king of power

Chapter 1875

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Stanson held his face.

After a while, he released his hand, and his snoring: "Sorry, I lost his voice.

John Dean quickly said: "It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter, we can understand you,"

Sketch a little, John's governor hesitated, or said: "In fact, Stanson, we all know that you are a good mayor.

Stanson shakes his head, nothing to say, but once again asked John: "Is there a brother who requires amputation?" Is there any need to cut off both hands or legs? "

This is certainly unbearable, but if you must choose a blessing to accept the situation in this case, you only take a hand or a foot to become the most people. The choice of acceptable, after all, only one hand, can also walk properly, life can be self-carefully, and even the simple work in some police officers; if you cut a foot or leg, although the situation Very bad, there will be some inconvenience, but by installing the prosthesis can also walk, life is not big, afraid, I am afraid to cut two hands or two legs.

Stanson doesn't remember whether there is a unlucky police officer by the two legs at the same time, but he has to consider this situation.

As soon as this, John's face is revealing some smiles: "Stating this, Mr. Mayor, I have to congratulations.

When I heard John, Stanson's spirit was oscillated: "How do you say?"

"In these police officers who must accept amputation surgery, three people only need to be cut off a small leg, and the other four people need to cut off a small arms, but by installing prosthesis, they can guarantee daily life and work ... "

Speaking of this, John's chief laughed: "Mr. Stanson, you can arrange some relaxed jobs for these heroic Warriors, right?"

"of course!

I heard the governor of John said that Stanson's expression was relaxed. He nodded without hesitation: "These police officers are in order to guard the peace of the city, as may, I certainly have to guarantee them. In the future life, it will arrange some of the work that can be able to do ... Do you know?

For the future of police officers due to public injury, the government has specialized regulations.

John's neighborhood.

"Walk, take me to the conference room?"


Pendant Stanson?

Long sucking a breath?

I said to John Deal: "I will see my family with the heroes.

.................... When Tanson's conference room specially arranged in the hospital, when the family members of the police officers and death in this action, the Director Wang is with Demtry. Supermounted fans ... "The price of $ 40 million is absolutely!

The director of the king is trying to take the table: "If this price is followed?

Calculate new orders?

The total value of these aircraft will exceed 2 billion US dollars, Mr. Dmitry, I clearly tell you?

What can't afford to buy in China?

Never buy it?

Don't say anything else?

Are all second-hand Ir -76?

How much is Ukraine and Kazakhstan for sale in the past two years? "

Listening to Wang Director mentioned the second-hand Il-76 for Ukraine and Kazakhstan?

Dmitry has hated these two countries!

Why do you say this? Because these two years, Ukraine and Kazakhstan sold the second-hand Il-76, unit price, no more than 20 million US dollars, especially in the beginning of this year, Kazakhstan sells a batch of second-hand Il-76?

The average unit price is $ 14 million?

This is coming soon: the second-hand Ir-76 of people in Ukraine and Kazakhstan sells $ 14 million?

Do you dare to sell $ 40 million?

how? Is the Il-76 of your home made a gold? In Dmitry, this price is simply a field.

But the problem is that the market's transaction price is there, what can they do? I have to justify the scalp and deformed: "Wang?

If you can't say this, the price of Ir -76 sold in Ukraine and Kazakhstan is cheap, but what is the plane they sell? Although it is Ir -76, but according to our understanding, the Ir -76 they sell is almost 20 years, and some may have experienced the war of Afghanistan, let alone after the open air is placed. Whole is a state.

Do you want such a plane? If you want, count the price, I will give you a $ 20 million!

But I believe that you must not, right? We are not the same, all of which are 8 to 12 years agers, and the storage conditions are good, just need to have simple maintenance and preparation to restore the peak state, so, this price is not expensive. ...... "

"Are you too embarrassed? You don't want to think about the batch of second-hand Ir -76 bought in the year, the overall situation is not much more than the second-hand Il-76, but how much is the single price?"

Director Wang gave his eyes and said: "Mr. Dmitry, I am not difficult for you, this, one $ 20 million!

"20 million US dollars must not!

Dmitry is a pin on the ass, it is generally jumped: "At a minimum of 38 million US dollars!

"Look at the traditional friendship of the two countries, $ 21 million!

"Hua Mao friendship is long!

I will let a little more, $ 37.5 million!

............ Finally, the two sides stiff, Wang Director is only willing to give 23.5 million US dollars, while Dmitry is dead and bitten by 36 million US dollars.

However, for this stalemate, everyone did not feel unexpected, such a big purchase, I want to talk to that, talk about it is normal, so I just negotiated, I also had two buckets. The same Wang Director and Dmitry, when the end of the day's negotiations, the two people changed, as if the old friends have smiled as many years.

At the dinner, Dmitry no longer talks about Ir -76, turned a strong to sell their Su-34 battle bomber ... "Wang, believe me, you have to have the Navy to need SU-34 this Airplane!

Whether it is its ultra-long voyage or a large-loaded capacity, the enemy attacking ability, this plane is the most suitable for your Navy Aircraft Forces!

Dmitry said: "If you buy this plane, I can be the Lord, put this order with the order I talk about, help you fight for a sufficient discount price, how?"


The director of Wang listened: "What a plane is this?"

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