king of power

Chapter 1591 of the German panic

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PS: The brothers are embarrassed, this is 1592 chapters, not 1591.

------------ When the more and more sounds in the media began to discuss whether Milin should withdraw military from Germany, and the German government is therefore fear ... Maybe there is still a little happiness, An uncertain message is actually coming: Russia seems to be discussed to strengthen the military existence in Europe, and is considering strengthening the strength of the Baltic Fleet.

For Germany, this news is really a sunny day, directly gives the Germans to the seven epitsules: Germans to strengthen the military power in Europe? !

To say Germany, France, the United Kingdom, the four strong countries in Europe, who is most afraid of Russia? This is no doubt is Germany.

Britain and France are not only one of the five permanent members of the United Nations. More importantly, these two people have their own nuclear weapons, especially the presence of the second nuclear counterattack for the ballistic missile nuclear, so that Russians must The murine is awkward: unless Russia wants to Game over, if you want to Game over, it is impossible to have a situation in which the land of the entire country's entire country has been administered.

As for Italy, although there is no nuclear weapon in Italy, the Italian army is also a smile in the whole world, but it is not honest in the Italian now become a honest child. Since I don't fight, I am old and old. My little day - After the entire World War I, I have heard that the British is full of bobbars. I have heard that the French people stamped here. Let's do it, even if it is Germany, although there is nothing to say, but in politics is also Not honest all day, who can I heard what moths have been made after World War II? So the whole Europe, who is going to say who is the most worried old man, no doubt is Germany, even if Germany has joined the "Nuclear Weapons Policy of the North Atlantic Convention"

But as long as you have no nuclear weapons in your hands, this feeling that is used by the gun is absolutely won't disappear.

When receiving this message, Schroeders were all , his first reaction is: "Is the message determined? Is it true?"

"Not very sure,"

Peter Shtruck shakes his head, his look is also very nervous: "The intelligence department is tightening, but Mr. I think this matter must be carefully treated.

"Of course, of course,"

Schroed's whole person looked as a quite hand, and the anxiety came to walk in the office: "Of course, you have to treat it with caution ... This group of damn wild bear is going on, why did they suddenly strengthen the European direction? Military power? "


Peter Stroke does not speak, he is not a mites in the brain of the old man. How did he know that these brains are all alcohol guys think? However, when I came back, in Peter Shtrug, these damn wild bear made a wonderful movement is not surprising, have you been this? Follow Schroer, after seeing Peter Stroke, finally stubbornly adjusted a little mood, said: "Although the intelligence department is still verifying, they always have a basic judgment? How do you see of?"


Peter Shtruck said: "Intelligence agencies believe that this kind of thing is possible.

"How to say?"

"Because the Americans now put more energy into the Middle East,"

Peter Strike did not hesitate to say: "And you know, those who have always been seen in Europe, all the time to be energetic in Iraq and Afghanistan, all in the United States. Wild bears are a bit stupid, I think it is normal.


Schroed didn't talk, listened to Peter Stroke, he also felt normal.

It can be normal. Once the dead polar bear has strengthened their military existence in Europe, Germany can don't twist: I have a big rush.

"The government will follow the press conference to express the statement, and ask the Russian government to explain the situation, whether to strengthen its military power in Europe and the Baltic Fleet, if they want to do this, the German government will definitely carry strong condemn,"

Schroede finished, looking at Peter Stroke: "As for the military, what advice do you have?"

"My suggestion is absolutely can't let the Americans disarmed,"

Peter Schtruck heard the words: "You know, this time is required to ask Americans to cut the number of battles, and more and more American people also believe that the United States is While providing protected Germany, Germany has not given a sufficient return to the security protection provided by the United States, so ... "

"This one……"

Schroeders hesitated, and suddenly lowered the sound asked Peter Stroke: "Peter, I always think that Russia suddenly strengthens the military power in the European direction is too embarrassing, the United States will ask us to increase The military expenditure of the army, we just refused this, the Russians began to have a move, you said ... this is likely ... "

Peter Stroke heard, I couldn't help but stunned. Before this, he really didn't think about this possibility. Now I still listen to this way, he can't help but start thinking.

But after thinking for a moment, Peter Stroke finally shook his head: "I think the possibility is not big.

Schroed frowned: "Oh? What?"

"It's very simple, and the Americans and Russians have been dead,"

Peter Shtruck said: "If they really have such a tacit understanding, Americans should be more convenient when dealing with many European affairs? But you know, Americans are very difficult in many European affairs. And never got a mating of Russians.

The most important thing is, now I don't know how many Russians are missing the original Soviet Union, even in the Russian high-level, it also treats the United States as their biggest enemy, you said ... this might? "

"This is also!

Schroer thought of thinking about it, but also think that he thinks more, with the enemy's enemy of the Americans, if it is a bad thing of the Americans, the Russians must be a lot, but this Give the Americans to apply to other countries ... When did the Russians have to have this kind of thing? Thinking of this, Schroeded couldn't help but a sentence: "The dead Americans, the luck is good!"

"Yeah, the dead Americans are really walking the dog!

Peter Shtruck also followed him, and he also thought that Americans were so special.

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