king of power

Chapter 1613 is planning behind (brothers, ask for monthly tickets)

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Why did Chen Li decided to return to China? This matter will be raised from one month ago.

It does not mention Chen Ming has always been a friendly attitude toward Hua, single saying that Chen Geng is in the political position of Mili's strong political altar, but also let Chen Ming have always focused on the US political figures focused on Huaxia, there is a special work group paying attention Chen Li's one moves.

It seems that Chen Li and Xiao George's relationship seems to be good, and this guy also played a lot of role in Milijian forced Deengle and Dongpu to raise a garrison fee. The observation team did not dare to neglect, hurry This matter is reported.

After this incident, after returning to the country, it immediately caused the entire high-level attention!

Everyone is very clear. If the Milinian government perses for the cost of Germany and Dongpu to improve the disposal of the garrison, then it is from Chen Li, then it means that the judgment of Chen Geng Energy still has a mistake: this guy's political on the top level of the United States The participation ability of the transaction, deep exceeds everyone's imagination!

Under the above, the information survey institutions in the United States are required to investigate the role of Chen Li's two things.

Because Chen Geng did not deliberately confidential, so soon, the results of the investigation came out: this incident is driving it in one hand!

Although I still don't understand what Chen Geng pushes this thing, there is no doubt that he succeeded that German people and Dongpu people are very angry, although they are very angry, but they still bow.

In the process, the Russians and Mili persevere, the cooperation of the second to the mystery, but also to ponder: Americans have reached some agreements with the dead Polar bear ... Have this idea It is not only a single Chinese, and the Germans who are caught by the pocket, and in order to figure out if there is any PY transaction between the United States and Russia, everyone is really making the strength of the milk, but the result It is conceivable that no matter how everyone investigates, it is hard to investigate the specific content of the United States and Russian PY transactions.

But this is not, but not let everyone breathe, let everyone feel more worried: very clear, whether it is Milinian or Russian, they all keep this PY transaction highly confidential .... No!

The more this, the more I want to understand, otherwise, who dares to ensure that this PY transaction is about how to pit itself? Therefore, the more investigations don't understand, the more the country is, the greater the power, the greater the power, but the power can be put into large, but it is still nothing to find out. In this way, everyone is more anxious. ...... I don't know if this thing is biased from the beginning: I can't say that Miilian and Russian have any PY transactions. In fact, Chen Po is actually pitted by Vladimir, and this "Transaction"

The content, and everyone can be different ... that is, some people have put forward a suggestion, which is now rapid improvement between our country and the country, and the diplomatic relationship between the two sides is rapidly warming. Can you invite Chen Multi to go in China at this time? Maybe this matter involves a series of confidentials in the United States. Chen Li can't say, but with Chen Ming has always been to our attitude, at least you can talk to us, do you have anything about? Of course, the impact is definitely, then how big is this influence? Is it a positive or negative? Al or five five open, four-six open? This suggestion is simply a word awakening!

Everyone reacted at once: Yes, why don't you come over? As for the problem of personal safety after Chen Ming came to Huaxia, it is even more joke. What is Chen Geng now? Do not mention the good private relationship with the small George, Milinian military and Milinian's number of political relations, say he "Mili Constant Western Governor"

The identity, who dares, who can do to him? In one sentence, from politics, Huaxia is responsible for the accident of Chen Guo in Huaxia, which is really impact on the diplomatic relationship between the two countries.

From a deepest perspective, if Chen Li is such a "old friend of the people"

Can you accident in Huaxia, then who will dare to trust Huaxia in the future? So, no matter from that point of view, please Chen Minglai Huaxia, let this have always held a high-friendly guy to China, will be able to disclose a little more, this is what everyone is intended. Say Chen Geong's personal safety, say this, this is the least worrying question.

In order to expose attention, after this decision is made in China, the Chinese Ambassador to Mili is personally went to the Embassy to tell Chen Pi.

After knowing this, Chen Tong although he thought, he thought that he had agreed again: "Of course, there is no problem, I haven't returned to China for many years, I can go back to China, I am also very happy.

Li Ambassador did not expect Chen Millen not only promised, but also promised so happy, I was very happy for a while, I said: "I know the news you have to come back, your old friends will be very happy ... Mr. Chen, for Mr. Chen What is the requirements you have this arrangement? "

"Requires ..."

Chen Geng Shen got a look: "This way, I let Michigan organize a commercial examination group to go to Huaxia to investigate, investment and cooperation to Huaxia ..."

Li Ambassadard listened to the head: organize a delegation to go to China? That's better!

However, he did not interrupted Chen Pai, but he was waiting for Chen Power to continue.

"As for the requirement ... In fact, there is no requirement, but I plan to see my old man, and there is also a look at my uncle and the scorpion,"

Chen Ge said: "If you can, if you can, I want to go to my hometown, and I don't have a little bit of mind, and I will go to my stay in Huaxia's key investment.

"No problem, these of course there is no problem, even if I will arrange it to me,"

Li Ambassador, I took a head, and then asked: "Mr. Chen, is there?"

"There is nothing else,"

Chen Geng shook his head: "If you have any activities or arrangements this, go to my assistant communication and coordination.

"Okay ..."

Li Ambassador, I greeted the head and determined that Chen Li did no other arrangements, he polished a few words, and immediately filed a speech: the next time it is busy.

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