king of power

Chapter 1811 makes money

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Chen Geng slowly nod: "Can I provide us with some intelligence support? Thank you.

This is enough for Chen Ming, this is enough!

Three pots, as long as I have a hand with the three pots, I know that the three pots is that there is such a thing, and the eternal honey is self-confident. It belongs to a few two kilograms forever, and it is not possible to be able to have a magical existence of a positive. In short, the brain circuit and normal people are not the same, so there is some intelligence support in China, in fact, it can be understood.

This topic does not say much, Ding Navy nodded, and immediately opened this topic: "Right, I remember that you and Vladimir have a good private relationship?"

Listening to her old man said, Chen Geng suddenly laughed: "Dad, what do you have, even if you say, I will help me.

"In this case, then I said directly,"

Ding Navy is not talking to Chen Tong's gas: "You also know, our country has only a dozen Il-76, and these planes must be not enough. For recent time, our country is negotiating with big hair. Il-76 things ... "

Speaking of this, Ding Hajun slightly.

Chen Geng nodded: "Well, I know this thing, it is said that the scale of this contract is quite big?"

Ding Navy is not surprising that Chen Geng will know this matter. It is like this big procurement contract. Even if it is the sky, it is not possible to have it, it is true that the big hair is simply like a screen. However, there is no confidentiality, and when the two sides have just started communicating in the early stage, the whole West has already known that Huaxia is purchasing a large number of Ir -76 transport aircraft from big hair - of course, can not rule out this is a big hair deliberately The wind, after all, the economic situation of Mao's home has been very bad in the past few years.

He nodded: "Our initial idea is from the big Master's home to 40 to 60 frames, even if it is second-hand.

"I understand,"

Chen Geng nodded and knew that his old man took the initiative to say that this is certainly a purpose. Chen Li is no longer a circle around his husband. He is half a joke half a serious saying: "Dad, you don't want you want Let me give you a discount with Vladimir's private relationship to make you a discount? To tell you, I don't think that my face can value so much.

"That is not,"

Ding Navy hurriedly waved: "Xiao Chen, the more than 10 of our domestic Ir -76 all don't build the 'Tay'mk1011 engine of the slaves, do you know?"

"Well, some impressions.

Chen Geng nod, the first batch of Ir -76 in Domestic procurement replaced the more economical oil of Shangfei Group, while the weight is also a "TAY"

MK1011, he certainly knows, just two months, this contract has just been completed, and the last changed "TAY"

The MK1011 engine's Ir -76 passed the acceptance of an air officer, officially served, how can this kind of experience? Just thinking here, Chen Geng's heart suddenly moved: right? Could it ... Ding Navy suddenly ticed Chen Geng to "TAY"

MK1011, of course, is not a direction: "After this time, the trial of the 'Tay'mk1011 engine, it is very satisfied, your engine is not only lighter, but also more oil, the most important thing is compared to Il-76 D-30KP-2 engine, your engine is produced by our machine, so this time, we hope to come directly from the beginning to Ir -76, your 'Tay'mk1011 engine ... "

Speaking here, even the Navy is sorry: "Now, we have stasified here with the old man's negotiation, so you have to make a force.

The original problem is here!

Chen Geng understood.

An Ir -76 requires 4 D-30KP-2 engines, 40 Ir-76 requires 160 engines, even if the most conservative situation: each two Ir -76 is equipped with an alternate engine to calculate 20 sets of spare engines are also required, which is 180 engines.

Even if a D-30KP-2 engine is as 1.3 million, 180 engines also need 2.

$ 3.4 billion, for the old man who is going to be crazy now, they certainly can't agree with the conditions of Huaxia.

The most important thing is that this is not only the problem of money, and there is an order of 180 D-30KP-2 engines, it is enough to let the Solitiv Design Bureau along with their upstream and downstream support companies in the next few years. The moisturies in time are incomparable, and it is also possible to ensure the development of the Russian air engine industry and the level of technicians, but if there is no order, the Russian air engine industry will inevitably be hit.

However, Chen Li has no way to refuse. The reason will be one: Don't forget, we are ready to use "TAY"

MK1011 engine is produced by your business flight group, you are giving you a lot of money, don't know? I want to understand these, Chen Geng sighed: "I can't refuse this.

"As long as you know.

In the face of his old man, Chen Li did not hide it, frankly: "But Dad, I don't want you to say, how can I convince Vladimir, I am really a little clue and I don't have.

Ding Navy's answer for Chen Geng did not feel strange. He smiled and said: "If you can give me an answer now, then I feel weird, don't worry, you should think slowly, anyway, now we are also Pulling with old maro.

Ding Navy is really not anxious.


Chen Geng nodded, such a big thing, is indeed an urgent need.

........................ Give Chen Geng lost a big happening, Ding Navy's patted butt.

I sent my own husband, Chen Geng wrinkled with brows, there is no doubt that this time is not small, but why should I resist this trouble? Lao Ding gossip will pose, it is hard to make a pot? When you think of it, Chen Geng took the phone to call Wang Dazhi in the past: "Lao Wang, ask you something.

Chairman, you said.

"Our country is ready to purchase a group of Ir -76 transport planes from the old man, have you known?"

"Yes, I heard,"

When Wang Dazhi's voice suddenly got up: "Chairman, this time our Shang Fei Group has a big sale.

Chen Pigang Qian Ken Wang Dafu said "big sale"

What is, he smiled and said: "There is a big sale is good, but this sale can be a bit bad?"


Wang Dazhi is a bit unclear that Chen Geng's meaning, be careful: "You said the chairman ..."

"What's the meaning of it is, we don't have to use the old man's engine. Let's take our engine to the old man's aircraft factory installation, but you can understand that the old Mao is in the past, they must not be happy, so ...... "

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