king of power

Chapter 559, Butterfly Wings

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With the end of Carren Cagpete, the warm applause was loud, the scenes of the film and television giants from Hollywood were more refined: I didn't expect, Karren Coptene not only completely recovered And actually there is such a road.

So far, Cag Pente brothers and sisters are the only band that can sing two degrees in the White House. It is enough to lay the "carpenter brothers".

The status of American music sit - don't think that the United States has no "political influence"

This is said that this thing is not only in China, but also the same in Europe and the United States.

"Thank you, I am very grateful to Mr. Richard and Miss Karen, give us such a wonderful performance. Thank you again, thank you,"

The Dormators in the suit, the patron, the pace is light, first nodded, and then said: "At the same time, I am very grateful to friends and guests to participate in the Christmas dinner tonight, thank you ..."

The speech, that is, it is so good, I am in Chen Geong to do my homework. I know that the Chinese-Year's speech time is usually controlled within ten minutes. Not anxious: up to ten minutes, I have been in the past.

At this time, he heard someone whisper and hello hello, slightly turned his head, um, and he called himself a 50-year-old man.

Chen Geng is polite: "Can you be?"

"I am Belle Sheng's Josi Daniels,"

The old man said is very polite to Chen Geng: "Mr. Fernandes, I am very honored to meet you.

Chen Ge immediately suddenly: It turned out to be the CEO of Belesheng, he reached out and said with Qos. Daniel, said: "Mr. Daniel, fortunately.

What is Belles? As a partner of Garrete 2000: Weijun, is also a company engaged in electronic products. This e-sports company established in 1979 is still not disconnected, but in this area, it is also an emergence angle. If I haven't remember, I will be listed in New York by 1986.

As for why Bele Svents stared on himself, it was also very simple: ThinkCenter sailed, the total sales volume has exceeded 800,000 units, with ThinkCenter's popularity in the world, no one is not allowed to this personal computer Can you still sell how many sets, you said, is Belles? Qiaosi Daniels did not expect Chen Pigang to talk so much, and it was very popular for a while.

After a few words, Josi Daniel couldn't help but took the lead asked: "Mr. Fernande, can I inquire about one thing?"

"You said.

"What is the quality of the display of the Chinese production in the Chinese production?"

Chen Geng really didn't think that Josi Daniel will ask himself. He thought that Qiaosi Daniel came to get closer, and he wanted to see if you can get some ThinkCenter's substitute orders from your own hands.

Moth, Chen Li did not answer directly, but asked: "Your interest is interested in the display of China's display?"

Qiaosi Daniel is not directly answered, but smiles: "The image tube of your ThinkCenter's monitor is not a considerable part from Huaxia?"

It seems that Beles will do a lot of homework.

Chen Geng's eyes were squinted, and immediately stretched, nodded: "Yes,"

After a sudden, he went to say: "We bought the image tube purchased from Huaxia, which is the Dongpu NEC, US RCA's technology and patents, as for the result, I believe you have seen it, it's not bad, we've detected sampling As a result, the quality of the image tube from the Huaxia is not poor than NEC, RCA, Sony and Panasonic.

"This is ..."

Qiaosi Daniel is a slightly hesitated, and the sound is lowered to Chen Geng asked: "Then you think, if we go to China to invest, build a factory, can this business?"

I have a class, this bend is a bit anxious.

It has been waiting for Chen Ming, who wants to open the mouth, did not wait until Josi Danieles pleaded with Thinkcenter's order, but heard Belles to prepare for the news of Huaxia investment buildings ... If you don't remember Wrong, Belle Sheng Electronics At least in the 1990s will build their first factory in China? What is this? Because of your own appearance, the wings of the butterfly are rumored? However, Chen Musici will see this situation. If these US companies are willing to invest in China, it is of course a good thing for this ancient and more difficult nation.

He thought, seriously said: "This business can't do it. It depends on the development strategy of Belles, but I have been to the Chinese, and there is some investment in China. If Belles is going to Huaxia Investment Building Interested, I can introduce you to the situation I have learned.

Josi Daniels excitedly nodded: "Ok, you know how much to Huaxia, please let me know.

He also learned about Huaxia's reform and opening up policy through some channels, but compared to the news that the authenticity, Qiaosi Daniel is apparently believed in investment in China, and many times have been to Huaxia Fernandes Chen. if.

Chen Geng said: "Some media always propaganda Huaxia is very backward. I don't deny this. Huaxia is really backward, but it is not as follows, Huaxia is not a technology desert ... you think so, A country that can independently launch a carrier rocket and to space launch satellites, a country that can produce and manufacturing remote and intercontinental ballistic missiles, a military bomb can make fighters, large bombers, transporters, warship submarines, radar and other military Country, a country that can independently produce and manufacturing a car, where can you go backward? At least, it is also equivalent to the level of the 1950s in the late 1950s? "

Chen Ming is a concept of stealing. In fact, in the case of the overall technology level, the scientific and technological level of this era is really not necessarily a strong and balance after the World War I just concluded, but these examples who can't hold Chen Geng have persuasive. Whether it is a carrier, satellite is an intercontinental ballistic missile, a fighter, transporter or a car, which is a basic indicator of a national industrial level.

In the past, Qiaosi Daniel didn't think about these problems. Now I listened to Chen Pai, and I thought about it. Denieles, I thought I was really mistaken in the past, just like Fernandes. As, a country that can be produced independently produces these things, where is it behind? He nodded under his consciousness: "I make sense.

"Of course, although Many things can produce a lot, in terms of overall technology, their technology is still very backward, this point will be able to see from the technology and patents that they need to introduce the image tube from our United States and Dongpu.

"It seems ... It is this.

Joos Danieles thought, nodded again.

"The labor costs of Huaxia are very low. They are equivalent to our United States, and their artificial cost is almost negligible ... You must not think that the monthly salary of Huaxia employees in Huaxia scrapped in Huaxia,"

After saying, I don't wait for Qos. Danieles, Chen Geng extends out of the palm and opens five points: "less than $ 50.

"Oh, God!

The eyes of Josi Daniels have been rounded!

He knew that the salary of the Huaxia workers was very low, but he didn't expect it to be so low: the monthly salary is less than $ 50? Almost twenty of a US worker? !

Josi Daniel thinks that she is simply crazy: In such a place to invest in the factory, do you have the truth of making money? "I know what you are worried, nothing more than our factory is built, or will you be confiscated by the Huaxia Government after a while, is it?"


Josi Daniels nodded and had a good acknowledgment: "In addition, their government officials are extremely poor, and the cost of public relations is not high.


If it is not a big collar, Comrade is still talking to it. Chen Li has already can't help but laugh, but even if he is so hard, his face is thick.

"How? I am not right?"

Looking at Chen Li's reaction, Qosim Daniel, knew that he seems to be wrong, but what is wrong? Herd smile, Chen Ming's Daniels said: "Mr. Daniel, what you worry is actually not necessary, I said, if Beles will plan to invest in Huaxia, you will go to any place. Will be the local government's seat, you will be affected by our province ... Equivalent to our state ... The one or two hand of the one, then you can contact them directly, no pleasant investment process, they will help you solve If there is a bribery, as long as the official is true, the official will lose the hat.

The old brother, a governor of a centralized country, directly asking a city and even a county investment activity, do you think of the local government official dare to make a bribe? "

"Is there such a thing?"

Qiaosi Daniels gave up on the green gluten, he could not imagine this situation will appear in the United States: I invest in a factory in Detroit, you can directly alarm the governor of the TX? Is it too exaggerated? Chen Geng was then said: "According to the situation I observed, the Chinese government is indeed with great strength, very determination to the West, my company is working with the two largest passenger companies in Huaxia. Now it seems that the situation is better than I imagined ... Of course, I better suggest that you go to Huaxia to see.

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