king of power

Chapter 508 This little trick, I want to think about my eyes.

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Because of the success of the ThinkCenter of Gate 2000, IBM is full of expectations of IBM 5150's market performance.

Why is this this? It is very simple because IBM understands the ThinkCenter.

After the THINKCENTER, IBM purchased a group in the first time, analyzed the product and product force of the competitors, after analysis, and the THINKCENTER of Gat Ruite 2000 was to "highly compatible" as their own 5150.

The road ... this is relieved!

Original IBM is also worried about What exclusive secrets will be there, but ... is it highly compatible? Hahaha ... Since Thinkcenter that is highly compatible with the road has achieved such a big success, what is the reason for the IBM 5150 that is highly compatible with the road? Therefore, although IBM 5150 is postponed for half a month more than history, IBM is full of confidence in 5150. It is believed that with IBM's word of mouth and market for IBM, 5150 does not have a lot of reasons, then ... IBM The discovery found that 5,150 listed on the same day, only 5,000 units were sold.

what's the situation? In the face of this result, IBM is , the CEO Extrache.

This will go out with the two people, all the same fish, the same bait, even two people are still next to, watching A fishing a 300-pound of bluefin gold tuna, B confidence is full of thinking of themselves Like a similar fish, the result is a 10 pound of squid - the squid is also a good fish, the valuables, naturally no way to compare with a 300-pound of bluefin tuna.

What can you still, the consumer demand that the market accumulated by Thinkcenter is almost the same. It is really the last month of the past, that is the 730,000 THINKCENTER is directly lost in the Pacific? Can the current personal computer consumer market comply with the car consumer market? As the oldest brand of the United States, IBM has soon realized this, and they quickly adjusted the propaganda strategy.

And Chen Geng, looked at this IBM 5150 in front of him, couldn't help but feel: "IBM really didn't put us in the eyes ... Gary, IBM is equipped with the MS-DOS system is plagiarism. CP / M? "

Gary Kiridell's eyes are red: "BOSS, I assure you, this is my CP / M, but what I want to say is that the CP / M modified by IBM is too bad, it is a The group shit, I promise that my son is doing better than this MS-DOS.

Chen Geng hooks, he is in the palm of his hand, excited: "Cheng, you determine that the DOS system is plagiarging our CP / M system, Gary, you cooperate with our technical department to organize evidence, then prepare lawyers Letter ... this time IBM is dead, Laozi wants them to lose his pants!

Dog X's IBM, before Laozi can warn you, you don't want to make Laozi's warning as a thing, but also dare to continue pirated Laozi's CP / M system? Hold, walk!

...................... "Sir, we seem to have trouble.

Polls Jackson, the head of the Levantia, said with Exx.


Exx picked his eyebrows, but there was no big change: "What is trouble?"

"Garrete 2000 Company sent us a lawyer letter, claiming that the MS-DOS operating system equipped on the 5150 personal computer is plagiarisming their CP / M operating system, our practices have violated patents and interests. We have stopped this infringement immediately, and it has been sold out, all 5150 personal computers equipped with the MS-DOS operating system compensated to Gate 2000, otherwise they will immediately resort to law.

Exx, I have a kind of impulse, but he is not a stupid, knowing that the other party is not a full evidence, it is impossible to send such a lawyer letter - if there is no such thing, This letter of lawyer, IBM can reinforce Gate 2000 framed - the heart is more annoyed: Bill, Bill, I trust you, put it to you for 5150 development operating system, Are you going to reward me? In the eyes, it seems that it is not a table, but his brow is deeper: "Prince, is they evidence?"


Prince Jackson nodded and touched a thick document from the bag: "This is the evidence information they will send together with the lawyer's letter. I invite the software development department to identify, if these evidence is not fake, That is true.

"This is ..."

Exx sketch, asked Prince Jackson: "What is the compensation they ask?"

Ok? Prince Jackson was surprised to see Exfreshe, saying: "Every individual computer with MS-DOS operating system is sold, compensate $ 1,000.

"How many?!

"1000 US dollars per machine,"

Prince Jackson understood why Ext would look at himself with such a surprised eyes, he surely nodded: "We have sold more than 35,000 5150 personal computers, according to the NATO requirements of Gate 2, We have to compensate at least $ 35 million.

The face of Exx rose red, he said: "This is a robbery!

"Yes, they are robbery,"

Prince Jackson is sure, but as a group's legal director, he must also remind Exx: "But if our MS-DOS is really illegal, plagiarism, with their hands existing Evidence, the court will definitely support the requirements of Garrete 2000, and maybe we have to pay more.

"We can play a long-lasting lawsuit ..."

"You are right, we can do this,"

For Exx's ideas, Prince Jackson did not feel unexpected, big company, big group, which one is not like this? Even if I gave your right to invade your right, I can also sore you through a long time to play a long time, but as the group's legal director, he also has an obligation to remind Ex: "But Mr., I need to remind you that Garrete 2000 is not a small company, Mr. Fernandes Chen can be a billionaire worth hundreds of millions of dollars. In this way, you can really determine you with a full evidence. Plan to do this? In addition, I need to remind you, Mr. Fernandes Chen has two newspapers. If he takes this opportunity to launch public opinion ... "

If Prince Jackson is finished, Exicks play a cold and hurriedly raised his hand to interrupt Prince Jackson: "Forget it.

Although tens of millions of dollars is enough to make IBM feel incomparable to the meat pain, it is not the name of IBM. Don't look at these big enterprises, do one by one by one in the back, but for yourself The reputation on the face, they still care, must keep their own corporate image, further, if they dare to make IBM's reputation, the board will definitely kick yourself without hesitation.

"Maybe ... I can talk to Fernandes,"

Donned, Ext kit again: "Yes, we should talk.

For IBM executives, use the company to give your own rights to make profits for their own private interests, this is not a great thing, everyone is doing, but the premise is a major loss to the company, Exx Using yourself as the status of IBM CEO, I want to sell a better Gates, this is no problem, but the premise is that IBM's interests cannot be damaged, not to say a million dollars, in this case He must go to Chen Geng talk.

...................... Exx wants to talk to yourself, Chen Li, will not refuse, even if he has already guessed what Exx wants to talk to him, but IBM's face is still a value of several dollars.

Exx wants to talk to himself, it does not have an unexpected expectation, after a few chills, he asked in a hurry: "Mr. Fernandes, how can you give up?"

"give up?"

Chen Geng looked at Exx: "Mr. Ext, Mr. Ext, do you know that you are joking with me? This is a business worth tens of millions of dollars!

Tens of millions of dollars!

Do you let me give up?

Exx was described as Chen Geng to describe this law as a business, if you play a lawsuit, you can earn millions of dollars, change it yourself, you will not hesitate.

He shrugged: "Well, then I will change: IBM how to do, you will give up?"


Chen Geng hit a thoughts, this is a smart person's approach: "It is very simple, as long as IBM gives up the cooperation with Gates, the Garrite 2000 has a strategic partnership, designated the CP / M operating system as IBM The only designated operating system of the company's personal computer category, Garrete 2000 gave up the legal responsibility of IBM.

Huh? It seems ... Isn't it possible to negotiate, the Extra-eye bead earned two times: "Specify the only operating system for the IBM personal computer category? Mr. Fernandes, this is impossible, for security considerations, The board of directors cannot agree with such cooperative conditions, but your Gate 2000 can become IBM's operating system suppliers with Mr. Bill ... "

Unfortunately, Extra missed the abacus!

After Exfers said this sentence, Chen Li has known the abacus of Exis: "Then you intend to carry the price of the IBM 5150 personal computer of our CP / M operating system greatly increase, and 5150 personal computer equipped with MS-DOS operating system to maintain the original price, then tell me that the CP / M operating system is not moving? "


Exx is really thinking, and just before Chen Ge said, he is quite his own ideas and is self-satisfied: Personal computers with your CP / M operating system is not good. You can't weird. Isn't our head? I can listen to Chen Li so dark and light, I said my own ideas, Exx is simply tongue: this bastard, how do he know my idea? ------------ ps: The brothers are embarrassed, I will ask the brothers forgiveness.

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