king of power

Chapter 1668 Bear Child

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When Chris Scott is very guilty, he said that it is 20 minutes. He has come over 15 minutes ... Slightly in advance, this is respect for old friends.

Seeing Beach Farher, the Chris Scott Senator smiled and he hugged him: "Beach, the Lincoln Park has opened a French restaurant, I tried it, the taste is not bad. , I have time we have passed together.


Beach Farrell nodded: "Chris, you can get your recommended restaurant, I believe that the taste must be very good ... Please sit, I have prepared some afternoon tea, you What do you want to drink? "

"There is Indian black tea, come to the cup of Indian black tea.

Beach Farrell nodded: "Then two cups of Indian black tea ..."

The black tea and dessert were quickly sent, Chris Scott and Benfarrell chatted a few words, Chris Scott finally explained him to Beach Farrell. The reason for the visiting ... "Beach, Jonathan has contacted Robert ... You also know that their relationship is good ... Contact the Dark Middle School of the Toledo City Police Bureau through Robert, let Dickson Secretary is difficult eBay Company, "

After briefly introduced the situation, Chris Scott looked at the Senator of Beach Farrell, asked seriously: "Beach, I want to know, you and Mr. Fernandes ... is it? What happened? "

Chris Scott asked a little careless, no way, who made Chris Scott's son, that is, Robert, who just mentioned, also participated in it? Just an hour ago, Chris Scott Table's cousin is also the James Dixerson Secretary of the Toledo City Police Bureau called Chris Scott, saying Robert. It is difficult to get EBAY logistics cars.

It is not a problem for the logistics car for EBAY, James Dickson has the opportunity to have the opportunity to become the Director of the Toledo City Police Department, so when Robert calls. When I was difficult to eBay, although I would like to be Chen Geng's industry, James Dickson still agreed: No matter how Robert is out of why, it is difficult to make eBay, but as long as you do it. Not even, the eBay is not good - we have received a report, as a law enforcement authority, we certainly have to check.

Of course, if you don't find it, it is not allowed to report information or simply a malicious report, but whether the reporting information is not allowed or maliciously reported, we don't have any action as a police station? The fact is true, and the AMC light card that has not been searched, the EBAY Group urgently sent the lawyer accepted this explanation, but it is still "euphemism"

Remind James Dickson, such a "misunderstanding"

Still try not to happen in the future.

James Dickson's heart is of course very clear, this is a warning for eBay to himself: Whether you have to be difficulties in this time, since we have no loss, then this time is a "misunderstanding"

But there is such a "misunderstanding" next time.

Don't blame us "misunderstanding"


Original James Dickson felt that this is here to come here: no matter how Robert Scott is to find Ebay's suffocation, you can do this level? I have never thought of James Dickson, just today, Robert Scott actually called himself, let him find eBay's trouble!

After receiving this phone, James Dixanton flew: Zhen Vangu eBay is so bullying, no temper? But because there is a relationship between the Senator's cousin, James Dickson can't think about it: Maybe this thing is the arrangement of democratic D from the beginning, they are ready to pay Fairnades Chen? Under the cautious start, James Dickson decided to call his long-awaited watchmaking, asked what is going on ... If you have a big figure to fight, our small shrimp is blended.

What did James Dickson didn't think of it, his long-hunted form Gekris Scott didn't know this, after being shocked, Chris Scott immediately told James Dick. Sen, from now on, don't do anything, everything is waiting for your own call.

After James Dickson's phone, Chris Scott quickly called his son, asked what is going on, this question is not tight, Chris Scotton, the seven-bad sky: this bastard , Just to help my friends? !

When I know Robert's call to James Dickson, I'm screaming James Dickson is a difficult ebay, but when he is busy with Jonen Farre, Chris Scott kills himself. Xiao Wang eight eggs have everything: Can you still give me some trouble? After completing Robert, based on politician, Chris Scott began to think about a question: Is there any other hidden love behind this? Others don't say, there is a little Chris Scott is what Jonathan Farre deliberately competes in the position of the Governor of Michigan, although in Chris Scott, Jonathan Farrell won. The possibility is not big, but who dares to ensure that these means are not Jonen Farre in order to campaign? Maybe behind Jonathan Farrell, it is your good friend, Jonathan Ferry's father Ben Farre? But again, Chris Scott feels that this is not a means of Beach Farre, because in Chris Scott, this means is too bad, but the insurance is Next, he decided to go to Beach Farree asked.

Chris Scott, let Baihe Farre's whole people have stunned: "I have not been against Mr. Fernandes, why do I do this?"

"You do not know?"

I saw Bai Farre, Chris Scott, also stunned.

"What do I know?"

Beach Farreel deeply frowned, an old politician's instinct, let him realize that things may not be as simple: "Chris, what happened, please tell me seriously.

Chris Scott is trying to see Bach Farher, see he is not like lying, and long except for a sigh of angry: "It seems that there is any action within the party, this I am relieved ... But Chris, Jonathan did something, do you really don't know anything? "

"What did he do?"

Beach Farrell's expression is also extraordinary: "Chris, please tell me the original book, please believe me, before this, I don't know everything.

Just Chris Scott mentioned that his son seems to be targeted by Chen Li, which can be scared by Ben Farrell. He and Chen Li have no contradiction, and he will never want to provoke the guy.

"This is good, this is good ..."

Chris Scott made a breath, until this time, he finally determined that his old friend seems to be unconscious, the previous things are Jonathan's father who is doing his father: "I know, Not a lot, roughly this ... "

After all introduce, Chris Scott has some feelings: "I don't know why Jonathan is doing this, but if not James calls me, I don't know if there is such a thing.

A face of Beach Farrell: If you are not telling me this, I don't know if Jonathan's bastard will give me such a big trouble.

At this moment, he has the heart of Jonathan Farrell.

It is obviously not a good time to lift his son, Benfarre sucks a breath, said to Chris Scott: "Chris, thank you, if you are not your reminder, I am not I know that Jonathan's bastard has caused such a big trouble ... You can rest assured, I will definitely teach Jonathan's bastard.

"I have to clean up Robert,"

Chris Scott nodded, the troubles that were unwell, it was really scared by Chris Scott: "But Bai, I used to talk to Robert, listened to Robert. The meaning in it seems that Jonathan does not only contact Robert, so ... "

He believes that the old friend understands the meaning of his own words.

Sure enough, the voice of Chris Scott fell, and Baihefar's face was scared: Jonathan's bastard, more than Chris's son Robert? In other words, Jonathan's idiots, more than the trouble of finding ebay in Ohio, maybe he also has the same thing in other states. Beach Farre did not believe in this copy, Chen Geng still didn't know that his eBay was malicious, and with Chen Geng's energy, Bechem Farre felt that this will be Chen Geng already known The eBay is behind this time is Jonas in planning.

But Chen Geng will believe that is Jonathan's actions? Of course, it will not believe!

He will only think that all of this is from his own manner ... Big trouble!

"Chris, I need to call Mr. Fernandez to explain this matter, you'd better make a call,"

Baihe Farre took a deep breath, said to Chris Scott: "Things have been in the past for more than 10 days, Mr. Fernand is still no action, I suspect that Mr. Fernandes is already brewing.

Chris Scott's face was also changed.

------------ ps: Brothers, first more.

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