king of power

Chapter 1608 home sales

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The two have just finished this matter, the ground bench is also ready, the engineer came to see if the test can start, Wang Dazhi is native is nod, and the invitation of Feng Directors prescribe the button started - Not today, I invite Dr. Feng to run this. And Director Feng, naturally, is also as good.

The launch procedures for the big thrust aerial engine are somewhat complicated. If it is on the plane, you must first start the APU, start the engine by the APU (except for starting the engine, the APU is also responsible for the aircraft to stop in the ground, not starting the engine Air conditioning system, lighting system, and cab system and full machine detection system provide electric power that can work properly), and in general, the output power of an APU system is 100 kilowatts, so the startup of the plane Probably a small start motor to start the maximum power for the APU of the hundred kilowatts, and then start the engine by the APU.

At this moment, the launching program is almost, but at this moment, the starter responsible for starting the engine has started, accompanied by the von director presses the start button, the starter starts, and slowly put this military version RB211 The engine started to the slow car state, after a slow running in the slow car, the engine's fuel injection system started oil, accompanied by a smoke, the engine was successfully started ... The warm applause was ringing, although everyone knows This engine must be launched smoothly. After all, Shangfei Group is too familiar with RB211, but it is still very excited when the engine is started smoothly.

Director Feng is more excited. He is happy to take the arm of Wang Dazhi loudly: "Good!

it is good!

Comrade Wang Dafu, your Shangfei Group has been working with the country. With this engine, I have more confident in the large transport plane of our country.

" ..."

The same excitement is unhappy, this will only know how to scratch your head.

...................... The first test of this military version of the RB211 engine, according to normal test standards, as long as the engine can be ignited smoothly, and the speed can reach the maximum speed of the speed, even if the entire test work is completed. It is impossible to run this in full speed, which is impossible.

But no one is sorry, even if Feng Director, he already knows today's test subject, so when I saw the engine's speed has reached 80% of the design speed, it is also a laugh. At the same time, when I encourage Wang Dazhi, I will also give it a good arrogance and arrogance, strictly do this engine's testing ... The future large transport plane of China is relying on this engine over the day.

Comrade Wang Dafu is naturally a nod, saying that we will definitely provide qualified air engine cloud cloud ... Send away the second day of Feng Director, Wang Dazhi rushed to the Er-76 transport plane of the horse. division.

Shangfei Group is now a well-known air product and technology research and development unit. Although the core equipment of the aviation engineer is from the previous Soviet Ir-76 transport plane, the aviation engineer is the commercial flight group. Direct -9 helicopters produced, before a certain number of armed helicopters, which were shielded, and did not have long equipment, with the United States CH-54 "Tach"

Heavy-duty helicopter is very well understood by the heavy helicopters of the reference object, so for the arrival of Wang Dazhi, the leaders of the aviation engineer are very welcome, the teacher, the political commissar is not good to leave the camp, directly arranged a little and Wang Dazhi. The Qin Deputy Political Committee went to the airport to give Wang Da Zhi.

The Qin Deputy Political Committee has been working in the total assembly. He is already very familiar with Wang Dazhi. After receiving Wang Dazhi, he laughed and said with Wang Dabu: "My Wang is always, not I said you, your company will have Airport, we also have airports, I heard that your group has regulations, the leadership travel is to use the official jet? Do you use the business opportunity, from your company's airport, come directly to our airport, save more? "

"Then let you check our plane for a month, see if there is any spy equipment on my plane?"

Wang Da Zhi Yu Yu: "I am not so stupid.

I am a business jet that can be used by the group. This is right, let a business opportunity fall in military airport? Not only sensitive, Wang Dagizhi feels that this is too arrogant and rampant, working in a lot of people, Wang Dazhi's mind is the clearest thing to: Life at any time, but cannot be mad.

It's like you have come to visit the aviation engineer's leadership, and the first class of the people is not the same, it is not.

Qin Deputy Political Committee laughed.

After smiling, the Qin Deputy Political Committee asked Wang Da Zhi: "Dao Wang, you can always give me a bottom, this time you come to our teacher, what is it for?"

Wang Da Zhi did not immediately answer, but asked Qin Deputy Political Commissions: "Lao Qin, I heard that there are several Er-76 transporters that have been delivered earlier, and it is going to have a big repair?"

When I said this, I didn't have a smile on my face of Qin et al., Wrinkled with brows: "Yes, you also know that our country has such a large jet transporter, it also needs, there is also the need there, These transportation machines have been very powerful in these years, and the engine is indeed greatly repaired.

When it comes to this, the Qin Deputy Council seems to be reacted, and the surprises have asked Wang Dazhi: "How? Lao Wang, do you want to pick up this job? I don't want you to say, you also know that our air force will have an engine. Repairing the factory, they have stared at this job.

"I am going to grab it with them, not enough money,"

Wang Da Zhi looked at the Qin Deputy Council: "I came over this time, one is to see the old friend, the other, I want to negotiate with our units to replace the Il-76.

"Reminimate Ir -76?"

Qin Deputy Political Committee: "What to do?"

"Of course, the aviation engine produced by our Shangfei Group,"

Wang Dazhi is a look, and said to be strong: "Our Group's D-30KP-2 engine is in the same thrust level, but the weight is greater, the fuel consumption is lower, and since weight Lower engine has passed the national acceptance, got the model certificate and production license, this is not, do you sell you? "

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