king of power

Chapter 1677 encounters trouble

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Chen Mong Xiao asked: "So, the comrades of the on-site work group are satisfied with our engine?"


I can't satisfy it again, "

Nie Guang took a head and said: "Compared to Ir -76 original D-30kp-2, our 'Tay'mk1110 will not only respond faster, but also lighter, the most important thing is to save oil, don't tell you After completing the first phase of the test, the comrades of the on-site work group began to work hard to work overtime.

I estimate that as long as the Ir-76 modification is completed, the acceptance of the relevant departments is passed, and the rest of the remaining Ir-76 is fast ... "

To replace the engine for the entire 14th Ill -76, calculate the ready-to-use engine, this is more than 60 "TAY"

MK1110 engine, this is really a lot of business for Shangfei Group.

Chen Geng listened was also happy, as Chairman of the current strategic executive committee of Shangfei Group, saw the company's vibrant, he was of course very happy.

After the situation of this batch of Il-76, Nie Guang hesitated, and the words he had: "Chairman, there is something ..."


Looking at Nie Guangthen Yushe, the appearance of the words will stop, there is a somewhere in Chen (What? You said.

Nie Guang said: "A few days ago, Xi Fei also sent a letter to us, saying that in the next few years, it is necessary to gradually shrink the purchase volume of 'Tay'mk860 engine, and will increase" TAY after a few years "TAY "

MK1110 engine's purchase quantity, let us have a preparation ... "

Chen Geng frowned: "Xi Fei wants to increase the purchase of MK1110 engine?"



Chen Geng looked at Nie Guang, did not speak, he sinked, and why did not say this to himself, to know, before this, the "TAY" purchased in Shangfei Group

The series engine has only one model: MK860.

The engine is equipped with H-8 series bombers with H-6-based improving. In the past few years, the H-8 series bombers have developed more than 4 models, and the total equipment has been equipped with 3 groups - 2 straight Air Force belonging to the Air Force, 1 sea firing group.

But now, Xi Fei actually reduces "TAY"

MK860 engine purchase quantity ... Yes!

It didn't think too long, very fast, Chen Li found the answer: If you don't expect it, Xi Fei should have a new generation of H-8.

History, H6's new generation improvement: H6-K is officially established in 2005, but since it is 2005, then the relevant work must have started in advance, and the H-8 project is already done in advance. Some improvements, but after these years, the H-8 is also improved.

Since it is necessary to improve, the improvement focus is nothing more than four directions: larger voyages, greater loads, more advanced electronic counterfeit systems and more advanced radar systems, especially after two, but also mean more Large power consumption, in this case, put the engine from the previous "TAY"

MK860 upgrade is a "TAY" that is more thrust and more power generation.

MK1110 is also a chapter.

As for Nie Guang, why is Nie Guang who says this, it is too sensitive because Chen Li's current identity is too sensitive, so some things, the former chairman of Commercial Flying Group can know, the governor of Mili Credit Narant But you can't know that the one is still a person, but it is not a gentle thing that is so entangled. It is a bit going to kickly: "This is quite good, we are in the West Flying Stage to our 'Tay 'Series the needs of the engine or the MK860 is the Lord? Slowly transition to the' Tay'm K1110 series, just let the production capacity has a slow climbing stage, very good.

"Yes, several leaders said that.

Seeing Chen Geng's mean, Nie Guang is also a breather - some words, don't say it, I can't say it, I'm really difficult!

.................................. At the same time of Nie Guang to Chen Genghui, Ferdinand Pijich finally saw the goal of this Milinian trip: Tennessee's state council vice minister Tom Xun Platinum.

Although Ferdinn de Pijich is in Tomson Platinum, he can't go straight to Tomson Platinum's office or his home. After all, the promoter in this matter is Tennessee. Senator, Senator, Bach Far, if Ferdin Dude Pien is going straight to Tomson Platinum, let me say that Tomson Platinum will give him a chance to meet this, first anger is Beach Farre: What do you mean by your Wolf Mao? I am looking for you, you don't come directly to me, but go to others? So, even the world knows that Ferdinn de Piji is running Tomson Platinum, and they can't be such as the same time - the reason why the two sides can meet because Dr. Tomsun Platinum and Ferdin · Mr. Pijich "happens"

Participated in the same charities.

"One see"

The deputy director and Mr. Ferdinand Pijish, expressed his enthusiasm for charity activities, and the two were immediately guided by the staff.

"Mr. Pijich, I know what your purpose is to look at Mr. Crawford, I can do my best to help you, and willing to help you with Far Riel, but some words I Must be mentioned in advance: this is not that simple.

Thomson Platinum Side, while swallowing clouds, while spending Ferdinand Piyi.

Of course, the event can be made to be a thing, but "hard"

Is absolutely unable to be less.

Thomson Platinum Solitaire Ferdinand Pijixe understands this "rule"

"Yes, I understand,"

Ferdinand Piyi nodded, tested and asked: "Mr. Platinum, can I ask?"

Tomson Platinum nodded: "You said.

"After things happened, we review themselves, I can determine that we didn't have to confirm Mr. Rherie, so I didn't understand why, Mr. Farre did ..."

"Frankly, why do things develop into this, I understand that there is not much,"

Thomson Platinum is frowned. In fact, after receiving the call from the Saxony Governor Christov Crawford, Tomson Platinum will first understand the situation to determine this matter. If you can intervene, you can understand that Tomson Platinum is very confused, just like Ferdinand Piji said, he can't understand why Ben Farre suddenly started against Wolf Motors: " Mr. Pijich, I can only tell you that this is very complicated and very complicated.

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