king of power

Chapter 1617 is because of Chen Ming, or because of Chen Tong (4/4)

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When I heard this, Wang Da Zhi was really stunned: "Thank we Chen Dong?"

Although it is a few thousand kilometers of telephone line, the Director Von Director is fully imagined with the expression of Wang Dazhi, smiling: "You will not think that the country is watching your face?"


That can't!

Wang Da Zhi hurriedly shook his head. This B number is still in his heart, but I think that Meng Haibo told himself, saying that Chen Dong returned to China, but did not come to Shangfei Group. He would be inevitable, and there is a little bit of blindness, not. Live asked: "This ... is going on ..."

"What is going on, I am not clear. Anyway, this is the leadership of the leadership, saying that this is related to Mr. Chen Geng Chen."

When I said that, Dr. Feng couldn't help but think of half an hour. I was called to the leader of the leader ... ..................... After being called the office, the first sentence from the leadership is: " Lao Feng, when you go to Shangfei Group in the first two days, what claims have they mentioned? "


Director Feng stunned: "This ..."

Today's leadership, the expression is very kind, face the Director of the Kind of Von, and he smiled: "What this one, old von, you said.

Director Feng is still awkward, I don't understand what is going on. What happened, but I have worked hard for such a year old comrades, or I will guess what: Mo King Daxie this guy is with himself When you say this, you still have some other energy? Oh ... If you say this, they are very insisting on the aerospace's high-altitude test bench.

Since Shangfei Group has made public relations work to their heads, Feng Director's brain has no Watt, naturally understand what to say, immediately said: "Yes, this time I go to Shangfei Group, they are really true Some requirements have been proposed.


Listening to Von Director, the leader's eyes suddenly lit up, and I quickly asked: "What is the requirements?"


You continue!

Director Feng is in the heart, but the mouth is not a half-point idle, saying: "Their requirements are actually understood ... Hey, because the resource of the Qinling No. 1 high-end resource is limited, leading to their research and development Small influence, so they want to pay their own pockets, buy an Ir -76 transport plane from abroad, transform them into aerospace engine high-altitude test bench ... "

Director Feng has not finished, the leader will take a table: "Is this?"

"Hey ..." just this thing ... "

"This approval,"

If the director of V Feng, the leader immediately took the table: "Since this is a project of people's self-raised funds, what is the reason why I don't approve? Lao Feng, where is their report? Take me sign.

Director Feng took a moment: "This ... this is only one of their ideas, the report has not yet been delivered to me ..."

I heard the words, the leadership corner also smoked it, but she said: "Then, tell Wang Daxi, submitted this report as soon as possible,"

After that, the leader hesitated, but also added: "If the Comrade Shangfei Group asks, you will tell them, this matter is related to their Dai Dong.

It turns out that!

I said!

I didn't know if I was explained to myself or let myself explain to Shangfei Group listening. Feng Director's heart suddenly realized: It turned out that Chen Li was working, this is understandable.

However, this doubt is unprofitted, a bigger doubt is also a heart of Feng Director: What can Chen Li have done it, can you make the leadership to make such a big mouth? It seems to hear the idea of ​​Feng Director's heart, leaders means deep and long: "Xiaofeng, some things you have a few things, don't think too much.

When I heard this, Director Feng suddenly became an excitement, and this realized that she almost made a mistake.

................ Go back, Feng Director then said: "Other I can't say more, anyway, you know this is your chance to bring you.


Is it Chen Dong? At this moment, Wang Dazhi has already said that his inner heart is deeply annoyed and self-blaming for himself before he doubizes Chen Dong's mind: How can I doubt Chen Dong? Shangfei Group, but Chen Dong's brick is built, it is his heart, he does not come back this time, must have his hard work? I ridicily, I have doubt that he, doubting his feelings about Shangfei Group ... Now think about it, you are really damn.

Wang Dazhi has forgotten the call of Feng Director who hangs. When he went to the phone ring, he suddenly returned to God, and quickly picked the phone: "Hello, I am Wang Da Zhi.

"You are Hello, I am Hur,"

In the phone, Herrie's high-minded voice came out of the hoarse voice from Wang Da Zhi's ears: "I just did you, how can I pick up the phone so long ... tell you a good news, superior leaders just approvals Our 'TAY'MK1110 Turbine Fan Engine Test, Lao Wang, do you know what is going on? This is too evil, we have not given reports to the superior leadership. what……"

Herrhood is still there, and it is doubtful to this matter, but Kao Dazhi is suddenly a spirit: Chen Dong!

It must be our Dream!

Although Wang Da Zhi still didn't understand what happened, there can be experienced experience in Feng Feng, although there is no evidence, his heart has a strong feeling. This feeling is: The reason why the army will agree with himself. "TAY" produced by Ir-76's cash D-30KP-2 engine is produced by Shangfei Group

MK1110 Engine

Suggestions must be because of Chen Dong.

Well, ah, Hur, I said that Wang Da Zhi couldn't help but rushed out of the office, and I was shocked by myself, I was shocked by myself, I was shocked. Road: "Old Meng, we are all wrong, we misunderstand Chen Dong.


Looking at the unparalleled excitement, I was mixed with a deep embarrassment of Wang Dazhi, and Meng Haibo's heart suddenly, and hurriedly asked: "What is the old king?"

"I just received two calls ..."

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