king of power

Chapter 522 I will give yourself a strong

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Chen Geng is disappointed with Antonio Perez Martin, let him have a hit tongue as a spring, Chen Geng is only a trick, let the governor are uncomfortable with cats.

The inspection trip of Chen Geng is even more worry about governor: when Fernandes will go to Shengluos Potosi, New Leon, Aguascaarts and Harrisk State. Is there anything in Puebla and these people? For a time, the officials in Puebla are anxious as ants on the hot pot.

But the truly ants on the hot pot are not actually in Puebra, Antonio Peres Martinez, but the AMC Automotive Workers' UnionTerate AMC Auto Sites Headed by George Walker. The head brain, when they are in the newspaper, I saw Chen Pigang on TV, I dared to ask the union to reorganize the news, and I was all crazy ... "Covered!


"This bastard, he actually asked the union to change? He thought who he was?!

"When is a capitalist dare to interrupted the work?"


Continue to strike!


The big conference room is full of screams and the reputation of Chen Geng. Only the front of George Walker is sitting in the front, although the face is very angry, it is very angry, but the slightly shaking hands under the table is selling him at this moment. Mood: He is afraid.

Yes, in the face of Chen Geng's tough, George Walker is really afraid.

According to the original guess, in the face of the conditions you opened, Fernandez Chen will give down the slope, with a kind of "hell, I am also"

The way to end this strike, even if it is broken his head, George Walker also didn't expect that Chen Pigang was crazy to have this level: do not change the work unpacking? !


Really crazy!

Don't you know how much is your loss? You can look at this "Chicago News" on this "Chicago News" on the latest sales report, his heart is a helpless: Fernandes Chen, is in this way to show his attitude toward himself.

Yes, even IBM 5150 has been launched, but IBM 5150 has not expected many experts, which has a great impact on the sales situation of ThinkCenter. In addition to the sale of ThinkCenter in the first half of the IBM 5150, the sales volume of ThinkCenter is caused. Outside of the impact, when the market found that ThinkCenter was better than the all-round dimensions such as stability, compatibility, reliability, convenience, and theesthetics, ThinkCenter's sales raised again, although it can't be The first month of just listed is compared, but it can also reach 24.

60,000 monthly sales, simply broke through the horizon!

The ThinkCenter that continues to sell is the capital of Chen Li's work in the work of the AMC.

When George Walker is coming, the voice of the ear, , how can I listen to it, the more I feel the pain, the more I feel that the owner of the voice is amazing? "Head, head ..."

The familiar shouts of the ear make George Walker finally returned to God, he looked up to see the direction of the voice: "Ah?"

"Head, this is decided,"

Eprey, a vice-chairman, the anxiety of Michelle W. Epp: "Do we continue to do it?"

Does the strike continue? George Walker's line of sight has swept from Michelle W. Epper, and then swept in the face of those who seem to be angry, the seventh serious and insufficient hand, in the heart, is actually very confused: strike ... ... Do you want to continue? Of course!

After all, it was a person who did more than ten years of trade union. After short-lived, after short-term hesitation, George Walker quickly set down: "Of course!

We must continue to strike, we will not only strike, we will still go to the end!

George Walker's statement, let Michelle W. Epper and other head brains are all happy: there is no embarrassment, this is best.

To be honest, they really worry that George Walker is afraid to strike by Fernandez Chen, if the trade union cannot organize workers to strike, what exists in the union? Michelle W. Epper is also a breather, but he immediately put forward a new question: "Great, but the head, our money, only enough for the workers for two months ... "

The meaning of the words, if Chen Li has not sent it after two months, the union can have no money subsidies to continue to strike, and Americans can have no habits of payment, everyone is "negative" one by one.

At that time, there is no subsidy of the trade union, and there is no salary, waiting for their unique result is bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy means your own house, the car should be returned by the bank, no house, the car, can be healthy insurance.

Child's tuition, annual property tax ... Waiting, but what do you do? what? Do you say to find a job? This inflation can be as high as 13.

5%, unemployment rate is up to 7.

6% (this is the real data of the American society when the President of Ragang is going to stage. The United States has fallen into a serious stagnation. This kind of lague is also one of the fundamental reasons why Carter is not successful. ? Not to mention that thousands of people go out while looking for a job.

At that time, don't say a monthly salary of $ 1284, you can find a $ 950 for a monthly salary.

Therefore, if Fernandes Chen still refused to work after two months, those who can make themselves notgent, not bankrupt, will not hesitate to listen to Fairandas Chen, with nearly 100% agreed ticket, agree The union will be reorganized. At that time, what should we do? Or, in our funds can only subsidize the workers for two months, how can I force the Fairnz Chenfang within two months? Yes, how to ensure Fernandes Chen first bowed within two months? And ... How to keep the seat of the Chairman of the AMC Automobile Workers? George Walker's brain started at high speed.

It turns out that the chairman of George Walker's three-year trade union is not white. For more than a decade, he has a rich experience, soon, he will clarify the clue ... " In fact, I think we will win soon.

George Walker smiled slightly and said.

Ok? !

Well won soon? What is this? Originally, the ears listened to the union leadership of George Walker and Michelle W. Epper's dialogue, and the head suddenly became curious.

"First, let me say this,"

George Walker raised the "Chicago News": "Mr., I believe you have seen this newspaper. I know that I have just passed last month, Fernandes Chen's ThinkCenter sells 24.

60,000, Dear Mr. Fernandes earned hundreds of millions of dollars ... I believe that you are all frightened by this news, right? Because you are very clear, this means that if the strike continues to go, Fernandess has a continuous ammunition, but we have no replenishment, this is too bad ... But my opinion is just the opposite of you!

He fiercely raised his voice: "Why do you say this? You all feel that Fernandes Chen is in this way, but in my opinion, this is actually how Fernandes Chen takes huge. Psychological stress and economic pressure, he wants to use this way, we will first chaotic feet ... Don't forget, AMC cars can be listed companies, he needs to be responsible for investors, he can't be armed by AMC The stock price has been falling.


Although George Walker has a very serious logic vulnerability, we can't expect a group of union leaders who only know the strike to know too much economics and business management, they instinct George Walker. This seemingly reasonable, the eyes are very reasonable, and the eyes are bright: the right to George said, Fernandes Chen is to be responsible for the investors, he can't be arrested by the AMC's stock price. Go down.

At the same time, they all selectively forgot Chen Geng in the shareholding ratio of AMC, as well as Chen Geng once said, considering re-privating AMC, it is impossible to see that it seems that it is not possible: re-private How much does it cost to invest in AMC? !

For a time, their expressions have been relaxed.

"In addition, don't forget, media and public opinion can stand in our side, you think that Fernandes can have been two months under the pressure of unprecedented social public opinion? That is impossible!

So, now we seem to play with Fernandez Russian roulette, and people who are actually more fear are actually Fernandes, "

George Walker, who must be drumped under his own, has noticed that there are more and more eyes to start to look at themselves, quietly increased the sound: "Moreover, don't forget, we have There is also a biggest murder!

Ok? There is a killing system in our hands? What big murder? I do not know how? George Walker's words, many people are very confused.

Under the eyes of everyone surprised, George Walker said slowly: "We can fully announce that in order to consider the life of the workers, we will end this strike in the way, we give up the salary!

What should I do if I do? What can he do? "


During this time, I have been thinking about "strike!


The union head brain, suddenly reacts, the ecstasy of the moment: I really can make a happiness, we can declare that you can end the strike, although it is not very good, it is normal to keep it. Ah.

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