king of power

Chapter 1649 officially signed:

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"John, congratulations, you will be committed again, continue to serve as the Milinian embassy.

After they were settled in the session, Chen Geng smiled and said to John Mc Haier.

John Mc Haier and Xiao George are unusual. During the university, the two are roommates during the university, and the relationship with Xiao George is very good. This can also be understood that after all, the location of Milin's Ambassador to China is a super fat, If you don't have an unusual friendship with Little George, John Mac Haier can't get such a good location.

Of course, in addition to the relationship with Xiao George, the Mchai family is also a firm supporter of George family - as early as Lao Jogen to Li Gong Shoes, John Mac Haier is already the Milinist station. First-class secretary of the embassy, ​​business pleadman.

"Thank you,"

It can continue to serve as ambassador Milinian Embassy in China, John Mc Haier is also very happy, this location is really great, the fat is bad in the fat, for the ability to re-appoint, John McHhal is happy. No, but he still lived in front of Chen Pozzle: "Mr. Fernandes, you attach great importance to the two governments of China and Mili, highly trusted people, please also support the work of the embassy in the future.

"I will……"

Chen Mong Xiao nodded.

After chatting with John Mchai, Chen Geng turned his head to see Jack Welch: "Jack, you are so happy, is there any good news to tell me.

"It's really a very good news."

Jack Welch smiles: "Mr., our first replacement version of the light card is offline, a total of 30.

Jack Welch arrived in Huaxia yesterday, as Chairman of the board of directors of the AMC Group, he would attend today's cooperative signing ceremony as a representative of Lexus, but compared to the next signing ceremony, Jack Well The odd or more than the light card just offline.

"So fast?"

Chen Geng listened very happy: "Compared to the previous plan, it is almost a week in advance?"

"We have been 6 days in advance!

To put this, Jack Welch is quite proud: "Engineers know that I have to come to China, special intention of overtime, completing the 30 truck assembly tasks, is to let me report to you.

Who said that foreigners will not formalism, will not shoot a horses? On the kung fart that starts the boss, the foreigners are not weak!

Chen Pigang was obviously very comfortable, he nodded: "Everyone has worked hard ... Are you communicating with eBay?"

Jack Welch immediately nodded: "I and Steve have already said it, eBay's logistics distribution business in the state of Michigan, all of them are made by these 30 trucks.

According to the practice of the automotive industry, the main purpose of this truck is to test the reliability and durability of the vehicle. It is simple to make things in the carriage, run!

However, since your own boss is the governor of Michigan, then this "run"

It also has to play the biggest simplicity of these 30 trial light cards, so according to Jack Welch's previous plans, this group of 30 AMC light card will engage in eBay's state logistics and transportation business in Michigan - other manufacturers The truck is pure, it is a pure flower during the road test stage, and this truck can make money. This can also understand that anyone will make Chen Geng is the governor of Michigan, there is such a good Large against the mountains, how do you get yourself? And use this truck running, there is a biggest benefit, that is: other manufacturers of similar products, all as possible to simulate their own products for booking and environment, and this AMC light card, directly in this Use it in Welcome.

As for the police system in Michigan, it will not investigate this batch of AMC (Milin no "traffic police"

This police, traffic patrol, safety patrol, bad guys ... etc., Even "create" products for local government departments

Waiting for the work, all the police system is made), huh, no matter how Chen Tong is still Jack Wellch, don't think there is anything to give your own state.

Chen Geng nodded and then said: "Jack, for this light card, I have a new idea these days.

"You say.

Jack Welch's expression suddenly took a few points.

"This, Miss Rosmary knows that after AMC has produced a batch of situations for eBay, he advised me that we believe that we should produce all the models in our plan,"

Chen Ge said: "Miss Rosmary is concerned, even if it is not eBay, the company's business in Missori Province is also enough to support more than 100 vehicles in Missori Province. Light card.

Ok? Jack Wellch heard the words, and his eyes suddenly lit: Yes, how do I forget the entire industry of BOSS? It is true, because BOSS huge industries, there will be huge transportation demand every day, but these transportation needs require heavy card, some need to walk water, but there are still need to take aviation, but there is no doubt that there is also a considerable part of the business belongs. This piece of light weight is light. If the AMC light card can complete this part of the task while the AMC light card is a good thing for the entire group.

Think of this, Jack Wellge immediately nodded: "This idea is good!"

Mr., I will communicate with Ross Mary after going back, see how many light cards needed.

"it is good.

Chen Mong Xiao nodded.

As for other people in the session, I heard Chen Ming and Jack Welch discharged to carry the truck running. Everyone is not a matter, laughing, completely.

........................ 10:30 am, sitting in Chen Li, which is under the Chairman, looked at Xu Jiangping, a smile in front of the chairpers, and signed himself on the file in front of himself. The name, then exchanged the document from the AMC Group's board of directors from Mili's strong AMC Group, and once again signed his name after the exchange of the exchange, he has long lost. Take the lead in taking the palm!

The delegation of Yifan Group, headed by Xu Jiangping, as well as the Lexus car delegation represented by Jack Welch, is also a smile!

Everyone is a happy person: from the two sides, it is officially signed today, in less than 2 years, this is called rapidity in international cooperation, and the two sides of cooperation have also been sincere, for this As a result, regardless of Chen Tong or Huaxia, the leadership is full.

------------ ps: Brothers, start to recover four more tomorrow.

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