king of power

Chapter 809 Reward:

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The coach of the Cleveland Brown team, Michael Davis, looking at the "imperial minister"

It is careful with your face and laughing: "Miss Vi Nai, boss ... is it not satisfied with the team's time?"

From the NAIK Davis, it has become the leader of the Cleveland Brown team, and the Cleveland Brown team has a long three consecutive seasons, and the top three (countdown) of the full-American football professional big league, changed any boss, could not Is it so bad to accept the score of your team? Michael Davis is fortunate is that the US professional football big union is not like a reduction in the system like the European football professional league, otherwise he is with your own team, early pass is thrown away by the boss.

Because Kelly Hicks is fully committed to Chen Geng in Huaxia's investment matters and temporarily "upper"

From Chen Geng's Assistant Assistant, it is proud of Chen Geng's assistant to Vi Niya. "Mr. Michael, Mr. Michael, do you think BOSS should be satisfied with the team's performance? This year's league is close to an end, How many victories have been made? "

Michael Davis's sweat is coming down: This year's league has been over half, but the Cleveland Brown has only achieved three victories. To say that such a result will make your boss satisfied, it is absolutely impossible. So ... realize that the beautiful big beauty in front of the eyes is very likely to be "sacred" that can determine their life and death.

Come, Michael Davis's legs have a little trembling: If you have such a bad Cleveland Brown team can't stand your team's results, what can I go to find a bowl? Go to a university's school team? God!

Thinking of the head of the American Professional Football League can only go to the university team to eat, Michael Davis feels that he is so bleak.

"Mr. Michael, you don't have to be so nervous,"

Vi Ni Ya saw Michael Davis, shake his head: "The patience of BOSS is still exhausted, you still have the opportunity to prove your own opportunity ..."

"thanks, thanks……"

Michael Davis wiped the cold sweat, although from the death penalty to death, but as long as it did not implement it immediately, it means that there is still a chance? "But!"

Vi Niya is turned: "BOSS will lead the staff of the data research in the next weekend to watch the game, and will hold a activity after the game, if you have no way next week, you can't let BOSS see a victory ... "

The Cleveland Brown team next week, it is exactly his home.

Your own home, there are more than 50,000 Cleveland fans to refuel the team, and BOSS also take the part of the staff of the Data Research Company to see the ball at the scene, if you fail ... Michael Davis can't help Hit a snack!

He finally know why the boss's beautiful female assistant will come to the team, this is a warning for himself: Next weekend competition, no matter who the team's opponent is, there must be room!

If the team wins, you still have the opportunity to win the next season, but if BOS is lost in front of the event to the whole world's live broadcast ... Michael Davis has thought of what will face? The miserable ending.

Very clear to the next weekend game, only winning, unreasonable Michael Davis, a bit bite: "Miss Vi Na, please tell the BOSS, next week, the team must fight for victory!"

"It's not full of victory, it is necessary to win!

Vi Ni Ya is correctly corrects Michael Davis: "Of course, BOSS also understands the team's strength and other teams do some gaps, so ..."

Speaking of this, Viri Ya is a long, and it is a black west to the black west to stand on the side.

There is a leather box that is unfashionable in the black west and unfashionable, in the table in front of Michael Davis and Vi Niya.

I have realized that Michael Davis may be in the inside, breathing is slightly stunned.

Vi Niya ""

Open the box in two, then turn the box to Michael Davis: "This is $ 300,000. If the team will promise next weekend, this is the boss to the team. Reward.

Vi Niya did not say how if the team did, but Michael Davis is not stupid, I don't know the result of the product? Don't say that this $ 300,000 is rewarded, you can continue to serve as the team's head coach is two.

Greedy looked at the American banknotes in the box, Michael Davis took a deep breath: "Miss Vi Nai, please tell you BOSS, we will never let him down.

"It is best,"

There is a lot of warnings in Viri Ya's eyes: "If you can win, this is good for everyone.

.................... The Cleveland Brown strikes from top to why we win the weekend game, and a group of technical buildings under the Boeing 737 under Chen Geng. But the arrangement of Chen Geng is a little unsatisfactory ... "Hey, Leon, do you know why BOSS will take us to Cleveland's poorest place to see rugby? Obviously the gold gold team's achievements are better.

"how could I know?"

The young man known as Leon pushed the eyeglass: "Perhaps because BOSS is the boss of the Brown team.

"It should be like this, but the Brown team's achievements are too bad. I heard that they only win three games this season?"

"It seems like this ..."

"God, I am completely unable to imagine a team's grade can be so bad ..."

.......... Compared to the Cleveland Brown, this is a poor short ugly that has been awarded in the total alliance. In 1981, the San Francisco Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golder Team, who has just passed in 1984, is undoubtedly the entire alliance. Gao Fushuai, especially Silicon Valley is in San Francisco Bay, Silicon Valley's "Wen Subsheng"

We naturally regard the San Francisco eliminated team as its own "home team"

Now, now the boss actually chartered the country to go to the hometown of the poor hometown of Cleveland, but it is no wonder that everyone is not happy.

Listening to everyone's discussion, Chen Geng's face is not very good.

More Lucy is a sprite. She also knows some of these employees under her hand. The BOSS will pay for yourself, and the charter will give you a holiday. Is it to listen to your bad things? And she knows the next show, I have seen my boss's face, she hurried comforts: "BOSS, everyone is actually said, there is nothing malicious, you don't mind ..."

"I know,"

Chen Geng Zhao hooks, sighs: "Who will make the team's achievements so bad? Everyone does not belong to the boss, in fact, it is also normal.

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