king of power

Chapter 1590 is playing together

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When Schroer was prepared to hold the cabinet member meeting, Chen Li was also called.

For Shang Nichola Malinkov, Chen Mi did not polite with him, directly said: "Nikola, I need you to help."

Chen Tong is not polite, Nikola Malinkov is not polite, very clear that the location of yourself to sit still is the relationship with Chen Geng, without hesitation: "You said.

"Milinian is something that needs Russia, I don't know if Mr. Vladimir can help?"

I listened to Chen Geng that Milinian needs Russia's help. Nikola Mallov's expression suddenly got a serious, if it is a private thing, a big thing is not a problem, but if it is a national thing This is not that you can insert your mouth, let alone Mr. Vladimir is an extremely strong person.

He is cautious: "Can I tell me what is it?"

"of course,"

Chen Geng's nods: "This matter is actually very simple, it is hoped that Russia can release the wind, saying Russia considers the existence of military existence in Europe, and considering strengthening the strength of the Baltic Fleet.

Strengthening military existence in Europe? Strengthen the power of the Baltic fleet? And just consider? Is this? Nikola Mallov has some don't quite understand Chen Geng's meaning, or he is a bit not understanding what the Americans want to do.

I have hesitated, Nikola Malinkov asked: "Mr. Fernandes can tell me why?"

Chen Geng did not answer, but said to Nikola Mallov: "If you tell Mr. Vladimir, you will say that he is related to Germany.

I heard Chen Geng said that I was related to Germany, and Nikola Mallov's heart was bright!

Although Nichola Malinkov is not the core of Russia, it is also the deputy minister of the Ministry of Service, let alone Russia has always regarded Milijian as its largest opponent worldwide, so Milijian is the focus of the Russian intelligence department, even the focus of the focus.

During this time, Milinan suddenly appeared in the country's big discussion, from the beginning, the Germans in Afghanistan were a group of slag to the present Americans, out, to help German development economy, protect Germany national security, As a result, the Germans still don't have a feeling ... this has a taste of a thick conspiracy!

Russia has also died with Milini to die for decades. It is thinking that Chen Geng is now looking for Russia to help. On this copy, Nikola Malinkov, I don't know what the merits are playing. ? "I understand,"

Nikola Malinkov immediately said: "If you help you, what can Russia get?"

"You can ask Mr. Flagimir first, what he wants,"

Chen Ge said: "After all, it is just a little breathing, and the other don't do anything, right?"

The big country tacit.

Nikola Malinkov does not speak, he also takes a good condition for Mr. Flagimir, but no matter what, hurry to report this situation first to Mr. Vladimir.

.................... Listening to Alexe Malinkovs, the reason is that Fernandes Chen has something to help, Vladimir doesn't hesitate, and I have promised it, in the afternoon. Give Nikola Mallkov for 10 minutes at 5:10.

See Nichola Malinkov, Vladimir did not hesitate, and asked Nikola Mallov directly: "Mr. Marinkov, what is going on?"

"Is this ..."

Nikola Malinkov did not dare to neglect, and quickly explained the situation to Vladimir. The news is going out, and it is actually used to do it ... don't add oil to vinegar at all.

Vladimir is worthy of Vladimir, although Nikola Mallov doesn't have any additional oral vinegar, but if he finished, Vladimir has already understood what happened, smile: " It seems that Miki people have to clean up the German this time.

Nikola Malinkov laughed and dared to talk.

"sure, no problem,"

Didn't let Nikola Malinkov have been waiting for too long, Vladimir agreed to it: "It is not a big problem.


Nikola Malinkov waited for a long time, and didn't wait until Vladimir came down. It was really couldn't help it. Is this? Condition, what? He opened: "Mr., our conditions? What?"


Vladimir smiled and shakes his head: "There is no condition.

Nikola Malinkov's eyes have been rounded: "There is no condition?!

Not only Nikola Malinkov is very shocked, Alekse is also very essential, although the surface seems to have nothing to do, nothing is to release a fake news, but this is the national strategy of Russia with Milinian. For the country and the country, how can this matter not accept? What did Flagimir think? Comrade Vladimir also did not explain, just to Nikola Mall Cofov said: "You tell Mr. Fernande, saying that there will be news in these days, we don't want any benefits, just when he owes it. I am a person.

Nikola Malinkov and Alex, I'm very high: high!

It's really high!

It is indeed high, saying, is Russia with the US national strategy, it can be reached, but Russia released a little message, the most important thing is that Nikola Mallov or Vladimir is actually true. I understand that even if there is no Russian cooperation, Americans must have a way to pack Germany, that is, Russia is really important in this matter, but it is not so important, not Russia can't, less Russia can't work.

In this case, it is better to simply do anything, as long as he Fernandes Chen's human condition is good - Fernandes Chen's human condition, the key moment can be more benefits than now.

Reconscious this, whether it is Nikola Mallov or Alexe, it is not allowed to admire Vladimir: No wonder people can become big BOSS, this is not satisfied!

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