king of power

Chapter 1807 Bullying (2/3)

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This is also the fact that when Chen Dynamic Dial Pair's phone, it is preparing to rent 4 MG-29, and ready to accept the employment of PM, will deploy 6 MiG-29 deployed in the Indian border At the time, Vladimir is still unhappy, but when I heard that I can buy Su-30 by this opportunity, Vladimilton is happy ... "Yes, Fernandes, you said right Your defense company accepts an employment of a person or a country, which is normal business, we will not interfere, "

Identify this is a good opportunity to slaughter three pots. Flagimir is called a fast: "Oh ... 4 MG-29 is enough? It is better to rent two, I think 6 MG-29 do not have a great help to the small bar, and the two squades are more reliable.

After saying that Vladimir criticizes Chen Mong did not rent a three-pot pot, clearly said: "In addition, Fernanders, everyone is a friend, rents I can give you a fold.

The two squadrons are eight fighters, and the Sub-border zone is like this. The 8 MG-29 is going, the three pots are not in an eye is to see the ghosts. As long as the three pots are angry, the big hair has the opportunity: come Come, look at it, look at it, the price is cheap and enough Su-30 is here ... Chen Geng's finger is calculated, thinking that you will rent 6 MG-29, anyway, After the rental period is reached, it will be returned directly.

When you have promised to promise: "OK, that's it.

Hanging up the phone, Chen Mong said to his own old man, "Dad, you see, things are getting done, there is no problem over the old man."

The phone is when the Navy's face is playing. The Ding Navy's Russian level is quite good. Chen Li and Vladimir have said what he listens to him is a clear, so listening to Chen Geng in the phone in this three words. The oral agreement with Flagimir rented 6 frames - 29, and he listens to: this is going? Are you so pit, conscience doesn't really hurt? I really don't know what to say, I am sighing: "This is really ... really ..."

At this moment, the comrades of Lao Ding have brought a "Is I really old? Can I not keep this era?"


It is Chen Geng, saying about his own husband: "Dad, you have heard it, the situation is so like this, although I believe that there is any objection to me this decision, but I still recommend that you will hurry This matter is notified above, some of the preparations are ready to prepare.

Ding Navy hurriedly nodded, this is true.

...................... Ding Navy has the eligibility to report directly to the highest level, but he didn't do this, but reported this in advance to the previous.

As we said, don't mention our traditional friendship with the PM, even if you just consider our own safety perspective, we don't want to be among the India, the small bar is in a comprehensive disadvantage, and we can do it. Measures and not many ways, and the military equipment, our -10 is just served, don't say that I can sell it to the small bar, how long does it take to sell, how much time from the preliminary communication? How long does it take to deliver a transaction to delivery? How much time is it taken from delivery to forming combat? Even if everything goes well, the domestic side is also a green light. There is no time for three years, and the -10 of the small bar also wants to form combat power, and now, the most lack of the small bar is time.

If it is a direct employment of Chen Geng's defense contracting company, it is another thing, up to half a year, a MiG-29 combat force with rich experience can patrol, fast, It is not possible for two or three months.

Ding Navy understands this, so when he reports on it, he focused on this layer.

When the seedlings were surprised, he knew how big is the influence of this matter, shocked: "Mr. Chen him really agreed to accept the employment of PM?"

Ding Navy said one: "Now, it seems like this, I think the problem is not big, but according to what I know, I seem to hire Chen Geng just the meaning of Rahman Marrick Ambassador, so ..."

When the seedlings, I immediately understood the meaning of Ding Navy: This matter can not be said to the staple, still have some variables.

He nod immediately: "I know, I will report to the leader,"

After saying, he slightly, said to Ding Navy: "Old leaders, you are ready, say that the leaders will call you at any time.

Ding Navy nodded: "I understand.

.................................. When the Ding Navy reported to the superior, Rahman Mariko is also through the satellite phone to report his latest ideas.

Direct employment of mature, experienced, with tacit-29 fighter combat troops serve the small bar, this is no longer thought of before, the Pakistan did not want to think in this regard, because before this There is no such thing as a defense contractor to undertake such a task, but now it is different, and there is such a team in the hands of Chen Pai, and has been employed in the Afghan area for two or three years. The high-rise of the small bar suddenly was excited, and the phone was directly transferred to the presidential office. President Pervelz directly asked Rahman Marlo in the phone: "Mariko, you think Mr. Fernandes can accept the possibility of our employment How big is there? "

Rahman Marlo did not dare to say: "Mr. Fernandes did not directly reject me, but I think he didn't directly refuse me, this is a good thing, this means there is a chance to cooperate, some talk.

Yes, as long as Chen Li does not directly refuse, it means there is something to talk.

Pelvez is very clear about this, he suddenly tattoo: 6 MiG-29 fighters driven by experienced pilots appeared in the border areas of the India, although it is impossible to completely change the strategic trend of the small bar, but can also It greatly improves the situation in the border map, enough to make history, familiar with the MiG-29 fighter, familiar with the MiG-29 fighters, the three pots of the three pots.

Thinking of this, Pelvez is no longer hesitating, and it is self-contained in Rahman Marlico: "Mariko, I authorized you to talk to Fairnand, I have to reach the employment agreement as much as possible, as for employment prices ... can be doubled only on the existing basis.

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