king of power

Chapter 482 takes the opportunity to ask for the benefits

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Looking at the list of Chen Xiaoshan sent, Jia Yumein is really frightened, his hand is a bit : these guys, this is a full enough ... Jia Yumein, whitening, strive to squeeze Chen Hill I have a smile: "Chen Fair, this thing ... Mr. Chen Li knows?"

Now, his greatest hope is that Chen Li still doesn't know this.

Chen Xiaoshan's eye is not blind: "I have not reported to our boss temporarily ..."

"If you don't report, it is good, no report is good ..."

This sentence of Chen Hill, Jia Youmin is only a breather: he is really afraid that Chen Li has known this.

At that, I couldn't save it, but since Chen Li still didn't know, there is still some saving.

Summary, Jia Youmin is laughing, and the rare use of the business is said to Chen Xiaoshan: "Chen Ferry, this thing you temporarily report, of course, this thing you can rest assured, city I must give you a satisfactory explanation, you see ... "

It is not quilted that Jia Yimin is so whispering. It is really as the deputy mayor of the capital. He is too bad about this nature of this matter: not only brings a bad impact on the national investment promotion work, but also says, it is true. Down to Huaxia's reform and opening up!

Is it exaggerated? It seems that it seems like this, but it is actually not exaggerated.

If this thing is known by the Weibo's Bob Todd, what will he have? There is no doubt that there is some great and very popular, it is absolutely impossible to invest in China.

This is the secondary, more destined is the possible reaction of Chen Geng, not only because Chen Geng is a signboard of the foreign investment to be introduced by Huaxia, but because Chen Tong is the hottest, most popular in the United States. Wanfu, Super Diamond Wang Lao Fif, if Chen Geng said in the European and American media, in the future, would like to invest in Europe and America? In the view of Jia Yimin, it can even be considered that Chen Hanshan saved the reform and opening up of Huaxia in some extent, he rushed to this, don't say whisper, if necessary, he didn't mind more intense.

Chen Mountain, who has already got Chen Geng, does not mind, but this is not so good, according to the big boss, it is not enough, but there is not enough benefit you think I think I think I think I want to pack? Don't think about it.

He bitterly faced with Jia Yimin, said: "This ... leaders, I don't say, don't mean that our boss doesn't have a chance, you may not know, now our factory is in the factory, everywhere Our house should be taken away, this can be a house, leadership, it is difficult to protect no one will go to find our big boss ... "


Jia Youmin has an impulse impulse in his heart: I am afraid what is going on.

He also understands that this situation in Chen Hill may not appear, and it is the possibility of big probability, just like Chen Hill, this is a house, for a house and leadership quarrel and even Does the parents have less examples? There are so many departments to dismantle the house, he also believes that this thing has already been in the dismantling plant's internal workers, so naturally, in order to keep their house, do things to Chen Mong Going to a lot of people's choices ... Workers As long as they are not stupid, they will know that this time is the most cost-effective. It is also the best way to keep their own houses. If Chen Li is returned to the United States, ghosts I know when he comes to China next time? I have a cold, and there is a half year.

So, I definitely can't let Chen Geng know!

Even if Chen Dynasty knows, it must also be in the premise of being properly solved. The main leadership in the city personally look at Chen Ge, and the cloud is light, but the cloud is light, but now, in order to Your face, Jia Yimin feels that I try to see what I can make Chen Xiaoshan do something, I really can't find Chen Gill, after all ... I am so big, whispering is very funny? ? The impulse of the mother of the mother, Jia Youmin has a smile: "Oh ... Chen Fan, you also make sense, but the hill comrades ..."

When I said here, Jia Yimin is a little, and the tone is also serious: "You are not only the factory manager of the dismantling factory, but also a glorious total C party member.

As a glorious total C party member, no matter what position must be strictly demanded with a party, right? "

Chen Hill is a bit awkward. Why Jia Yumein suddenly said this, but this problem is hardly considered, he immediately said: "Yes.

Jia Youmin looked at Chen Hanshan, said: "As the factory manager of the dismantling factory, you must do a good job in the production and management of the waste car dismantling plant, coordinate the coordination, communication between the outside and our workers. In the critical moment, it is necessary to speak political, spectating the overall situation, and definitely can't affect the hundred years of national investment promotion ... "

Chen Xiaoshan is also the former deputy director of the capital animal husbandry, and Jia Youmin said on this copy. If he doesn't understand what J Jia Yin is playing, you can kill: this is what you want this. I am asking yourself here, don't let Chen Geng know ... I'm gorganow mayor, you know, our big boss has long known this.

But this result is not what you want? Chen Xiaoshan frowned, for a long time, it was extremely difficult to say: "This ... leaders, want workers to understand the country's difficulties are not, just this ..."

Jia Youmin suddenly slammed a sigh of relief, and I didn't wait Chen Mountain. He immediately said: "You tell comrades, please rest assured, the city must give you a satisfactory confession, for some comrades, in the city It will also be severely punished ... "

If Chen Xiaoshan is the deputy director of the First Payment Institute, when Jia Yumein said this, he didn't go back, but at this moment, since he represents Chen Minglai to the city of Lesce, Jia Emperor wants to rely on such a seemingly meaningful righteous saying. If you don't pay, if you don't pay, you want to send him to the hair, it is impossible.

In the face of the unheneited departure of the Vice Mayor's prestige, Chen Xiaoshan is not allowed to give it back: "Leaders, you are talking about, if comrades ask what will be taken in our city. Measures, how should I answer? "


Jia Yimin did not speak, he wrinkled with the next thing: this Chen Hill, it seems a bit floating, I have said this, you actually entangle it with me? It is not that he doesn't want to give Chen Hill a clear reply. It is really that this is too sudden, so there is no way to reply Chen Hill. The normal process is to compensate for the dismantling plant for the scrapped car, it should It is a collective decision of the city @ , in the future, in the future, if the board is behind, the board will not fight his ass, but what is going on now? On the occasion of Jia Youmin, I watched Chen Hanshan firmly, he reacted: At this moment, Chen Hill at this moment is not a person who is the Livestock Research Institute. He stands behind Chen Ming, he has The way to cope with the sub-official official is not easy to use today. If you want to let Chen Hill go back, and the impact of this matter is within a certain range, you seem, probably, you can only give Chen Hushan, it is clear. Method of compensation ... The deputy mayor of Jia felt suddenly in his heart.

What can be stuffed again, the deputy mayor of Jia also understand that he must give a certain feasibility plan, sucking a sigh of relief, Jia Yimin: "First, in principle, the city will order the next order, not allow any The line of lines go to the displacement of the factory community to borrow a house ... "

"Not only is the city, there are also some ministries of the ministries.

Chen Xiaoshan reminded him.

Jia Youmin secretly sighed: "I will communicate with the relevant leaders.


Chen Xiaoshan should have a word "doubt" on his face.

Two words.

Deputy Mayors feel more and more.

Susperess, in addition to the darkness of the teeth, etc., etc. After the end of this, I can get up the guy who gave yourself a troubles. What should I do with Chen Hill? "In addition, in terms of land transfer, the city will also consider it,"

After saying this, I feel that I still don't have insurance, Jia Youmin wants to think and add: "In addition, the city will also guarantee the priority supply of your family community construction materials.

Chen Hill, etc.

This year, the house is not so good, cover the house, you have to have a steel, cement, sand, brick, wood, glass? Sorry, all these materials are national control, government-transferred, and even construction companies are also owned by government management, private construction companies that can build such a large-scale employee family? Today, 1981, it does not exist.

It can be said that if there is no coordination of the Capital Municipal Government, there is no money in the hand of the waste car to disassemble the factory. Please do not buy building materials.

He immediately touched this thing: "Is it possible to protect the supplies in our community?"


Focus on "Key Protection"

It is two concepts.

Jia Youmin bites his teeth: "It is a key guarantee.

"Can you let the post and telecommunications bureau have given our community several telephone lines?"

Chen Xiaoshan looked his face and once again put forward new requirements.


Jia Youmin feels a little pain in his teeth.

"Different bus lines, heating, power supply, water supply, can you always follow it?"


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