king of power

Chapter 491, Discussion

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After the initial slight mislear, Jia Youmin said with the mouth: "This is simple, you don't have to manage, we will definitely place it.

Chen Wai is slightly shakes: "Continuous the conditions of the leadership of the government are so nervous, you said that the municipal government can coordinate such a house? Don't tell you, I think this is really difficult.

Jia Yumein's old blush, he just had to explain with Chen Geng explained that although the housing conditions in the city were more nervous, I would like to think about it, I heard Chen Geng and said: "And I think, this kind of thing Your love, I am better, everyone is happy to show me the courtyard, better than anything, I don't want my compatriots to poke my backbone behind my compatriots.

Mr. Jia, do you think so? You have been looking for a piece of place near, no too much, there is a ten acres, let me build a sixty-seven building to reset it to the original residents in these Siheyuan.

Dog bigger!

In order to such a four-in-court, Chen Pigong is willing to specialize in repairing a few buildings? !

In addition to "dog big household"

In addition, Jia Yinmin also is also committed to finding other words to describe this move, especially Chen Geng, says that the face is relaxed, uncomfortable, and Jia Youmin suddenly stuffed.

I used to listen to people who said that Chen Geng has money. It is a billionaire worth billion. Millionaire is a concept. Jia Yumein does not have an intuitive feeling, but he personally sees it: for a Siheyuan , People are willing to repair several buildings directly to place the original residents in the Siheyuan!

Sure enough, it is a big dog!

But this is also a good thing, standing in the municipal government, if Chen Ge will provide new buildings to these Sihe's aborigines, it is estimated that no matter which courtiers of the courtyard will be ecstatic, Jia Youmin does not understand people's livelihood, I know those living conditions for those who live in the Siheyuan are really nervous. A four-five people even live in a room that is less than 30 square or even less than 20 square meters. There are many families even. The child has been married, and even a child has a child, but it is a three generations that they have to squeeze in such a set of twenty or 30 square rooms. The kitchen and toilet, housing conditions are tight, have also become the root cause of many families.

Jia Yumein is also very secure. If Chen Geng gives these four-room residents to provide a set of two rooms with kitchen and toilet, it is estimated that the residents of the Siheyuan will be busy, crying and calling the house to Chen Li, he just does not understand Why is Chen Li to do this? Do you have a big loss.

Why did Chen Yang insist on doing this? Too simple, on the one hand, he is not willing to be poked by the bones of the compatriots who live in the Siheyuan, let alone do not bad these money; on the other hand, he wants to build his reputation, let anyone intentional and own The local government of cooperation knows that he is willing to win with them, rather than thinking about them from them.

Although Jia Yimin didn't know why Chen Li did to do this, it was not polite with himself. After he was really planning to do this, Jia Youmin hesitated, finally nod: "That ... if it is like this It is definitely no problem, but Mr. Chen, in fact, you don't have to cover so much, no matter which yard you choose, the most is the five or six people, there is a building.

According to the project cost of this era, 48 families can be placed on the building of the 4th unit and 4 units. At the seemingly enough of Jia Yunmin, even if Chen Tong is the four-way big yard, it will not have two buildings. ... With the test of the former car, Jia Youmin is the idea of ​​killing the house of Chen Geng cover.

"Is a building?"

"The building is enough, enough.

Jia Youmin nodded.


Knowing the leadership of the city, now the birds are almost the birds, Chen Geng does not expand them: "How many residents have been taken first, let's decide what to cover it in accordance with the households.

...................... Chen Li replies to the home, and willing to cover a building to resettle the Aboriginal people of the Siheyuan. This news, let the leaders who have always been stretched in this time finally put their hearts. In the belly: Ok, it seems that this thing is that it has passed, it's great ... As long as you can take this thing as soon as possible, what is the four-way four-in-one hospital? Nothing at all.

The leaders of the FAW, the State Broadcasting and Television Industry Administration, Four Machinery, the State Electronic Computer Industry Administration, the Foreign Trade Department, and the departments of the Foreign Trade Department also finally rose: this channel of this foreign exchange is finally stable, everyone's The political achievements are also stable.

It's just in this way, and another thing has become a heart to everyone: When do we reboot negotiations? Nothing dares to ask Chen Geng, who dares to ensure that Chen Ming is completely unbelled? On the other hand, everyone is in a hurry, taking cooperation in a day, it is equal to knocking his own political achievements early, how can this matter be delayed? When I didn't dare to find Chen Tong, several executives in Fernandes became the object of the upper and lower public relations, and Chen Hanshan was no exception.

"So ... the boss, do you think we can restart the negotiation process now?"

Also waiting for Rosemary, indicated by his own boss, come to Chen Geng asked.

Chen Geng did not immediately answer this question, but asked Rosemary: "Negotiations with FAW, do you think it is possible in the short term?"

"quite difficult,"

Rosemary shakes his head, frankly: "FAW always insists that it doesn't matter, it is completely unclean partnership, especially political.

"Politics is handsome, after all, FAW is a state-owned enterprise, you can understand,"

Chen Mongxiao laughed, there is no need to sway: "In this case, it is suspended with the negotiations in FAW. Waiting here.


Rosmary should have no problem with FAW's cooperation for two or three years, but cooperation with the Huaxia Electronic Computer Industry is indeed dragged: "So cooperation with Wei forces ..."

"Tap as soon as possible,"

Chen Ge said: "The profit does not have to give them too low, the focus is to ensure the speed of supply and product quality.

Never let IBM 5150 grabbed in front of themselves, Chen Geng's heart is very clear, once let IBM grabbed the IBM 5150 computer, IBM will completely laid their in the future with this historic product. The status of the personal PC in the year, this opportunity is definitely not available by IBM.

"OK, I know what to do, then, is you going back?"

The visa of your own boss is about to expire, this point Rose Mary is known.

"I am going to go to the magic to see, stay in the Magic for two days.

Chen Hongjun's wife came to the capital, and the magic has known, how can you ask the leaders in the magic city to know what the police officer go to the capital? Under normal circumstances, of course, no one will go to this idle, as long as the magic urban guard area is approved, you Chen Hongjun loves to leave, and you can return, but Chen Hongjun does not belong to "Leisurers, etc."

Because Chen Geng's sorrow, Chen Hongjun couple hangs in the magic city @ ... As long as it is a relationship with Chen Tong, you must report to the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee in the first time!

We also know that the army is also a member of the Standing Committee of the province / city in the province / city, and the commander of the Magical Guards is also a member of the Standing Committee of the Magic City. Going to the capital to do Chen Geng's thoughts, not only the head of the Magical Guard Area knows that the main leadership of the magic also knows, since the main leadership of the magic, you will not guess they will not Through this opportunity, Chen Hongjun and Yuan Jia invited Chen Mi to see? As for Chen Li, he didn't mind going to the magic, and went to his old marigon.

...................... Faced with Chen Geng, a face of the Director of the Magical Station in Beijing is a smile: "Mr. Chen, no matter what you have, you can tell me, we must do our utmost Fully meet your requirements.

From Chen Hongjun, I learned that Chen Li's consent came to the devil, and the magic has been excited. It immediately arranged the devil in Beijing to accompany and coordinate. To this end, as the director of the Magical Director In the morning, I rushed to the country, the purpose, and wholeheartedly as Chen Geng service.

"If you want to ask ... I want to go to Pudong to see, I don't know if it is inconvenient?"


Fang Xiaoxiao, before, he thought about Chen Geng may make a variety of requirements, and even some could not think of it, just did not expect Chen Li, will want to go to Pudong, can't help but say : "Mr. Chen, IMHO, there is no good look, in Pudong, except farmland is farmland ..."


Chen Geng seems to be a bit surprised: "But I listened to my friends who intend to develop Pudong, um, I also heard that Chen Shuji put forward the 'Magic whether it is to revitalize or indulge?' Is it mine? Is the message wrong? "

Fang Xiaoxiao surprised: How do Chen Tong know this? "The magic of Chen Geng is to revitalize or indulge?"

It is a magic city @ The first secretary of Chen Guodong held in the past few times. "

Based on the discussion, the background is the first four reform and open pilot cities that have been delineated in the country, there is no magic, and the magic has been on and below, and it is very worried, and it is considered that the status of the Magical in the Republic is beginning to decline. The original words of Chen Shuji is "Our Magic is not to be indulged. The magic is to revitalize or indulge?"

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