king of power

Chapter 800

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CC, the fastest update power king!

Just rushed to the capital with comrades in Jiangnan Province, hoping to persuade Chen Geng to put the car parts industry base in Jiangnan Province, and the call of Diuxi came, let Chen Geng immediately put Huaxia's things. The whole right is held by Kelly Hicks, and he himself rushed back to the United States at the fastest speed.

Data research company is a big event!

Very clear about the data research company, and even how important Chen Puchi, how important is the layout of ourselves, and even did not go back to Detroit. After the private plane takes off from Huaxia, he will fly to San Francisco, then change in San Francisco International Airport. Already in advance in this private helicopter, direct flight data research company headquarters - fortunately, the private aircraft modified with McDend MD-82 is sufficiently comfortable, Chen Li has received a good rest on the plane, otherwise the average person is really not live.

He moved the helicopter of the helicopter under the huge downwardness of the spin, immediately by the Couple of Gary Kiridale and Duli West Kiridale, Cherwar Egal, Gordon Bell, James A senior executives of Nikola Gray and other data research companies, the technology big cattle is surrounded ... "BOSS!

"BOSS Hello ..."

"Boss you are coming ..."

............ See Chen Geng, everyone is very happy.

Seeing this group of orders under his hand, Chen Li is also very happy. He shakes hands with everyone ... "Gary, I heard that Diuxi is pregnant again? Congratulations, your home is right away. There is a small angel ... "

"Haha ... Thank you, thank you,"

The third time to be a father, Gary Kiridell, a pair of eyes smiled into a seam, hugging his wife: "BOSS, waiting for more Lucy, we must have a drink.

"of course!

Chen Geng hugged a bit of Giri Kiridell, praise: "Man, do good!"

" ..."

Gary Kirir de flexed his head and his face proud.

"BOSS ..."

Looking at Chen Tong in front of himself, I haven't been gone in Deni Kiridell to fall in generous: "How, I didn't let you down?"

Can be "missing" in Chen Tong

In the case of developing a data research company, it has developed into the moment in just a few years. Although there is a high-sightedness in the company's strategic development, there is a stream of aggressive, Gordon Bell and James Nikola. · Gray and other technologies are amazing talents, but no one can deny that Diligent CEO's credit and ability, can even say that the data research company is in Chen Geng "spread"

In the mode, it is possible to develop to today's scale, and more Lucy is the greatest hero.

"I didn't let me down,"

Looking at the West, Chen Geng's eyes are full of appreciation: "In my opinion, you are the data research company to go to today's biggest hero.

Not only is the West, Gary Kiridell is also a lottery: BOSS, it is, it is the biggest affirmation of his couple.

Very clear that the owner of his own boss will not have two people who have a reward of the hero, and the heart has begun to reward yourself for some good things.

"And you, Chew Tit,"

And Dodi said, Chen Geng looked up his fist, and gently hammered in Cookt Egalford's chest: "Active, data research company has developed to now, indicating that our cooperation is correct. However, it is also one of the most correct decisions I have done in my life.

"BOSS ..."

Cookt Egalt's eyes are a little red, he uses to make a mouthful: "Can work with you, it is also the greatest honor of my life.

.......... End with a circle of executives, Chen Wingxiang is anxious to ask Giron Kiridell, Gordon Bell and James Nicholas Gray: "Mr., the stability of the system Is sex test passed? "

"BOSS, all the test flows are finished,"

While Gary Kiridel said in front of the road, Chen Ge said: "There is no problem, I dare not guarantee that this system has no problem after official sale, but I dare to guarantee that there will be no big and big. Stability problem.

"That's good,"

Chen Mong smiled nodded: "I can't wait.

Gary Kiridell: "Please come with me ..."

............ See here, the readers have already seen it, and the data research company has introduced a new operating system.

Yes, yes, data research companies have indeed developed a new operating system: Windows 2.


Since there is 2.

0, there is naturally 1.



0 is the set of the previous data research company in nature that can only be considered a graphical interface of an application, and Windows 1.

0, Windows 2.

0 is also a set of operating systems based on CP / M, but compared to Windows1.

0, Windows 2.

0 improved many, not only upgraded from the original single user single task to the single user multitasking, but also supports the support of more than 50 countries such as French, Italian, Japanese, German, Spanish, Portuguese, but also Windows 1 is also required to be driven.

0, Windows 2.

0 "native"

Join the support for the mouse.

In addition, compared to Windows 1.

0, Windows 2.

0 improvements and upgrades are also huge, obvious, Windows2.

0 is not only a set of native 16-bit operating systems, but also analog 32-bit operating system features, which is the world's first set of 32-bit processors that support 80386 this year.

Second, Windows 2.

0 The biggest improvement is Windows 2.

0 Memory management technology has been greatly improved and upgraded, and support for virtual device driver was first added, which greatly improved the scalability of the system because it meant to use Windows 2.

0 Computer users don't have to take care of whether their hardware can be supported by the system, and he can install another driver.

As for other modifications, such as reoperation of graphical interfaces, enhanced support for graphics function, enhanced support for communication capabilities between applications, can quickly use the combination keys to quickly use Windows features ... and more, etc. As long as Windows 2.

0 The stability of 0 is cleared, which will become an explosive product under the Data Research Company.

Chen Geng attaches great importance to the inheritance of the product in use, in Windows 2.

0 At the beginning of the project, a requirement that Chen Ge is proposed is "any Windows 1.

0 users can excessively to Windows 2 without obstacles.

0 "

Plus Chen Tong to Windows 1.

0 It has been cooked to be familiar, and the Windows 2 has been installed in the standby state by re-emphasizing the laboratory.

0 After the system's computer, as a series of operations, Chen Geng surprised found that in addition to some new functions, with the difficulty of operation, Cali Kirife did "any Windows 1 .

0 users can easily use Windows 2.

0 "


"Very good!

very good!

After the tester demanded all the improvements and new features, Chen Li was finally determined, Gary Kiridell was Gary Kiridale, Bibier's half-hanging water is really a cattle X. More, although this set of Windows 2.

0 Many things are ourselves according to Microsoft's Windows 3.

0 is proposed, but in terms of the stability of the system than the original Windows 3.

0 I don't know how much I have.

Satisfied, Chen Geng turned to Duli west: "Dilu West, your marketing department pairs Windows 2.

0 How is the market judgment? What is the price range? How many sets can you sell? In order to promote and promote Windows 2.

0, do you think how much promotion is needed? "

"Based on CP / M and Windows 1.

0 has achieved good reputation and market share in the market. We believe that as long as publicity is, highlighting, such as' Windows 2.

0 is the world's first selling point for 32-bit CPU how much operating system ', Windows 2.

0 The market prospects are objective, counted on the OEM version of the micro-machine manufacturer, I think if the price is set between 90 and 100 US dollars, and the 1 million sets should be sold a year.

As for publicity funds ... "

Said here, Duli West Kirir Del is slightly, looked at Chen Geng, this is cautious: "I want to achieve the above sales effect, I think roughly 8 million to 10 million US dollars.

1 million sets, in each set of 100 US dollars, that is, almost $ 100 million, considering that there is a considerable part of it is an OEM version sold to the microcomputer manufacturers, so actual sales is about 60 million to $ 70 million.

But I can't hold this stuff is software, it is difficult to make it difficult to make qualified products, just write software, hardware cost? Compared to other industrial products, the hardware cost of this stuff is low.

Coupled with the Root government, after the "Star Wars"

It is planned to rely, and a series of tax preferential policies that encourage development high-tech. Under this policy, the US government has given a high tax support against computer-based high-tech industries, which means a price of $ 100 Operating system, transportation, logistics costs, and taxes will not exceed 30 US dollars, remove workers' wages and other company operating costs, and Maori is almost $ 60!

Although the OEM price of HP and other vendors is not so high, it is not that the operating system of the main plant is almost even hardware cost, give you a copy and a string activation code, as for the rest of the cost? Gone!

So, if the data research company can sell 1 million sets of Windows 2 if it is really selling.

0, net profit will exceed $ 45 million, and it is even possible to more than 50 million US dollars!

Flowers 10 million US dollars, net earning $ 45 million, this business is not? Of course do it.

However, Chen Li shook his head and said to Duuxi: "I think you have been too conservative for the assessment of sales.

Microsoft's Windows 3.

0 The half of the year after the listing has sold a copy of 1 million copies, although now in 1985, and Microsoft's Windows 3.

0 is launched in May 1990, the time is five years, but with Windows 1.

0 The good reputation and the sales of the computer sales of the high-class history time and space in this era, have been sold for 1 million sets one year? Too conservative!

---------------- PS: It is said that it is very strict now, the neck can not be written, there are many can't write, the millennium is fearful, don't know what to write, think Go, simply, let's go back to the United States.

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