king of power

Chapter 550 looks to the door

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"Mr., who is you looking for?"

Washington, a luxury office building, Chen Geraia is stopped by a beautiful front desk.

After the front desk sister, "Karlus Consulting Service Co., Ltd."

The bronzing three-dimensional characters shine.

Although Chen Li is a yellow, but the beautiful front desk girl looks at the beautiful blonde female assistant / female secretary next to Chen Li, and his body behind him, and it is very polite, it is very polite. Did not directly rush.

It is of course, Chen Li is not to play with a former girl, that is too lost, laughing on the goddess, Chen Geng said: "I am looking for Ivan Kulue.

"Do you look for our boss?"

The front desk girl did not feel unexpected, such a person, she saw more, routinely opened the registration form: "What is your name? Do you have an appointment?"

"My name is Fernandez, Fernandes Chen,"

Chen Geng smiled again to the beautiful front desk: "As for the appointment ... no.

"No appointment?"

The front desk sister turned down the hand of the register, with a sorry smile on his face, but the tone is very determined: "Mr. Would you like you first? "

Chen Ge has not spoke, Kelly Hicks opened, she swept a checker's badge, Shen Sheng: "Miss Lucy is? You should know what business is doing your boss, so if you I don't want to find trouble for your boss, it is best to let your boss now come out.

The front desk called Lucy stayed.

Without the front desk, the dog's bloodline, who can be favored by Ivan Kalucos, which is enough to prove that the Louis's observation look and the ability of the people under the way is quite weak. She immediately realized the problem. Seriousness: Although this Chinese is very young, it seems not very good.

Just like Kelly Hicks, Lucy very much understand what business is doing, "consulting company"

Well, since I can't make it, and I look very bad, she is hesitant, she still picks up the phone, and call the phone side to Key Hicks: "I can help you Ask Mr. Carlus has time, but I don't guarantee ... Sir, some people have to see you ... Yes, I'm sorry, I know, but he said that he is Fernandes Chen ... "

"What? What do you say?!

Suddenly came out of the phone, the sound is big, even if Chen Li is two steps between the front and the front desk sister.

He said that he is Fernandes Chen ... "

The front desk sister Lucy is surprised to looked at Chen Geng and one person, she still heard the boss so horrible and lost, the heart is fortunate: It seems that this name is Fernandez Chen's guy is really not very good.

If Lucy has not finished, I will interrupted by Ivan Carluso again: "Is it a Chinese?"

"Hey ... is it a Chinese, I don't know, but it is really a yellow."


Lucy's words have not been finished, the phone suddenly hangs.

Listening to "Dudu ..." from the phone earpiece.

The voice, Lucy lifted the phone handset straight hair: the boss, what do you mean? Is it necessary to see each other, still let me get people? But very fast, Lucy does not have to hesitate.

Mr. Carlus slammed out, respected, in the eyes of countless people, including their own eyes with a strong incomparable energy, with a number of congress, government departments, and senior officials of the military. Mr. Carlus, with a brilliant smile that he never seen, and put his hands on the moment of pushing the door, and quickly greeted the Fernandes Chen, the mouth is more enthusiastic to let himself Mr. Ivan Carlucus is not a fake ... "Mr. Fernandes, I'm so happy, your arrival makes me feel glow, I have long you want to visit you, Just have no time ... "

Looking at the face of the face, I watched my own boss on the ground, and Miss Lu Xi was messy. At the next moment, she was nervous: Mr. Fernandes Chen is a great person? Well, it is very possible!

Her heart is fortunate, fortunately, I have just dealive it, I haven't sinned each other, otherwise it is like this big person, I'm schying yourself, is it simple to knead? Fortunately, the girl still didn't know, the boss who looked enthusiastic, this will be swallowed in five pounds of yellow and yellow.

------------ ps: Brothers are embarrassed, please wait a few minutes.

If Lucy has not finished, I will interrupted by Ivan Carluso again: "Is it a Chinese?"

"Hey ... is it a Chinese, I don't know, but it is really a yellow."


Lucy's words have not been finished, the phone suddenly hangs.

Listening to "Dudu ..." from the phone earpiece.

The voice, Lucy lifted the phone handset straight hair: the boss, what do you mean? Is it necessary to see each other, still let me get people? But very fast, Lucy does not have to hesitate.

Mr. Carlus slammed out, respected, in the eyes of countless people, including their own eyes with a strong incomparable energy, with a number of congress, government departments, and senior officials of the military. Mr. Carlus, with a brilliant smile that he never seen, and put his hands on the moment of pushing the door, and quickly greeted the Fernandes Chen, the mouth is more enthusiastic to let himself Mr. Ivan Carlucus is not a fake ... "Mr. Fernandes, I'm so happy, your arrival makes me feel glow, I have long you want to visit you, Just have no time ... "

Looking at the face of the face, I watched my own boss on the ground, and Miss Lu Xi was messy. At the next moment, she was nervous: Mr. Fernandes Chen is a great person? Well, it is very possible!

Her heart is fortunate, fortunately, I have just dealive it, I haven't sinned each other, otherwise it is like this big person, I'm schying yourself, is it simple to knead? Fortunately, the girl still didn't know, the boss who looked enthusiastic, this will be swallowed in five pounds of yellow and yellow.

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