king of power

Chapter 1685 Trouble

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Although this is not good, Chen Li can also imagine what kind of consequences of putting these two little aunt's grandmother after their campaign team: Doing volunteers, the legs are the first place.

However, the relationship between the two parties ... Chen Geng Shen, the back of the color is said: "Mrs. You have participated in many campaigns. It should go back to how busy during the campaign, the ruth is really a bit, really Even the toilet must calculate the time, there is absolutely no eighth hour working system during the campaign, in general, the election is a for everyone ... including the election and the following staff, perseverance and Toughness is a huge test ... "

Chen Geng's voice fell, and Laura said: "I know these things, just like you said, accompanying George, accompanying George, I have participated in many campaign, I am very clear that the campaign is one. The marathon is not giving up, but this is the hope of me and George: As long as Gina and Barbara can successfully complete this marathon, they will be baptized, and this baptism will make them in the future. The whole life will benefit endless.

Chen Geng sighed in the dark: This is really a boy.

But this pot is too hot. Chen Geng's eyes couldn't help but fall in Xiaoriaz. Although he knew that when he was just put forward this request, it must be consistent in the family, but At this time, he still hopes that Xiao George can stand against it.

Unfortunately, Xiao Jorget let Chen Geng disappointed, welcoming Chen Geng's gaze, Xiao Jorge said: "Laura said that I want to say, Gina and Barbarabaya will graduate, I hope to pass This exercise allows them to benefit them in the future life.

Xiao George and Laura said so, what can Chen Li still say? He sighed and looked at Gina and Barbara: "Gina, Barbara, we have known many years, even though your Mom and Dad protect you very well, but I believe that you should be very Understand ... During the campaign, you may even have you can see your parents half a month, but even if so, you may still don't understand the work intensity during the campaign, I just said that I didn't scare you, you are true. It is very likely that it is necessary to calculate the time in the toilet. In this process, you will be very tired, very tired, may be pulled up when you sleep.

But if you are like your classmates, find a good unit to internship ... I believe that your father and mother will give you a relaxed, and the conceited internship, I can help ... work easily Song, you can have enough time and friends to play, enjoy life, not to join a campaign team, and then tired on a daily stripe dog.

So now, tell me, do you have to join my campaign team as a volunteer? "

"Yes, sir,"

Gina did not hesitate to say: "We consider it.

"We know that the campaign is very tired, but that is what we want to experience.

After Nina, Barbara is also told.

I said this, what can Chen Li still do? He knows that he is being "Lai on"

I sighed, Chen Geng nodded: "Well, since you have already considered it, then I will give you a week, this week you relax. After a week, you go to my campaign office. I, I will arrange for you.


"Thank you Mr. Fernandes.

Gina and Barbara have a happy coupled to Chen Geng Dao.

"you are welcome.

Chen Mong smiled nodded, no matter if he was happy, it was already connected. ...................... From Little George's official residence, Chen Geng's brow has been wrinkled.

Laura is trying to make her hammourne to participate in her campaign team. Therefore, Chen Li has to think that Xiao George is the purpose of this, or even this matter is in the Republic DC. Consistent.

"Sir, is it?"

I saw Chen Geng since I had a brow, and Riener, Taylor, finally couldn't help but tried to ask.

She is very curious, her BOSS is just a family banquet that Mili's leadership, how did it come out? Chen Geng sighed and asked Reni Taylor: "How much is your twsety daughter of Xiaoriaz?"

"What are you talking about Gina and Barbara?"

"Yes, it is them.

Chen Geng nodded.

Ri Li Ni Taylor said: "A pair of troubles, from small and outstanding, princess of princess.

Chen Geng sighed.

Of course, he knows that Riener Taylor is the truth, Xiao George's twin prostitute is born in 1982, in Little George's Laozi: Old Johi During the Military Collar in 1989, it did not By 10, Gina and Barbara, who were a white house, now Xiao Georgia served as Mary of Military collar, perhaps in this to the twins, but it is just back home.

And about Gina and Barbara, the two "first people"

Unbelievable news, even more, these two hoes almost become a frequent visitor of Milinian Bazaun News, and they can catch a few ways: Xiao Georgi has just taken a big leader in less than a month, Gina, 18 years old, became the headline of the media, the reason is that Gina has requested the power of the bodyguards of a special bureau to use the powers, and get out of the Texas Police Bureau; this thing Shortly after the past, Gina once again boarded the headline of Milijian's gossip: May, Jina was prosecuted by a Miilian local court by violation of the "Minor Drinking Law". The result is that Gina is not only fined. Also engage in community labor ... So, since the self-portrait, Since Military Collections, Milin's gossip newspapers have never had news, there is no news, stare at "the first daughter"

We will, anyway, this is certainly not disappointing, according to the statistics of the boring institution, Since Michara, Since Mary's University, Milin's gossip industry practitioners have increased 12.

6%, one of these biggest "attributable to"

Gina and Barbara have twin sisters.

So you can understand why Chen Li is so painful: this is a pair of trouble.

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