king of power

Chapter 1844, the big Master is still a good thing.

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Wang Da Zhiyi: When the old Maozi has already studied a new generation of medium-sized tactical transport aircraft when the Soviet Union is not disintegrating. It's more than Meng Haibo. He wrinkled with a brow. It is not very certain to say: "Chen Dong, what are you talking about an An-70 transport machine?"

An-70 transport machine? After all, it is a mixed empty circle. Listening to Meng Haibo said that, Wang Da Zhi and Huang Wenqing, Zhang Ying is a suddenly remembered this transport machine.

Huang Wenqing immediately said: "Is the one who uses the transfer paddle fan?"

Zhang Ying is also a few curiosity: "Is that transport aircraft a new generation of medium transport aircraft?"

Speaking of the new generation of medium-sized tactical transport aircraft, everyone may not impress, but talk about the Anti-70 aircraft, many people still impressive, mainly because the four pairs of pushtles on the A -70 transport plane The fan engine is really alternative - except for the An-70, there is no plane to carry this type of engine without any airplane!

"Yes, that is the plane,"

Chen Geng's head: "An-70 is the new generation of medium-sized tactical transport aircraft for the old Maozi originally planned to replace An-12, which is the performance of our transportation-8, and -70. Too big, the warehouse size is shipped to the 16.

2M * 3.

2M * 2.

4M is upgraded to 22.

4m * 4.

8m * 4.

1M, the maximum load is also increased from 20 tons to 47 tons, such a good baby, don't you heart? "

It turns out that!

Everyone nodded, Zhang Ying also said: "I said that I have some impressions, it seems that the Soviet Union is indeed ready to use Anti-70 to replace the security-12.

"It's okay, I remember that year ... probably 1993, then when I was-70 first flight, our" aviation knowledge "also reported.

"You said that I also have impressions, more than" aviation knowledge ", like" weapon knowledge "," modern weapon "and other magazines reported this plane, especially the one for my paddle fan, I forgot," However, the engine is really powerful, and the old man is hard to use this engine to make A-70 cruise speeds to approach the jet engine speed, which is great, it is indeed great.

But as the things are more and more, Wang Dazhi also remembered a lot, he quickly said: "The words are true, but the chairman, I have not remembered, I have been to the Soviet Union, An-70 Do not complete the test flight? "

See Chen Geng nod, he went to say: "After the Soviet Union, because the production unit of An-70 transport plane: Antonov design bureau and that of the flash fan engine have belonged to Ukraine, these years come to the old Maozi this year The transport machine has been taking it with Ukraine, this ... "


Wang Dazhi still said: "Chairman, An-70 is indeed a very good transport machine, its big space and big load are far more than our current transport - 8 is strong?

But the plane can not produce the old man. "

"Lao Wang?

Are you confused? "

Do not wait for Wang Dazhi?

Chen Li smiled: "Lao Mao can not be able to produce An-70 transportation machine now, but the problem is that they don't have that production technology? Of course, they just have no ability to build Samara's production factories. .

Don't you forget?

In accordance with the habit of the Soviet Union?

In addition to the Antonov Design Bureau and the Samara factory have a drawing, the Soviet Airlines Design Institute has retained there is a copy of the An-70 drawings.

Because Chen Geng has been forced to live for a few years for the old Mao,?

The first flight of An-70 transport plane has also become from the end of 1994 to the end of 1993.

Before the Soviet Union disintegrate?

An-70 transport plane has eventually complete all the test flying subjects.

And at the time?

The Soviet plan is to open a double base?

In addition to producing a part of the Antonov Design Bureau in Kiev?

The Soviet Union is also preparing to build a second production base in Samara. Before the Soviet Union, the construction of the Samara production base has been completed, but with the Soviet Union, the old hair does not have the fund to complete Samara production. Base construction work?

At this way?

The Soviet Union also lost the production capacity of An-70 transport plane.

But this is definitely not equal to the capacity of the old man to produce An-70?

In fact, as long as the big hair is horizontal?

Whether it is an And-70 transporter or that can make an anti-70 fly to more than 700 kilometers, the old hair can be made out - the only problem is the lack of money.

Understand the idea of ​​Chen Geng in the set of Mao-70 transport aircraft design drawings?

Wang Dazhi took a head: "Ah ... This brain, but the chairman, there is no A -70 to the rotor fan engine.

"There is no relationship to the press paddle fan engine, we can use the 'Tay'mk811 engine to replace,"

Chen Ge said: "After all, the wing of the An-70 transport plane is optimized for high speed flight.

Use "tay"

Series Turrow Engine to replace the anti-70 transport machine to the rotor fan engine? Chen Gerahi is exported, Wang Dazhi and others are all stunned. I don't know how to answer it. I still responded to the first time. He couldn't help but said: "This ... this ... this ... chairman, medium-sized tactics Both transporters use turbine propeller engine? "

Wang Dazhi exit this, Huang Wenqing, Zhang Yinghe Meng Haibo nodded, with it.

Indeed, look at the light and medium-sized transporters in the world, from the Soviet Union 12 to Milin's C-130 "Vitality"

From the C-27 to C-130, it is not all powered by a turbo propeller engine? It is only a light transporter to use a double hair, and the medium-sized transport machine uses four engines. Who is the model of the turbococcal engine as a power? Oh, strictly, it is actually able to recruit one, it is the C-1 transporter of Dongpu, but the goods are simply shame: two JT8D engine C-1 transport aircraft, except for flying more fast The most critical transportation capacity is basically no difference in C-27.

Seeing Wang Dabu et al., Chen Li smiled: "You, it is the thinking!"

Who tells you that the medium-sized tactical transport machine can only use turbo propeller power? If I tell you, in fact, I have developed in the project of the An-70 Transporter. The Soviet Union has planned to be equally-70 replacement model model: An-188, how do you say? "

An-70 does have a version of the edition of the power-on scroll power, but it is not now, but it is a few years after a few years, it is used to flicker the chicken, but now Chen Li is applauded to everyone, but also complete no problem.

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