king of power

Chapter 1610, one or two hands

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It turns out that!

Comrade Lao Qin finally understood the plan of Wang Dazhi, but said that if the Commercial Flying Group's "TAY"

MK1110 This engine really has such a better introduction, not only the thrust and D-30kp-2, but also the weight, the fuel consumption is lower, the overhaul cycle is longer, more convenient, and the maintenance spare parts is also cheaper. The most important thing is to produce the company's company, do not have to worry about the card neck of Russia, which is also a good thing for the use of equipment.

The intention of Wang Dafu is also very simple, that is, write a report to them with them, requested an Ir -76 transport machine, modified "TAY" for this Ir-76 transport machine.

The MK1110 engine is trying. If it is successful, it can save a lot of ship oil, but also benefit for the improvement of the combat power of the entire army.

After sinking, the old Qin comrades he half of the suspected question: "Lao Wang, you tell me the truth, your engine really does you say so good?"

"Old Qin, why is my Wang Dago? Maybe in this kind of thing,"

Wang Dagizhi hits the day: "And, even if you don't believe me, you can also go to the civil aviation market to see our F100, F120 and F150 series of civil aviation planes, these three series of airplanes are all our The 'Tay' series of avionics, this series of engines have been used in civil aviation market for more than ten years, quality, reliability, easy maintenance, and fuel consumption can be all monument.


The old Qin comrade reacted at once: Yes, if Wang Da Zhi, this guy recommended this "TAY"

MK1110 engine is really their "tay"

The latest, the most powerful model is "TAY" in the family.

The series of vortex engines in the civil aviation market, this engine should also be less.

Thinking of this, Comrade Lao Qin finally nodded: "Well, I will see our teacher and political commissar later, I will talk about this."

Wang Da Zhi immediately smiled and looked to the old Qin comrades.

The joint report is not so well, let people join themselves together, it means that the other party has recognized this matter, willing to bear the joint responsibility, such a big matter, of course, it is necessary to make people feel clear.

...................... Next, the development of things will be successful. After arriving at the Aviation Master's station, the old Qin comrades will first take Wang Da Zhi'an in the teachers, and then rush to the teacher Hur, the political commissar Hong Jianzhong Reporting situation.

Waiting for the situation in the case, while watching the information copied on the hand, He Yun, Hong Jianzhong can't help but face each other: Wang Dazhi came to visit himself, it turned out such a thought? As a hand of poligical work, Hong Jianzhong first opened his mouth, asked the old Qin Comrade: "Comrade Qin Ming, what do you see about this?"

Qin Ming replied did not hesitate: "I personally think that if the Shangfei Group's' Tay'mk1110 engine really has this information, it is a good thing to say, it is of course a good thing for our teachers, we can independender. Flying Group pushes this.

Hong Jianzhong nodded, his heart was actually thinking, because in order from information, "TAY"

Several major performance parameters of the MK1110 engine are really great. The big repair cycle reaches 4,500 hours, and the D-30kp-2 used in the weight of the weight is 553 kg, which is 2212. Kg.

As a hand of the department, he is too clear that the weight of 2212 kilograms of the minus is a variety of the aircraft, how much flying performance is, let alone, "TAY"

MK1110 is much more oil than D-30kp-2 in the takeoff stage and cruise stages, just ... Qin Ming is then said: "In addition, the road to the road, Wang Dazhi tells me, their 'Tay' series engine is in civil There are also a lot of applications, which are introduced from the British Rolls Royce Group, which is the 'Steeler' Fight Bomber Rover Rawls Roles. Previously, it was mounted on the Fuk F100 of the Dutch Folk Aircraft Company.

Later, Shangfei Group introduced this plane from the Netherlands Folk Company and introduced "TAY" from Rawls Royce Group.

MK630 engine, while introducing the engine, they also introduced the RB211's thrust, more than 220 kiloys, and signed a subsequent engine improvement agreement with Rawls Royce Group. .

Nowadays, the Flying F100, the Flike F120 and the Fuk F150 produced by Shangfei Group is the 'Tay' series of engines. These three aircraft share the share of civil aviation markets is about 30%, which means In the civil aviation market, the 'Tay' series of engines produced by more than 3,000 commercial flying groups are at least in use, but the F100 is equipped with the 'Tay'6 series engine, while the F120 and F150 are separately equipped with 8 series and 10 series. engine.

In addition, according to I know, the engine on our country's H8 bomber is the 8 series in the 'Tay' engine. If we go to investigate, it should be easy to investigate.

Ok? !

Qin Ming said, Hong Jianzhong and Hex's eyes were bright: there is a large number of app Shangfei Group "TAY"

Series engine aircraft? If this is the case, it is good to ask.

As a master, they certainly hoped that the engine used in the unit and saves the oil, but also the oil, but also maintained, but also not worried that the neck is, just before this, no matter how Hong Jianzhong is still Hur, in fact, there is a worry in my heart. , Or doubt: Is this engine of your business flight really so good? If you are so good, then why never heard? And, do you tell me which plane has used your engine? It can't be blamed, and Hong Jianzhong is so blame. If people who are not in the army think that when the leaders are very simple, one sentence is that it is, in fact, the management of a troops does not have a large company, there is a lot of work every day. Many times, even if they want to know the external message, there is no enough time, but now, in the country, there is no more than 3,000 "TAY" in the domestic civil aviation market.

Series engine is in use, and there is a large number of "TAY" equipped with a large number of 8 series in the bomber unit.

The engine, two people suddenly couldn't sit down ... Looking at Hex, Hong Jianzhong is a little excited: "Old Her, I think we need to investigate, if this engine is really so good, we must not miss it. .

Hurdress nodded, Shen Sheng: "I think so too.

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