king of power

Chapter 1817 One pair trouble

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When Chen Geng arrived in Beijing, Gina and Barbara were already waiting. Seeing this for sisters, Chen Poished smiled and greeted: "Gina, Barbara, these days Do you have fun? "

After arriving in Huaxia, Chen Geng stayed in Beijing a few days, and some people who could not be written, I talked about the ice city that I couldn't write, and I came to Chen Li's accompanying personnel. Gina and Barbara stayed in Beijing, with only one: play!

As for Huaxia, how much is this for sisters, and Chen Pi will not work.


so happy,"

Barbara 1, excited, the color of excitement, "Huaxia is too fun, I never thought that Huaxia is so interesting, and there are so many delicious ... It is too much in Huaxia, and the air of Beijing is not too it is good.


Gina also heard the head: "In addition, some things look too horrible, it is dark, I didn't dare to eat with Barbara.

Chen Wirong smiled: "This is much better, if you come to autumn, catch up with a few days of sandstorms, it is called fun.

The staff of the foreign affairs department of the foreign affairs department standing on the side moved a few movements, and they still didn't speak.

It is Gina, and a curious to Chen Geng asked: "Mr. Fernandes, what is sandstorm?"

"If there is a case where the vegetation of the large-area surface surface is severely damaged, the bottom of the soil is revealed. If there is a big wind blow, is it filled with dust in the air?"

Chen Ge said: "Sandstorm is similar to the situation, when the air of the entire capital is filled with this dust, if you don't bring a hat, go out to turn a circle, the hair is full of soil ... White clothes are all over dust.

"Oh, God……"

I heard Chen Li and said that Barbara and Gina were exclaimed. Obviously, although this for sisters have never seen the sandstorm weather, but just think, even if he just wants to cover the dust, it is also They are shocked, but they will be born in the children of the politics. Some of the more exaggerated may have nothing to say about the relationship between the two countries.

It is the staff of the foreign affairs department, but the courage is open: "This ... Mr. Chen ..."

Does Chen Li are not used to?

When the other party opened, Chen Pigang gave it back: "How? I don't think I am not right? Do you can't do it every spring, autumn satellite cloud map?"


This poor comrade immediately closed his mouth: Yes, there is a satellite cloud map?

Think about the scene of the sandstorm and sweeping area when the sandstorm broke out every spring, and the area?

It looks too obvious on the satellite cloud map?

So, the hardest is useless, not only is it useless?

Will be faced.

Is it Chen Tong?

In his current identity, the status, I still don't have so much, I saw this comrade?

He then said: "I know my words, let you listen uncomfortable?"

Can there be an old saying in Huaxia?

What is it called 'Tie Item still needs it?

Are you not doing in environmental governance?

Not only don't do it well?

And the damage is more serious, in this case, you don't think about how to govern and restore the environment, but also think about the eyes, not only want to make your own eyes?

I still want to be able to get someone else's eyes ... Do you think this is possible? "

This is the old and autumn?

And according to Chen Geng, a "foreigner"

Is there any loss with a small kilogram of kg?

But after listening to Chen Geng's words, the staff is to understand - in the final, that is: the face is not someone else?

It is earned.

Chen Geng also said, but asked Barbara and Gina: "I will stay in Huaxia a few days. Are you ready to go back or continue in China? If you plan to go back, I can help you arrange, another After you go back, due to my time, this time is your holiday, you can play with friends.

Listening to Chen Geng said that I can go back and friends to play for a while, Barbara and Gina have some heart, and the sisters are opposite: "Is it really ok?"

"of course,"

Chen Mong smiled nodded: "I am now your boss, I said to you, who dares to oppose?"

"Then let's go back!

In the end, it has just been graduated for a long time. It has been working with Chen Li's side for so long. If you want the wave, you can't stand it. Now I listen to Chen Li, but I can't wait to go back to Mili. Firm.

Listening to Chen Li, Barbara is no longer hesitating, immediately said: "We play two days in China, then go back.

"Yes Yes,"

Gina also nodded, the face is already happy: "I will go back to see my friends.

For Gina and Barbara, Huaxia is quite fun. There are also many things, but it is more fun, but also Milinian fun, at least one, you can play some unusless party Ah, you can find a group of party people in China, and I can't find a group of Party. When I dare to come to Milin's current leading to the baby, the woman playing the woman who is not saying? Not afraid of impact on borders in the two countries? Even if it is the PARTY of the right track, no one pays that responsibility.

For Mili Kejian in advance, and there is still a short holiday, Gina and Barbara are exciting, but what is interesting is that Chen Mong pays attention to the staff of the foreign affairs department is also slightly. Pulling a breath - probably because of the national image, this will have to be stretched, otherwise this brother can be happy to come to a "ordinary people, this is really happy"

? Despite Chen Geng, Kien and Barbara are both mixed world, but the reactions of this buddy is still unwilling to Chen Gengxin: What did Gina and Barbara have done in this time? What is this for my sisters tossing you? Some can't help but Chen Geng, whispered to this buddy: "Miss Gina and Miss Barbara brought you a lot of trouble?"

"Trouble is of course,"

Of course, this old brother certainly can't admit that Gina and Barbarabi are the trouble, but this is not a problem. After that, he immediately said it immediately: "However, it may be the first time to come to China Miss Gina and Miss Barbara show a strong interest in Huaxia.


Chen Ming, I don't understand what this means? Look at this buddy with compassion: You are not easy.

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