king of power

Chapter 547 Send a big business

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Under Henry, Nelson and Kava Nervous gaze, Chen Li finally lifted his head: "So you think that behind this matter, the big probability is a general car?"



.......... Nielsen three people brush it, and look forward to Chen Tong: In accordance with the contract signed by both parties, investigate here, this is the first phase of the survey mission, Mr. Fernandes will pay .

Chen Gei is still not intentional to set any obstacles for this $ 100,000, he even lazy to sign checks, directly takes out a stack of fixed cash check, and tears 10 from above. 10.

Looking at the cash check in the hand in the hand, Nielsen's three people face the face, they simply don't worry about this money is not possible.

The headed Nielsen is even more chest to Chen Geong: "Mr. Fernandez, please rest assured, I, we must send you the next stage as soon as possible.

Chen Li smiled nodded.


"I am Jobson, which is you?"

"Jobson, I am Fernandes.


I heard it is Chen Geng, Jobson's voice is happy: "Ha ... My friend, I received your phone is so happy, said really, brother, I haven't seen it for a long time, it is better to drink a cup together. ? "

Chen Geng was a bit surprised, how did you have not seen it for a while, Jo Tterson This guy suddenly changed so enthusiastic? If you are ready to say, you will then put it first. Chen Wirong smiled and said: "Lao Qiao, you hit my idea, I will tell you, I have nothing to sell to the Pentagon.

"Fernandes, my friend, do you call me Jobson?"

Jobson hits the sky called: "We are friends!

Is the best friend!

You don't know if you say that I am very sad? "

Chen Geng couldn't stand the mouth: I believe in a big ghost!

What is the stuff? ,

Brother? Oh ... I don't know if Chen Pigang is really misunderstood, in the eyes of Josen, with the ThinkCenter PC and "CP / M + Track Ball + Windows"

Visual operating system, various applications in the market's hot sale, the current Fernandes has been in the same day, he has been "more good partner"

It turned "Partners who must firmly hold the thighs"

It's like this kind of partner who has a generous and generous, and the business is booming, where is it? Of course, the passenger, I also know what I am in other people's hearts, but it doesn't matter, Jobson's eye beads turn, my heart has ideas, I am uncomfortable, and Jobson has lowered the sound: "My Brother, do you know the news? "

Ok? Chen Monghard: What news I know? Of course, Chen Li will not be stupid to ask "what news"

Instead, it took a few seconds, only to open: "What you said ..."

However, Chen Tong is still underestimating the sensitivity of Jobson, no way, people are eating this bowl of rice, Chen Geng's sinking, let Jobson immediately understand, Fernandes still don't know this, He smashed the voice and said to Chen Geng: "The Ministry of National Defense is discussing the purchase of a group of personal computers to improve office efficiency, with a total number of not less than 5,000.


Chen Geng took a breath!

5000 sets? This is a big business worth less than $ 200 million!

Some brothers say that you are wrong? ThinkCenter's single retail price is only more than 2,000 US dollars, the Ministry of Defense has purchased a large number of purchases, first to bid, how do you have to put a single price of two or three hundred dollars? The total contract is also a little more than 100 million US dollars, how can more than $ 200 million? At first glance, the reason is really this, but the actual operation is not such a thing.

First of all, what is the unit of using this computer? Pentagon, as the brain of the US military, the core unit of the US, is the same as the computer sold on the market? What is the right for military unique requirements with shielding and other military unique requirements.

Ok, there is this layer, this is a big space, what do you say? The ordinary shield line on the market is 50 cents a meter? Is 50 cents a meter of ordinary civil shielding line to meet the military requirements? Military mask shielding must be purchased!

Taking into account the special use requirements of the Ministry of Defense, the electronic components inside must be special custom models, and the cost of the motherboard will turn three times, saying that it is not five times that it is not possible .......... So this , A commercial price of $ 2498, the purchase price of the Ministry of Defense reaches 5,000 US dollars, and you still question. These special requirements are written in public bidding documents. Since there are special requirements It means that the cost is rising, do you have any opinions? As for how many prices were marked by layers, it was another code. Anyway, people can always have a full reason for themselves: such as the US military only provides two soldiers in the Afghan battlefield. A bottle of water in the dollar, the reason is full of ten pieces of paper, each reason is full and more detailed, let you see that the US soldiers do not give the US soldiers on the battlefield of the Afghanistan to provide bottled drinking water simplicity ... but the problem is Is it really necessary to buy bottled water? Even if you have to buy bottled water, why not buy from Huaxia next to Afghanistan, is you purchasing bottled water from Southeast Asia? There is more tired of this, there are more!

Chen Geong, listened to the greaters of the US government and military procurement, listening to Jo Tterson's news, immediately understood that this is a big cake, I will forget to explore Ivan card to Jobson. Lusso news ... Ivan Kucuso is a fart than 5000 personal computers!

"Does the message are determined?"

Chen Geng Sheng said: "Brothers, don't you cooperate with us?"

Jobson scored his mouth: talk to the smart people!

He also didn't worry about Chen Putur, and immediately said: "The news is really true, I believe me, I am eating this bowl of rice, but you also know that the competition we face is not small.

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