king of power

Chapter 1795, the old master

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Why is Ding Navy come to the "media"

most suitable? Very simple, first, Ding Navy's level is high enough, he is retired with the positive B-level treatment, the pulse is big, even if it is the leader of the black province, you can't give him a face; again, the most wonderful thing is Ding Navy retirement If you retire, it means that it is the most upset that there is no attitude, as long as the two "parties" in Chuanxi Province

It is good to communicate well, but so, because Ding Navy is Chen Geng's old man, even if it retires, he often needs him to communicate with Chen Li, so it is not possible to make a Ding Navy as one. Ordinary retirement cadres come to see, his influence is still very big, bullying people "but it is a retired,"

It is definitely not good; who again, who is the Ning Navy? It is Chen Geng's old man. Although Chen Li did not speak in this matter, there is no statement, but since Chen Mi's old man has come out, is there still a significant obvious attitude and tendency? Chen Li is not willing to come to come to personally, and let his old man come out, it is not willing to make this thing too much.

So, because Ding Navy retired, he is the most suitable "media"


In a realized Ding Navy is the most suitable "media"

After the candidate, Director Liu immediately said: "I will call the leader.

What do you call the leader? Of course, please ask the leaders to come up with it, invite Ding Navy as this "media"

Ah, can you always call Chen Gei to call Ding Navy? There is no such reason.

Chen Geng nodded and nodded, and Director Liu was still very satisfied: the political wisdom of the Director Liu is still very nice.

...................... Ding Navy's arrival is very fast, and I arrived in Ice City next day.

Seeing Chen Geng, Ding Navy came up, it was a complant: "So, why don't you tell me in advance? My harmful, yesterday, I received a big time when I received the call from Guoguang, Guoguang, Sichuan. Jump, there is no psychological preparation ... "

Yes, when I received a call from Comrade Guoguang yesterday, I really scared the Ding Navy: Sichuan Province is brewing Shangfei Motor to Rongcheng, I hope I can coordinate and mediate it? Ding Navy is almost don't want to reject it. What is joke? Is this kind of thing that I have a retired old man? Can be a "married daughter" comrades Chen Geng's "married"

And "Media"

After the point of view, Ding Navy knows that this thing does not have room for refusing, after all, is a son-in-law, can this old man don't help? Just decide to help, the old man's heart's head is not smooth, last night, when the sage of , Ding Navy did not raise the Chen Geng broken, and I said that I have retired for so long. If you are all more than forty people, you will not let me save my heart cloud like a child ... but the comilage of Sisu is found, but the hearts of the comrades of Lao Ding seem to be quite quite true. Happy ... "Yes, Dad, what you said,"

Chen Mong smiled and said, at this time, he didn't say his father with his old man. He looked with Lao Ding with Lao Ding: "This is what I owe it, mainly the following comrades, I will communicate with me. , I also learned from the group, 'married daughter' this idea is also my spiritual machine, I think we relocate, but I will take care of us in black provinces and Ice. Less, we can't forget that they have taken care of us in the years, and don't want this to make Sichuan Province and black province stiffen ... "

Chen Ge said, Ding Ruo smashed: "Dad, this is not to grasp, let you help, this is good, the family has a treasure, the key moments are still going to come Row.

"Hey, you will know how to give you dad,"

The Ding Navy's face is not good, but now, the daughter is like a horses, his face has slowed a lot: "The company's research and development costs and human resources have increased, as an entrepreneur, you want to move the company to reduce Cost, this I can understand, but if there is therefore it turns out on the place, it is a very stupid practice. The new place's comrades will doubt: Today you can follow the original The local government is turned over. It is not a hurricane with me tomorrow. But this 'married daughter' said that the contradiction of this matter has been to the smallest level, and the black province has a one. The reasons of the past, although they will not be happy in their hearts, but they still have a saying that they have went on the face ... "

When I said, Ding Navy looked at Chen Geng and said: "It is a senior person. This brain is better than before, and there is a little political wisdom.

Chen Wantong listened to the cry: You are boasting, is it? Ding Ruo smoke, a strong licking, can see Chen Geng Chen, who can make countless people in Milin, such as a cold, careful, and not much.

I have known for more than 20 years, and the two are weng, the Ding Navy will I don't know what is Chen Geng's mind? He glanced at Chen Geng and said: "Don't think I am burying you, as you have previously, you said, is there a Ding Ding's political wisdom inside?"

You ... well, who let you be my old man? Chen Geng also knew that his father was also depressed in his stomach. Yes, who is not depressed, inexplicably, such a big hat falls on his head, the key is that he can't open, the old man is not depressed That is the ghost.

He deeply sucked his mouth, and his old man said: "Okay, Dad, I know, I will have a lot of humility.

"This is similar,"

Comrade Lao Ding snorted, the state of his son-in-law was satisfied: "That's right, okay, I will take a break in the afternoon, I will meet the comrades of Zhengyang, control this matter within a controlled range. .

As for the daughter, Chen Gongji's dog legs todped: "Ok, good, dad, you come with me.

........................ "So, is the business flying car must move?"

In the office of comrades of Zhengyang, listened to the Namadan, after the comrades of Zhengyang, after a moment of smoke, this slowly said.

Just just, serve as "media people"

Ding Navy has already represented "South"

Comrade Zhengyang said their "love" for Shangfei cars

The meaning, and nature, as "a woman"

Parents, the mood of comrades from Zhengyang is definitely not good.

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