king of power

Chapter 556's Focus in the crowd

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"Goldman Sachs is the most professional,"

In the face of Chen Geng, Waite Winberge immediately said: "Mr. Fernandes, if you intentionally promote Gate 2000 listing, I promise to cooperate with Goldman Sachs is the most sensible choice ..."

White Winberge's voice has not fallen, a slightly delightful voice rang from the rear: "Mr. Fernandez, it is ok ..."

Who is this? Whisted with White Hert Winberg with White Blackte, I want to see who is giving yourself, who is, the next moment, the two are depressed: it is the implementation of the Columbia Film Company Sonia Bauers, vice president.

Although the Columbia shadow is going downhill, the business situation of the company cannot be compared with Goldman Sachs, but the other party is one of the eight shadow of the Hollywood, what is it really?

"Mr. Bauers,"

Chen Tong's scales to Sonia Bauers: "Good evening."

"good evening,"

Sonia Balsen quickly came to Chen Geng, passionate, enthusiastic to Chen Geng extended: "Mr. Fernande, I heard that your new movie has been completed? It is better to work together, Colombia has the most developed channels in Colombia. , I promise that if you are willing to work with our Colombia, you must make more than that of the dead Fox.

Sony Balsen looked at Chen Pigang's eyes like a wolf who was hungry for a week.

No way, Colombia's day is quite bad, as the executive vice president of Columbia, you must try to do every way to improve the company's situation, Dr. Fernandes' film and television production company, although only two movies, but these two movies It is firmly locked the top two of this year's Hollywood box office. How can the Columbia shadow can not be Chen Geng's new movie? Chen Yang shrugged, refused: "Sorry Mr. Bauers, this movie we have signed a contract with Fox.

For Sonia Balsen, I want to take the "Tiger Dragon" release of "Tiger Dragon", and when Chen Geng is extremely despised: When is the face of Colombia, I can bear with a face. Can you take a distribution right of the movie that will be sold, with the Laozi? Sonia Bauers did not expect such a eligibility from Chen Zi's hand to the film from Chen Zi's hand. He is not for this, he is not for this, he shrugged, he no regret "Well, it is really sorry ..."

Speaking here, he turned: "Mr. Fernandes, if you plan to shoot new movies, please contact me, Colombia has the best photography, production and distribution team, after all ..."

Summary, Sonia Bauers is deeply well-known: "A more channels and partners are always good, isn't it?"

It turns out that Sonia Bauers is for this!

However, Chen Geng admits that Sonya Bauers is true. If you only work with the 20th century Fox, it is indeed in some aspects, but if there is another partner in the 20th century, then It is not a bad thing.

Slightly thinking, Chen Geng's head: "OK, I will carefully think about it.

I saw Chen Geng gave him the response you wanted. Sona Ballson's face suddenly laughed, he took a business card to Chen Geng: "This is my private brand, Mr. Fernand Welcome to Colombia to find me at any time ... Well, Miss Cagpete, welcome you to come.

"Thank you, thank you Mr. Bauers.

Accompanied by Sonia Balsen, Karren Capan hurriedly nodded, and the whole person is very exciting.

Also, in Chen Geng Eye, Sonia Bauers is just a senior working, but in the eyes of Karen Cape, it is very different: Mr. Bauers is the Executive Vice President of Columbia Film Company. Ah, he is a big man who is high in the eyes of the Hollywood, which is expected to be inside!

Now, I actually got a private business card of Mr. Sona Powerson!

This is really ... It's just like a dream.

White Blackte and White Winberg, who were interrupted were a bit depressed, but they were more depressed in the back: after Sonia Bauers, the people of the damn sautéed capital came. , The people of the sap capital just came, the people of the dead gathering car came again ... have been arrived in the hall, and people who greet the fernandes, and those who greet the ferns, there is a scientific industry, there is a bank industry, and there is a car industry. There are industrial communities ... look at the stream, almost the people who have a greetings with Fernandez Chen, White Hert Winberge, is depressed, after entering the hall, it is already in the hall The separated two people can't help each other.

White Black Can't help but say: "I really didn't see that this yellow monkey was so popular.

"Who said no,"

White Winberg couldn't help but sigh, but he looked up at his partner, whisper warned him: "Black, some words, you should not let others hear, emperor capital, Morgan Shi Dan's people don't mind telling the damn guy that you have just said.

White Blackte's face!

He can't afford the Asian, or more accurately, he can't see the yellow people, but it doesn't mean that he has a hatred with money. Don't say that Chen Tong is a yellow, even if he is the devil coming out in hell? As long as he makes you earn money, even if he calls his father.

The only problem is that not only Goldman Sachs is so thinking, the sewed capital, Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers ... These are in the United States and the world's famous vote, which one is not like this? If you have just passed the words, it is passed to Fernandez Chen's ear, causing Goldman Sachs to lose this opportunity ... White Blackte himself can't forgive himself.

........................................................................................................ I can't help but I am curious to listen to the people around: Who is this Asian? What is the head? Even the lady of the big leader: Nancy is no exception, watching the moon, the moon is generally surrounded by Chen Li, Nancy, is accompanied by the White House Office, who is accompanied by the White House Office, Brant · Disar Saar asked: "Mr. Fernandes is so popular?"

As a first lady, Nancy is also a wide view, but she is really the first time I saw an Asian, a yellow man became the center and focus of the crowd, which made her a little curious.

Brant Di Sal is a bit awkward: "Hey ... I don't know ..."

Nanchi is nodded, no more talk.

Snoving the President's wife, determined Nancy does not seem to be unhappy, Brant Disasar Saar is tattoo: In the eyes of countless people, they are the director of the White House Office, White House Long, the long, is one of the current government's cabinet members, but more, it is actually a big manager of the president.

The president's respect and values ​​of Ms. Nancy have been more bitter than those who have been the US president. It is not only the president's housekeeper, but also the first lady's big manager ... Although she is not the director of the White House Office. One year, Brant Disasar is a bit tired.

Although Chen Li's success has caused Nancy's interest, she is the hostess of the White House, there are many things that you need her to pay personal attention, arrange, Nancy does not think how much time can be wasted here, just just When she was ready to leave, she saw the person who went to Chen Geng. Nancy suddenly became the packed eyebrow: "That person, seems to be the general car president Roger Smith?"

Worship this year's bombing AMC worker strike, Nancy knows that Chen Li is AMC's shareholder, and you know that Chen Li is a world-class car designer, Chrysler and Ford Motor now best selling Several models are from Fernandes Chen Zhi, and know more about the faucet boss of General Motors. The days of the faucet boss of the American car industry is not very good. Isn't it possible to Fairnad? Brant Disasar looked at an eye, nodded immediately: "Yes, it is Mr. Roger Smith.

Nancy has nodded, stopped the footsteps ... Although the things tonight are really more, but slightly delaying a small meeting seems to have no big problem - Chen Daban absolutely can't think of it, she actually caused the first lady's interest.

........................ "Mr. Fernandes, it's really clever.

I heard someone who greet himself, I was talking to the heart of Chen Li, I looked at the standing, and I looked proudly, I looked at my Roger Smith, but the next moment, he Laughing: Interest, I am really interesting ... "Yes, it's really clever,"

Chen Geng nodded: "Mr. Smith, what is the place can meet you.

In terms of poor, the nose of Roger Smith said: Do you have a generic car? How can you see you? Don't blame Chen Li, don't give Roger Smith, everyone has become such a relationship, you still expect me to give you a good look? However, Roger Smith did not expect Chen Pigang, dared to give his face, and his face changed.

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