king of power

Chapter 1673

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Ferdinand Pijix's breath has changed heavy: "What evidence? You said!

"Ok, Mr.,"

Oreg secret character: "According to I know," Detroit Freedom News "reported from the recommendation of Mr. Stanson, the Secretary of the Detroit Police Bureau ... You must know that Stanson has been in Fernanders. Mr. Chen has served as a private security supervisor in many years.

"Yeah, I know,"

Ferdinand Piyi nodded: "You will say, what else? This can only prove that this matter is more related to Fernandez Mr. Chen, but can't prove that he is not related to this.

"You are right,"

Ozhi · Simple characteristics: "But if it is the problem of Tennessee's testing institutions?"


Ferdinand Piyi listened to the eyes: "Tennessee ?!

"Yes, Tennessee,"

Welcome the shocking eyes of Ferdinand Piji, Oreg Schmidt nodded: "Now we can only determine that this thing began to start from Tennessee, as for the media that reports this thing is" Detroit Freedom News, why is this thing from Mississa, I will not be clear.


Ferdinand Pijich didn't talk, he stood up and slowly got it in the room.

When I know that "Detroit Freedom News" reports that the Wolf Mao car's diesel car has an emission of false behavior, Ferdinand Piyi really feels five thunders - don't look at Wolf Mao Auto News For "Detroit Freedom News" This report has repeatedly denied that there is no such thing as the sale of the country's emissions regulations in the Wolfur Motor, which is in the country's environmental protection institutions, and it is absolutely no emission. The "Detroit Freedom News" report is completely an unexrepreneur, can be said to Ferdinn de Piji, whether the diesel engine of Wolfuro Auto has fallen in the case, others don't know how it is Wait, don't he know? But now, Orege Schmidt actually told himself that this is actually from Tennessee? Ferdinand Pijich suddenly stopped, asked Orege Schmidt: "What big people we have to sin in Tennessee?"

"This one……"

Oreg Schmidt laughed: "Mr., I won't worry about 18 months in North American branch, and I am just the general manager of the Environment and Engineering ..."

Ferdan De Pijich also realized that he asked the wrong person. For the Orege Schmidt, his level has not been in such a high level.

After the news is harder, after absorbing it, Ferdinn de Piji squeezes a little smile, saying to Orege Schmidt: "Mr. Schmidt, you are very good.

"Thank you, sir.

I didn't expect the big boss who came to be strictly known as it would praise myself, and Oreg Schmidt is a bit of being shocked.

"Don't have any psychological pressure, work hard after going back,"

Ferdinand Pijich took the shoulders of Orege Schmidt, said to him: "You can rest assured that this company will handle it.

"Okay ..."

Oreg Schmidt nodded.

"In addition, tell you a good news in advance,"

Ferdinand Pijich said: "Given the current special case of North America Branch, according to everyone's duties, each person will have a special loyalty award of $ 1,000 to $ 5,000 each month. Do you work well, other things you? Do not care.

Is there a special loyalty award for $ 5,000 per month? Oreg Schmidt is really surprised and happy!

He will of course understand that this money is not possible to have every month, and this money is not white, in addition to working on this time, when encountering media and reporters, what should I say, What should I say? Don't say ... these things, there are countless people.

But there is no relationship, Oreg Schmidt thinks, takes a $ 3,000 "Special Loyal Award" at the level of the North American branch of Wolfao Auto North America

is that OK? $ 3,000, even if this is only for three or four months, it is also tens of thousands of dollars!

And in fact, Schmitter, Schmidt, I think this is so big, the Military Federal Government is impossible to do something, as long as the Milinian federal government is "cooperated"

Let's take yourself, then earn a $ 20,000 should have a problem ... 20,000 dollars!

Although Oreger Schmidt is the medium and high-rise, the annual salary is not 70,000 US dollars. If you can earn an extra 20,000 dollars, you will be too fast ... It's just beautiful ... Since the boss said there Wait, then the next thing is natural to say, to meet Ferdinand Piji, Schmidt Schmidt immediately said: "Mr. You can rest assured, we must best work, not at critical moments Drag behind.

Ferdinn de Piji nodded, he wanted this, as long as the North American branch, the military is not chaotic, Ferdinn de Piji feels no problem is solved, compared with the stable military heart, spend money to calculate it. what? ............................ Oreg Schmidt carefully left the room, Ferdinn de Piji finally no longer hiding his tired, he blinked the temple, closed his eyes, the whole person relied On the sofa - because this breakfast, these days, it is tired.

In the room, Ferdinnad Person's personal assistant, secretary and security personnel did not dare to take a bite, and they were afraid to disturb their own boss.

Almost five or six minutes, Ferdinand Pijich finally sat up and reached out to James: "Phone.

James hurriedly handed a Siemens's mobile phone to the hands of Ferdinand Piji.

Ferdinan De Pien wounded a number, he did a little, he was deeply said: "Mr. Crawford is me, Ferdinnad.

Hear "Crawford"

This name is waiting for James on the side to know that the person of the phone is German, the Saxony Governor Christophak Clavord.

James has recently seen Ferdinand Pijixi, so he clearly heard the words of Christov Crawford of the phone: "Mr. Ferdinand, Hello, are you still smooth in Geneva?"

"Thank you, everything goes well ..."

Ferdan De Pijich and Christofk Crawford were warm, and after a few words, Ferdinn de Piji directly explained the purpose of this call: "Mr. Calingford, I believe you already know. Wolf Mao cars have encountered some troubles.

"Yes, I understand,"

Christoff Crawford's tone is quite a bit of resentment: "The dead Fernandez Chen, that bastard is a dog, biting, not willing.

Cristov Crawford has of course resentful reasons: in the previous Chen Ming and Wall Street, the direct economic loss of German is more than $ 40 billion, while the loss of the Saxony is More than 2 billion, although there is no much money, but as the governor of the Saxony, Christoff Crawford, of course, has enough reasons to see Chen Li.

"The actual situation may be slightly inserted with you."

Ferdinand Peray said to Christopoft: "The starting point of things in Tennessee.

"Starting point in Tennessee?"

Cristof Crawford stunged: "The initial report is not the" Detroit Freedom News "of Michigan? Hans told me that this dead newspaper is Fernandes Chen's dog leg.

"This matter is the first report of" Detroit Freedom News ", but the starting point of things in Tennessee,"

Ferdinand Pijich explained to Christofkkfurt: "So, Crawford, I need you to help."

"Okay, you said.

Christov Crawford is taking a serious tone - down Saxony holds 20.

2% of the shares of Wolf Mao, the annual dividends are not a small number, so for the underlying Saxony Government, Wolf Bao is their goldettes and baby cockroaches, for this gold doll and baby bumps, do something What kind of? Doing something is also a wallet for the government or even some people.

"I am going to Tennessee, no matter how it is, since things start from Tennessee, I always have to learn about the situation."

Ferdinnad Piyi said: "But I don't know what Tennessee's big figures, can you help me introduce?"

"Of course, no problem,"

Christofk Crawford quickly agreed: "I have a good relationship with Mr. Tomson Platinum, and Mr. Tomsham Platinum. I can introduce him to you ... but Mr. Pieh, although this The matter begins from Tennessee, but I still think that this matter has a different relationship with Fernandez Chen.

Know that Christofk Crawford reminds yourself, Ferdinand Piyi said: "Thank you, in fact, although things originated from Tennessee, I am like you, and think that this Things and Fernandes Chen have closed, and even until now, at this moment, I firmly believe that this guy is the first suspect.

"I can rest assured that,"

Christoff Crawford has a breath: "Ferdinnad, I wish you all the best.

------------ PS: Brothers, the third is more.

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