king of power

Chapter 532 White House

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The incident of honesty and Ding Navy has attracted high levels of attention.

The high level of the emphasis on Chen Geng is much higher than that of them believes, and the first long is immediately ordered: thoroughly!

Under the order, the so-called literati, who was in amazing speech, began to be unlucky.

However, Chen Geng did not know these things. He is listening to his new assistant (exactly what is one of the assistants) Kelly Hicks' report: "Mr., the White House Office asked you, is it convenient to participate this year? White House New Year Dinner? In addition, Mr. President hopes to talk to you during the dinner ... "

When I said, Kelly Hickston, I couldn't help but looked up at my own boss, just said: "The White House said," I reserved and the president's conversation time is ten minutes.

Don't think that ten minutes have little time. To know that more than 3,000 people participating in the White House New Year's dinner can only have one, enough for the president, and the president can have three or five hundred people who can touch it. The opportunity and the President have a few words, and it will be hundreds of people, and there is a chance and the President to say a three or five minutes. It will not be more than 30 people, there will be chances and presidents for ten minutes, will not exceed five Six people ... 5 or six people have to use it almost an hour, how long does the whole white horn new year dinner? It is not polite, it is possible to arrange to talk to the President for ten minutes during the White House New Year's dinner, and there is no doubt that is VIP in the VIP.

Chen Geng naturally understood this truth, just, he is a bit awkward.

The invitation to receive the New Year's dinner of the White House, this is not unexpected to Chen Geng, with the achievements of this today, the White House does not invite himself to say that he can't say it. For this point, Chen Gear is expected, not this year, it is next year. On the invitation list of the New Year's dinner of the White House, there will be its own name, and the Kargan classmates are intended to talk to themselves for ten minutes. This result will make Chen Geng a bit: What is he intended to talk to him? Talk about how tough responding to workers' strike behavior? Yes, the previous aviation dispute is in the big strike, and the Ragan classmates live in the situation with unprecedented and decisive means, ordered the qualifications of the aviation disputes involved in the strike to ensure thousands of days. The aircraft, hundreds of thousands of life safety, during the publication of the public speech to publish their own name, but Chen Mong always thinks that it is just that the reasons will be found in the mouth, but ... why is it? Talk yourself for ten minutes? Poor new assistant Kelly Hicks Eleba looked at their own boss: You have a quick answer, the White House office is still waiting for your reply, if you have to participate, people have to send one Dedicated invitation ... I don't know how to participate in the White House New Year's dinner that day, can the boss bring yourself? Like all little girls full of dreams, Kelly Hicks also is full of embarrassment for this White House New Year's dinner.

"This is ..."

Under the gaze looking forward to Kelly Hicks, Chen Li finally opened: "This way, you will help me return to the White House, saying that I can participate in the New Year's dinner is my honor, I also look forward to the conversation with the President ... You ask the White House Office, say that I have some ideas to talk to Mr. Brant, ask if he is convenient.

Brants, the Director of the New White House Office of Ragang's office, Brand Disar.

Another layer of identity of the White House Office of the White House is called the president's head, and it has always been the most trusted side of the president.

Although I don't know what my own boss wants to talk to Brant Disasar, Kelly Hicks is immediately awkward.

Soon, the White House called: "Mr. Fernandes, I am Brant Disar, you have something to find me?"

There is no cold, but this is also in line with normal logic, as a presidential school leader and the Brant of Brant of the White House Office, starting with the dog from the morning, how can I have a cold? Taking the fastest speed, the most concise way is his job.

Therefore, Chen Li did not follow him, and immediately said: "Yes, Brants, this, I want to ask this year's White House New Year's dinner, singing guests candidate?"


The Brant Disar of Brant Disasar, and the whole person is a bit.

Just, the General Office of the General Office of the Office of the Office of the New Year's Day told him that the President's Mr. VIPernandes Chen wants to talk to him personally, Brant Disasar is not thinking more, the next consciousness feels Chen Tong is in contact with yourself, it is preparing to put forward some requirements.

However, this is normal, the regular guests will of course be ignored: joking!

What is you thinking about the White House New Year's dinner? Can you ask you to give you a face, you still dare to ask? However, VIP requirements must be respectful, usually as long as it is a reasonable requirement, it will be met, as for Chen Li, this VIP level, by the presidential couple personally specified, requiring VIPs that must be invited, for Brant Di Sal is not a matter of rather than too long.

Therefore, Brant Disar Sal actually has enough psychological preparation, even according to the process, after determining Chen Geng will participate in this year's White House New Year's dinner, he will respect Chen Geng's consciousness, but How did he think that Chen Mong is still concerned about the new year's dinner, it is very sad to sing the guests' candidates ... What are you getting? It is only surprised to surprise, if this small scene is difficult, Brant Disar is not qualified to become a director of the Root children's shoes, and the Director of the White House Office is appointed by the Ragang Shoes.

He didn't immediately answer Chen Pigong's question, but asked first: "Mr. Fernandes, what you mean ..."

What is the meaning of saying, let's talk about anything.

Chen Li also did not have a welcome to Brant Disasar: "Can Campete brothers and sisters sing guests this year's White House New Year's dinner?"

Ok? Cagpen Brothers? Brant Disasar smashed.

As an American, Brant Dislase, of course, knows the famous Cag Parent brothers and sisters, not only knowing the Cagpete brothers and sisters, but also, this for the brothers and sisters have praised by the Nixon President as "representatives of young people".

And in 1972, the White House was served as the US President Nixon and Germany.

Although this later, the brothers and sisters declined in the American music, but with the two movies of "people ghost" and "bodyguards" and "I will always love you", "unchained melody" these songs Hot globally, this for brothers and sisters not only returned to B grid, and even the next level, became the superstar of the whole American song shadow!

Not everyone is qualified to sing in the New Year dinner of the White House, this is to see B, to see influence, from B grid and influence, Kag Pien brothers must be enough, but this is followed by him. What is the relationship between Fernandes? "They are my friends, and it is also my partner in the film and television business.

In the face of Brant Disasar, Chen Geng explained.


With Chen Pai's explanation, Brant Disasar immediately suddenly realized that Fernandes Chen is intended to brush a layer of gold powder in Cagpete brothers and sisters who have already been very b.

"The list of singing guests has not been determined,"

Brant Disace said: "But there are no Cagpete brothers and sisters that we have considered before.

Since I haven't finally finalized, it is actually who can take the Cagpete brothers and sisters. In the face of this problem, Chen Mine's solution is extremely simple: "Cag Pente brothers and sisters have become the condition of this White House Dinner singing guests?"

Brant Disasar did not sell Guan Chi: "Before the banquet begins, there will be a charity donation of the presidential couple to help the poor children in the Africa region.

"how much is it?"

"$ 500,000.

"OK, transaction.

I didn't expect Chen Pai, Brart Disar, because of the busy mood, because of the busy mood, I couldn't help but show a smile: "I thank Mr. President and his wife thanked your generosity.

------------ PS: Brothers please wait a few minutes.

Not everyone is qualified to sing in the New Year dinner of the White House, this is to see B, to see influence, from B grid and influence, Kag Pien brothers must be enough, but this is followed by him. What is the relationship between Fernandes? "They are my friends, and it is also my partner in the film and television business.

In the face of Brant Disasar, Chen Geng explained.


With Chen Pai's explanation, Brant Disasar immediately suddenly realized that Fernandes Chen is intended to brush a layer of gold powder in Cagpete brothers and sisters who have already been very b.

"The list of singing guests has not been determined,"

Brant Disace said: "But there are no Cagpete brothers and sisters that we have considered before.

Since I haven't finally finalized, it is actually who can take the Cagpete brothers and sisters. In the face of this problem, Chen Mine's solution is extremely simple: "Cag Pente brothers and sisters have become the condition of this White House Dinner singing guests?"

Brant Disasar did not sell Guan Chi: "Before the banquet begins, there will be a charity donation of the presidential couple to help the poor children in the Africa region.

"how much is it?"

"$ 500,000.

"OK, transaction.

I didn't expect Chen Pai, Brart Disar, because of the busy mood, because of the busy mood, I couldn't help but show a smile: "I thank Mr. President and his wife thanked your generosity.

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