king of power

Chapter 540 is faster!

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"How is the status?"

I stood in the side of Neilsen Pikiit, and Chen Geng asked.

"very good,"

Nielsen Picquette face with a Brazilian unique optimistic and outwardness, grinning Chen Mong Xiao: "After receiving your phone, I have trained in these days, I feel that I am now I can go to the Olympics 100 meters short running project.


Chen Geng couldn't help but laugh.

Nielsen Piki said that he can go to the Olympic 100m short running project of course is exaggerated. He is in this way to prove to Chen Geng to Chen Geng is very good.

I nodded, Chen Li did not say anything, just patted the shoulders of Nielsen Pikquit: "I hope that we have more opportunities for cooperation in the future.

Nielsen Pikquit, etc. is Chen Li's sentence!

The assistant and brokers next to Nelson Pikqui, and it is a top brilliant.

Nielsen Piki is unlikely, he is born in 1952, it is now 29 years old. For a professional athlete, although this age is still in your own career, it is also necessary to retirerate himself. In the future, it is intended, and in the Nielse Pikquit himself and his brokerage team, it is good to pay such a hundred millionaires that may exceed $ 1 billion in the automotive industry. Life and development after Nielsen Pikquit retire - else do not say, if Fernandes gives ThinkCenter's Brazilian rights to Nelson Piki, it does not mean that these people can lying and make money. ? So even the season has been over, after receiving the invitation from Chen Geng, Nelson Piki is still working out to keep the state, it is to keep yourself "arrow fish".

GT-R ran into the 8-minute speed of the speed of 8 minutes in the Newbergrin track.

................ Looking at the Chen Ming, who is talking and laughing, and those who deliberately watched "Arrows"

The faces of the industry in GT-R test are a bit complicated on their faces.

In fact, in the abroad of AMC, those who have been declared, those who have sang, singing, "arrow fish"

GT-R's big brothers know that they have to be faced with: if AMC and Fernandes are not "arrow fish"

GT-R has full confidence, how can they once again, re-test it under the public? Swall back in the words you have said before, this is indeed a bit shameful, but you can say that the ghosts, such as bought Nielsen Piti, let Nielsen Piki run out of this test, Or simply get a despicable means, this is no one thought, on the one hand, AMC is a background of a US car manufacturer comes with "dispel"

Effect, on the other hand, how big is it, not to do this ... Of course, after being blocked, my face is definitely not good, it is inevitable.

Compared with these full face, the ordinary eating the people who come to watch will be simple than the ordinary eating people, and they have been simply on TV, while they are on TV, newspapers and magazines. In enough "arrow fish"

GT-R photo, can be reality this is still "arrow fish"

GT-R debut in front of the public.

Although the photo is very clear, many or even the kind of poster level, but no matter what photos, after all, it is still flat, there is no way to make this car's fierce, fierce, and a murderous temperament of the murderous Dreaming, but this is good, at this moment, there is no housing version in front of everyone, looking at the "arrow fish" in front of him.

GT-R, all fans feel that with this car, what kind of cattle, horses, leopards, etc., all have become a small white rabbit!

In the first time of this car, those who were not bad money quickly set up their minds: No matter how this test is achieved, then I have to buy a one ... As for performance, even if this I didn't enter eight minutes, and I dared to take the AMC in the majestic in the public, and the performance of this car can be worse? Chen Geng did not know the Kung Fu, AMC customer service phone and the dealers of all parts of the dealer were once again become a piece. He took the track management company manager Schmitz's shoulder, and went to see the lively. The big people of major automobiles said loudly: "Mr., the timing instruments used by this test are provided by Newbergrin Siya Management, which is the manager of Newbergrin track management company. Mr. Tsi, now, who has an objection to the fairness of this test? "


No one speaks.

No one will be stupid to jump at this time.

Can stand here at this time, there is no IQ needs to recharge, even in the AMC car public announcement to the Newbergrin track, after the public is tested in front of the public, everyone knows, eat melon people The expectation of the face is coming, but the story that is not anti-faced with countless X is different, this time, the face is known.

Since it is necessary to be faced, why is it not optimistic, do an actor? Anyway, even if it is hit, it is not very good to see, in addition to the face, there is no loss of interest - if "arrow fish"

GT-R's track scores and Porsche Carrera, Ferrari 288GTO, etc. The results of the top of the guns are similar, they may have other thoughts, but they can be "arrow fish"

After the GT-R score came to this height, everyone understood a little: even if it was lost to "arrow fish"

GT-R is not a particularly shameful thing.

No one jumped out? Chen Geng's heart is a little disappointed. He also thinks if someone is jumping out, how to get rid of the opponent's face, I didn't expect it to give my face ... forget it!

Nodped to Schmitz, Chen Geng said: "Yes.

Schmitz, which was waiting for this sentence, immediately picked up the walkie-talkie: "Control Center, Control Center, I am Schmidz, ready to depart!"

Along with green lights representing the departure, Nielsen Pikqui driving "arrow fish"

GT-R is like a string arrow, a bit bomb out.

.................. 7 points 57 seconds 858? !

It's going to have a short second than the last test? !

When Niersen Pikquate drives the "arrow"

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