king of power

Chapter 489 still wants a female comrade

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Chen Geng is very clear that he will take some measures above, but he didn't expect that the above movements were actually so fast, and so targeted: the next morning, his old and old lace stood at the door.

After your own old and old lady, it is also an acquaintance: Fang Huaying and Li Xiaolan of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

I didn't expect Chen Hongjun and Yuan Jiaxong to appear in his face. Chen Li couldn't help but, next moment, he hurriedly took Chen Hongjun and Yuan Jia to the inside: "Uncle, when you come, how can you come in advance? Tell me? Come in and come in ... Well, Comrades, Comrade Li, don't lick, come in.

In the face of Chen Ming's enthusiasm, Fang Huaying and Li Xiaolan did not but did not jealous, but secretly, did it for so many diplomats, and the two can't see that Chen Tong's enthusiasm is complete because of private Reason, is there any relationship with him to alleviate relationships with domestic? However, if this is the case, the two are also secretly sighful: the at least is not very bad.

After the cold, after the respect of the seat, Chen Geng's asked, asked Chen Hongjun and Yuan Jia asked: "Uncle,, you have a mission this time?"

Finally, still!

Yuan Jiahe Chen Hongjun regarded the eye, or Yuan Jia, a bit bite, she first opened the mouth: "Chen Geng, I know that you will definitely understand, yes, this time I and your uncle is for your business. .

Chen Geng silently took a moment, nodded: "Well, and I think so much ..."

Just, after aware of the matter, the high-level urgently held a meeting to discuss how to resolve this crisis, leaving Chen Geng, the most important thing is "Must ensure that Chen Ming is in the face of foreign investment. The banner of the introduction is absolutely can't!

Ask Comrade Ding Navy to returning to the country, certainly a great choice, but also comrades put forward an objection, think that the current situation is changing, saying that when Chen Li is going back to the United States, please contact the Navy to help do work, it is good However, even if the Ding Navy commented from the phone from the phone, he immediately got up and 20 hours later, it would be able to return to China, so long, it is likely to have a variety of accidents.

This comrade proposed a suggestion, which is roughly Chen Geng and his relatives in China, and it is also very close to the nest, Chen Geng and his uncle Hall have always been very close. Can you please ask Chen Power? Uncle and the scorpion help me say? Most importantly, Chen Geng's Hall and Hall is now in the magic, fully arranged a plane to fly the capital, which is much more faster than letting Ding Navy comes back from the United States ... and even afraid It is another step. Chen Hongjun and Yuan Jia do not do Chen Geng's work, but also want to drag to Ding Navy.

This suggestion is presented, and the leadership of the meeting suddenly lit up: Yes, let Chen Ge's relatives will work, the effect is much better than we do.

And the more you understand Chen Hongjun and Yuan Jia's situation, the more confident, the more confidence: what is more than a party, the country and the people's active military officers to make Chenmong 's thoughts. What's more suitable? It is very good, there is a flight after two hours, there is a flight from the devil to the capital, and the leaders immediately inform the magic capital civil aviation system, and the flights to the magic capital will take off at two hours - arranged here. Comrade took the military machine in the past, and the case of Chen Hongjun's couple was introduced.

Chen Hongjun's face of the face: "Chen Ge ..."


Seeing Chen Hongjun's face, a political commissar is like a political commissar, and Yuan Jiaxin screamed badly, hurriedly grabbed the front of Chen Hongjun: "You give me a mouth!"

Chen Hongjun screamed, and realized that he had just had the right to shut up his old man.

Fang Huaying and Li Xiaolan were darkly out of breath.

Yuan Jia, was "Chen Geng, since you guess what we are doing, it is estimated that you also know what it means, we are a family, not afraid to tell you, true, yes The leaders let us work for you, but I will talk about it in front of it. If you think that you don't do it in China, even if you go back, what is your uncle? Impact ... What do you do? I also said!

This is said to Chen Hongjun, and the old Chen did not expect his own mother's mother, so he didn't give his face. The old face suddenly was red, and it was very embarrassing.

As for Fang Huying and Li Xiaolan who acts as a display next to it, I can't wait to find a slit, my heart is an idea: Which leader is thinking about? Which leader is thinking about? After saying Chen Hongjun, Yuan Jia was turning his head to smile and said to Chen Geng: "But Chen Gill, the scorpion is coming, can you listen to two sentences first?"

Chen Mongxiao, he looked at the old man with his face, and then looked at the embarrassing hate. Fang Huaying and Li Xiaolan, nodded: "Cheng, scorpion, you said, I listen. .

He put a pair of ladies listened.

Huh? It was found that Chen Pigang was so good to talk, Fang Huaying and Li Xiaolan were sudden, and then it was very good to smoke himself two mouths: It is no wonder that the Director of the Women's Federation is to be brought by the female comrades, this is a thought work, and it is more appropriate.

Yuan Jia also didn't talk to Chen Multi, now it is not polite: "Chen Tong, I said, you may notice it, or not to notice, in our Chinese, most people ... Whether it is ordinary worker or Leading cadres ... The housing situation is more nervous, and the place is also good. In the capital, many middle-level leadership housing conditions said that there is no housing conditions for your uncle to the East China Military Region.

"Yes, I have heard of this.

Chen Geng nodded.

He has not heard, I have seen it.

I heard Chen Ge said that he knew this situation, Yuan Jiaxong had a breath, Chen Dynasty knew that this situation was good, she then said: "People, I hope that I can live a better life, but a little bit Comrade gorge a little higher, some of the awareness of comrades, those gratified, I heard that you have to cover the house, but also the big house in the three rooms, it is inevitable to have a little selfish idea ... this is also human Talking about it is right? Can a scorpion, I also dare to keep up with you, this is just the idea of ​​these people, absolutely nothing to do with this country.

I just hated Fang Xiaohua and Li Xiaolan who came in to stand in the station. This only understood what Yuan Jia did what he meant. He is busy with nodding, it is very shouting "Yes, the situation is like this!


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