king of power

Chapter 1823 people are not afraid

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Wang Hao heard the words, surprised to see Chen Gengyi: AMC's increase in the income plug-in mixing car is going to market? The news of Chen Gerain revealed that the general expectations of Wang, but when I think, Wang always thinks this is a matter of course: AMC is one of the world's largest car giants. Since even stealing oil can make Prius this Hybrid car, the AMC takes out the same product, is it difficult to understand? He also understood why Chen Li will tell himself about itself: people AMC's new energy car products will be released immediately. At that time, it will definitely cause a high concern of the world, and their own enterprises are just just Not a few years in the car, I don't say that he just said the overall thinking with myself. Even if you say anything else? In a word, people are not afraid!

A college student will worry about explaining a primary school course? nonexistent.

However, while suddenly realizing, the general heart is also sour in his heart: Is the gap between China and Milin in the automotive industry? AMC's new energy cars will have to push to the market right away, and the whole of China, there is no research on related technologies in the whole China. !

Looking at the face of the face of the face, Chen Li did not say much, and his heart was still very admired on the pioneer of this Huaxia New Energy Car: After several years, who has known the first quantitative production of China's first true production. Is the car from the hands of the old king? The name of the car called F3DM.

The time launched in that car was 2008.

In the case of Wang, when I thought about it, Ding Ruo smoke: "So, the application prospect of the battery is getting wider?"

Looking at your own silly woman, Chen Geng didn't laugh directly: "Do you forget? I have given you before, Huaxia's dependence on imported oil is getting more and more serious, this situation is from the national energy structure and energy security. It is definitely inappropriate, which directly threatens the energy security of a country, and energy security is a strategic security. If Huaxia is a small country, there is no way to face this situation, but Huaxia is not a small country, Huaxia It is a population with 1.3 billion people, with a great country that improves industrial category and nuclear weapons, you said, what will the state do? "

"Of course, it is reduced to external energy dependence,"

Chen Geng's voice fell, Ding Ruo is immediately nod: "But for any country, energy is necessary, so there is only one road in front of Huaxia: realizing energy transformation, from traditional energy steering new energy.

Even the Wang of Wang is noddliary.

Although we have failed in the traditional energy in the Middle East, it is good to leave a wide-ranking country, in order to reduce the dependence on the external energy, maintain the traditional internal combustion engine car steering New energy electric vehicles have become the national policy necessary.

What is the traditional energy car?

The energy storage system is the least important, that is a fuel tank, but arrived at the new energy car?

The energy storage system is the most important thing in the whole vehicle, and is also the highest cost subsystem?

So natural?

Mastering battery technology, it is equal to standing on the tip of the wind.

Ding Ruo smoke, he turned his head to Wang: "Wang always?

Let's work together? "

"Cooperate with one? How do you say?

"Since the core of the new energy car is battery, motor and electric control?

It is better to cooperate in these three research and development. "

In the face of Ding Ruo's suggestion, Wang has sinking.

to be frank?

Is R & D really cost?

For example, the energy density of the battery increases this?

Now the energy density of the lithium iron phosphate battery is approximately 70 troops per kilogram?

How much exceeds 3,000 yuan per kWh?

Whether this energy density is still not costly to meet the requirements of car usage?

As the energy storage system of the car, the energy density must be put down while costing.

How can I achieve overall cost while increasing energy density? The only way is to engage in scientific research, and the high science research is actually to take money.

The battery is so, the motor is the same. For the motor, everyone is not stranger?

Will there be a air compressor in a roadside electric vehicle motorcycle repair shop?

And these air compressors have no exceptions as the motor as the original motion?

So big one motor?

Usually the power is also one to two kilowatts, can the motor motor? The head is larger than the electric motor used in the air press, and even if the generator is more than this electric motor?

The power of the automotive drive motor is six or seventy kilowatts, the power of generators and even power / electric machines is also more than a dozen kilowatts.

Such a little volume, but also such a big power output, what should I do? Still to develop, or take money.

As for the electronically controlled system, it is more important to say that the most important thing in the electronics system is the IGBT chip. This thing is equivalent to the CPU of the computer, you said, do you want to develop? To develop? Ok, please pay money.

In the past few years, Wang Gong's company has earned a lot of money, otherwise it will not push him to the top ten people in the country, but because of this, he knows how to burn the development.

It is also because I know how burned the technology research and development, Wang Chu's proposal for Ding Ru smoke has some heart: the same technique, if it is two units to cooperate, it is equal to the R & D funds that only need to take half. You can get the result of yourself.

But then say this, you can have a lot of problems, such as ... "How to cooperate? What is the result of research and development?"

"Cooperation is based on the principle of equalization,"

Ding Ruohu replied: "The number, capabilities and research and development funds from the two sides must be equal to all the results and patents of research and development.

Wang is also a decisive person, and it is clearer to have two or more large-scale battery providers, and the country is absolutely impossible to allow a company to monopolize the market. So almost no hesitation He nodded now: "I have no problem in principle.

In principle, there is no problem, meaning that the specific cooperation details must also be talked.

Ding Ruo smashed such a three words to completely finalize such a large-scale cooperation, and it is already very satisfied with this result: "Then let's go back to talk about it.

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