much, because in the United States, there are still many people believe Chen Geng is a true oriental wizard, and there is a powerful manner. This is a lot of media reported, even outside Chen Geng's estate, often seeing someone is there, and even often can see someone. Learn the prayer habit of the Orientally burned paper money, Shantou, engaged in Chen Geng's bulls - so of burning paper money and hoe this top grave, why turned into the oriental prayer ceremony, this is to ask the Tang people Eat.

Don't say, in those praying people, there are always people who have gone good luck. According to the guiders of Chinatown, they need to come back later, and listening to the guys who come back. After spontaneous promotion, I believe that Chen Geng's man has a man, and the more adhered to this.

Their reasons are very powerful: If Mr. Fernande, Mr. Chen does not really have mana, how can he be a world rich in such a short time, and his investment has no failure experience? So, this shows that a mana at which Fernandes Chen at least is the fog of time and future.

Although Chen Li is never admitted to this statement, but funny is that Chen Gongxue is not recognized, and it is more and more people who believe that Chen Geng has the man's law, and there is a statistical agency to do an incomplete. Statistics, saying in Milin, at least 500,000 people are Chen Geng's believers ... It is very unfortunate, Richard Ford is some of the people who know Chen Geng has a mana, and it is the one who belongs to it. Dial, now I heard Chen Geng so firm, Richard Ford spells, an idea is in the heart of Richard Ford: Mr. Fernandez Chen is not only discovered by Lehman Brothers. The business vulnerability, also passed the fog of time, saw the future of Lehman Brothers? This is too scary!

Richard Ford voice trembled to Chen Ge: "Mr. Fernande, you ... have you seen?"

Chen Geng listened: "What?"

Richard Ford is anxious, what is angry with Chen Geng at this time? He said: "Mr. Fernandes, is you using your mana, see the future of Lehman Brothers? See the Lehman Brothers?"

George Soros's heart shocks, the face is bigger!

He knows what Khande Ford is said: Fernandes Chen is a man, his mana can make him feel the fog of time and future, so he will shoot in every investment activity. Will be in!

In Wall Street, I believe that Chen Geng has a lot of people, or more accurately, in the US financial industry and investment industry, there is a considerable number of people think that Chen Pigang is really manual, although this "believe"

It's just a half-sinter suspected, but this is half a suspect is also very honest. Maybe in the usual time is half-slut, you can go to a critical moment, such as this moment, are you half a suspended suspicion or really believe in it? However, compared to Richard Ford, George Sorros thought is more far: If Fernandes Chen offers a fatal problem in Lehman Brothers, there is a similar problem, is there any problem? The most important thing is that this fatal vulnerability is discovered by this bastard? Think about this action to German, George Soros can't help but think about why the entire Wall Street did not see the problem of Germany, but he didn't see him in Fernandes Chen. Thinking of this, George Sorros's forehead emerged on a layer of fine sweat.

But he didn't dare to rub, but with Richard Ford, he asked Chen Geng asked: "Yes, Mr. Fernandes, have you really saw it?"

What is this?

Richard Ford and George Soros have made Chen Geng can't help but want to sigh, this situation he has seen many times, but this time ... Chen Gill is just a slight smile, nothing Say.

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