king of power

Chapter 543, one shot

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He understood why Cosworth's days were so hard: For Cosworth, this era is now the worst era.

For example, suppose the technology of Cozworth, Lotus, Alpha Romeo, 99, BMW, and Mercedes have reached 96,97, Ford, Renault, and Citroen Masters have also reached 95. Even if the European second-line car manufacturer of Opel, Walkershall, the technology in hand has reached 90, and the real situation is that as long as 75 or even 70 is already enough to meet the market demand.

For those car brands that are not as good as Cozworth, they are really coveted, but the quote of Kulans makes these second-line car brands, but our current technology is sufficient. The needs of the market, and we are not so big, intended in F1, WRC ah, we haven't intended to participate in these events, so ... Why do you have to spend this money? In this way, Cosworth is more bitter, and they have a golden rice bowl in his hand, but you have to come out to eat, but it is no wonder that Kesworth has been discovered, it can only rely on the sale point. Over the day.

Case Dekawworth looks a sense of laughter: Is there so a laugh? In fact, there is such a good laugh.

After smiling, Chen Geng looked at Kase Dekawworth, said slowly: "Mr. De Covans, I never doubt it for your Cosworth's technical strength, so ... You please say, you this time Looking for me, is it ready to establish a degree of cooperation with me? "

Chen Geng's meaning is very clear, and it is also clear that his intent is obvious: there is still a chance to cooperate, as long as the condition is appropriate.

Case Dekawworth is a bit surprised!

Just a second in front of Chen Geng's opening, he is still pondering how to open this topic, it is really after the acquisition of Carlton Communications, Cosworth's days are not as good as a few years ago, these days come, the whole Cos Worth's operation team is desperately thinking about how to improve the financial situation of the company, but also officially, after receiving the AMC invitation, Castworth is not like an AVL and other enterprises. But I personally come over, the purpose is to see if I can establish a cooperative relationship with AMC.

It's just that the establishment of this cooperation should be more difficult, not thinking that Fernandes Chen Junran is so face, saying, is it possible ... Case Dekawworth began to be stupid.

Unfortunately, when Chen Geng came down, I watered Kas Dekawworth's carefulness ... "Of course, Mr. De Coworth, I also remind you, in fact, my 'magic claws' strength is also very good. ,and so……"

So, Chen Tong did not say that Case Dekawworth's brain is awake: Yes, Fernandes said yes, Cosworth is really very powerful, very very powerful, Another car modification plant in Chen Zi Hand: The strength of the claws is not weak, and the two sides do have the opportunity to cooperate, but this cooperation is only a strong cooperation between strong strength, and it is not a meaningful AMC or puzzle can be dug.

I want to understand this layer, Kas Dekawworth's head is calm down, he smiled two, busy: "Of course, of course, AMC is a great, worthy of respect, company, we are pregnant Holding huge sincerity hopes to have good partnerships with AMC and your 'Claw'.

Kasworth is more good at driving and transmission, and also has a wealth of experience in chassis and suspension adjustment. Whether it is AMC or ' ', we can conduct well complementary cooperation ... "

Speaking of this, Donkes Dekawworth topic turned, turned to this 'gtly' GT-R: "Today's test makes me impress, Mr. Fernandes, you are interested in and Cos Worth, launched a limited edition of 'Claw' version GT-R? "

Ok? Let's launch an official version of the high-performance modification version with Kusworth? Just like the AMG version of the Mercedes model or the M version of the BMW? Yes ... very very, you can ... the truth is true, this time he is busy with the back of the back, I really didn't think about letting "the claw"

Introducing a high-performance limited modified version of GT-R, is very annoyed in the heart: This is not only a silver problem, this is B grid!

The excitement in my heart, Chen Geng touched the chin, finally nodded: "It seems to be more interesting ..."

Looking at Chen Li's look, Case Dekovus Head suddenly slammed a breath.

When this suggestion is proposed, Kase Dekawworth is awkward. He is very worried that Chen Mong does not agree, or his own statement reminds Chen Li, and the results of Chen Geng opened Cosworth. Single, if Chen Geng is trying to do this, there is no way, but now it is good, it seems that Mr. Fernandes is very interested in his own proposal ... Stable.

"It's a good proposal,"

In the eyes of Kas Dekawworth, Chen Pi finally opened: "Mr. De Covos, I am very interested in your suggestion, you can go to Andon to contact Andon, um ... if this The next cooperation is relatively pleasant, we can conduct a deeper cooperation.

Have more deeper cooperation? Kas Dekawworth's eyes flashed with the sterling and dollar symbols. He knew that he was not very suitable at this time, but he really couldn't help but hesitate, he still couldn't help but hesitate to ask: "Mr. Fernandes, I would like to ask about this deeper cooperation in ..."

Chen Geng did not deliberately selling Guan Li, asked: "Do you know HMMWV?"


Case Dekovas immediately said: "It is your new generation of military vehicles that have just started to be equipped, and it is your company's production ..."

After that, he looked forward to Chen Li, his heart jumped: Is Mr. Fernandes intends to invite our Cosworth to provide technical support to help them develop HMMWV of Block 2? Well, this is a big business!

Chen Geng did not know that Case Dekovas had thought so much, then said: "We are preparing to develop a civil version model on the basis of HMMWV, including some high-performance limited editions ..."


Case De Coworth is completely stayed.

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