king of power

Chapter 1866, we are amazing

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As Liu Xiaofeng said, the big Mao's inspection team asked to visit our army to change the "TAY".

The MK1110 engine's Il-76 transporter is a packed purpose - with the greedy character of the old man, such a large piece of fat, how can they argue? For the personality of the old man, the leaders are naturally aware of the name, so the explanation personnel accompanying the troops come to the new dressing "TAY"

The MK1110 engine is a boast ... "Compared to the original D-30KP-2 engine of the Il-76 transport plane, the new engine reduced by about 15% in the fuel consumption, and the total weight of the four engines also alleviated 2200 kg. The reduction in fuel consumption and engine makes the maximum range of the aircraft adds more than 1,200 kilometers ... "

"This is impossible!

The illusors 'voice did not fall, from the Vice-chief engineer of the Solitiv Design Bureau, Alexander Serbalkov, on the high channel: "The" Tay' series of engines have only 3. "

2, how can I save this oil? Our new generation of Er-476 is equipped with a covered ratio of the PS-90A engine up to 4.

6, can also reduce fuel consumption by 13% to 17%, your old-fashioned engine can reduce so much fuel consumption? "

It is also not quilted to be so excited as Alexander, as the deputy chief engineer of the Solitiv Design Bureau. He is too clear that the Solitiv Design Bureau has spent more effort to develop a successful PS-90A engine.

Originally, according to the planning of the Soviet central government, the PS-90A is to replace the first generation of the NK-8 headed by the Kuznezov Design Board than the turbo fan engine and the second generation of the D-30K series. The intersection turbine fan engine, the goal is to catch up with early CFM56 and V2500 engines in terms of fuel consumption level, engine life, noise levels, and the like.

However, in the actual research and development process, it is limited to the level of the aviation industry, the research and development concept, and the growing country's financial, and the research and development process of the PS-90A engine is abnormal. It can be said that it is a lot of years. Birth.

Because of the constraints in various aspects, the PS-90A has to make a compromise in many ways, such as in terms of the design of the combustion chamber, basically inheritance from D-30K, we pay so much effort and heart, The fuel consumption of the PS-90A is reduced by 13% to 17% from D-30K. Your Huaxia can only count our apprentices in the aviation industry, why can we reduce so much fuel consumption? "Mr. Seriba, I came to answer your question,"

Guo Yifan, deputy chief engineer who accompanied by visited Shangfei Group, said: "If you have aware of our Shang Fei Group's 'Tay' series of scroll engines, you should know that our 'Tay' series of engines are introduced from Rhob, England. The 'Tay' Series of the Royce Group.

"Of course I know Rawls Royce's 'Tay' series engine, but I have not remembered, the 'Tay' series of engines have only 3 than 3.

2? "

Alexander Serbalkov snorted, unconsciously said: "If you divide it, can it be a second-generation scroll engine?

And our D-30KP-2 belongs to the same level, then, your 'Tay' series of engines can do so much fuel consumption than D-30kp-2?

Can you achieve our PS-90A level? "

Faced with the eyes of Alexander Serbauf?

Guo Yifan's face has not changed: "What is the 'Tay' series of engine of our Shangfei Group to do so low fuel consumption?

Of course, there is reason, first of all, the UK's aerospace engine industry is developed than the Soviet Union?

Even the same generation of the engine?

The UK's engine is also higher than the Soviet engine in life, fuel consumption, easy maintenance.

Alexander Serbalov snorted, did not admit it, but did not deny it.

To some extent?

The Soviet aviation engine industry benefited from good British?

"World War II"


US Soviet Division Berlin Process?

It is also the two sides search German "trophy" in the end of the war.

the process of?

The "trophy" in this

Also included ** Germany "Black Technology"

And talent?

Among them, Milin is more inclined to search for talents in Germany, and the Soviet Union is more inclined to search for high-tech products and factories and production equipment.

The Soviet Union plays RD-10 and RD-20 on the basis of the eddy spray engine of Germany Jumo-004 and BMW-003, but the performance and reliability are generally.

Just a headache in the Soviet Union's aviation engine, the British Labor Party government headed by Kleomite Etile did not know what the head took a lot of wind, and it was allowed to export to the Soviet Union. 40 aerospace engine with the most advanced fighters at the time: "Nien"

Centrifugal vortex engine.

Is the Soviet government, is of course a happiness?

Reached a transaction with the UK with the fastest speed?

And began to imitate Nen -i, NNII -II, and Derwate-V vortex engine machine?

That is, the later RD-45, RD-45F and RD-500.

after that?

The Soviet Union has been improved on the basis of RD-45, which has later VK-1, and VK-1 is equipped on MiG-15 fighter?

There was almost all Huadian countries - Huaxia also introduced the production of this plane, and gave him a very nice name: -5, as for the domestic VK-1, it is a big famous vortex-5 .

Because of such a relationship, it is said that the UK is half a teacher in the Soviet air engine industry. It is a little true; in truth, saying that the Soviet technology is weak than the British technology, that is, it is true.

Looking at the Alexander Serokov, Guo Yifan, said: "The" Tay 'series of engine fuel consumption is very low, and our Shangfei Group is in the introduction of the' Tay 'series of engines, also with Roer The Royce Group signed a protocol that continuously improve the 'Tay' series of engines, the thrust of the 'Tay' series engine has also evolved from the 60KN level of MK610 to the 110KN level of MK1110.

At the same time, in the improved process, we have continued to use a large number of new technologies, new ideas, to MK1110, not only greatly increased the life, but use double-proclaimed full-power digital control system, which has been expanded to 4.

4. In addition to improving potential, the overall performance is not weak in the current PS-90A of the Solitiv Design Bureau, so ... "

Speaking here, Guo Yi said: "Our 'Tay'mk1110 engine is better than your Solitijv Design PS-90A, what can't understand?"

Alexander Serbalkov was said with Guo Yi's words, but I couldn't say anything.

No way, according to this guy, this Ir -76 transport machine is equipped with "TAY"

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