king of power

Chapter 811 strangely

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Not only Vladz is stiff, the other players in the locker room also stiff: this woman is really fun? !

As a professional athlete, Flassz is very confident in his physical quality, reaction speed, and strength, although he is not planning to Viri, but Flassz feels that as long as it is equipped with a sufficient fierce expression, This tender smugglers that are scared in front of them are pants, but ... bay!

This damn little lady not only brought the bodyguard, but also took the electric baton? !


Can you play with this? Vi Ni Ya is ridiculed with Flaz, and the face is clearly written: big one, you are not a cattle X, come, despite the bold coming!

How does Flaz may really be movable with Vi Ni? He is not stupid, after knowing that this little lady is a woman in front of him, he will understand that he is in his heart. It will be scared. It's definitely to die, but now there is no chance to even be scared ... Flaz raised his hand to two bodyguards, indicating that you are harmless: "Hey, hey, buddy, calm, then the stuff is not fun ... "

To say that Flaz can become a BRAN's ball, but not just a fist enough, it means that this BOSS is playing, and his calf is absolutely impossible to screw the label of the boss. He immediately knew what he should do.

"Hey ... ... don't use this? I just opened a joke ..."

Flaz, who didn't dare to put down, teriff electric baton paved on himself, tone accelerated a few points: "Well, I apologize for the impolite, I am sorry, please give me a chance, please give me a chance. I guarantee that I will definitely play with 200% ... "

Vi Ni is very satisfied with Flaz's attitude, she posted two bodyguards without scaring this poor big one, did not see this poor child was scared to have a diaper: "This is right Well ... So gentleman, if this game agreed, this $ 300,000 is you, but if you lose ... "

Enclosed a circle, Vi Ni Ya snorted: "You should all know that BOSS is very money, very money, so BOSS will never mind let you all roll home, take two cold bench!

Don't think that the boss will distaachably, for BOSS, insist on fulfilling the contract with your contract, not the loss of your trading, is less than a month's income, so ... "

A sentence!

Oblishes, there is a meat to eat, but if anyone is like a mixed eating, let the boss become a smile of the entire league, it is embarrassed, you are not afraid to take your own career, then do it.

"Miss Vi Na, please tell the BOSS, start now, we will go all out,"

Understand the meaning of Vi Naya, and also understand that if it is not good in the future, waiting for the end of the end of the end in the future, and hurriedly shouted: "Brothers, do you say right?"


A group of players in a house should be said.

The life cycle of the football professional athlete is more than 10 years. Who is not intended to earn money in more than ten years to ensure that he has been in the future? If you really annoying Mr. Fernandes, not only don't let yourself play, and even the chances of training will not give yourself, you will be completely abolished!

Even if these athletes are simple and muscular, they also understand that it is light.

"Very good,"

Ni Ni Ya smiled nod: "The odds opened by the gaming company were 1 lost 9.

8, BOSS voted 500,000 cords we won, BOSS said, if you can defeat the dolphine team, win the money is the team next to the bonus.

500,000 US dollars, 1 lost 9.

8, as long as this game can win, you can get $ 4.9 million, remove 45% tax, that is ... Just ..., don't know how much, but always returned two hundred or five hundred thousand dollars. , Equivalent to this year's invisible bonuses!

Not only the players, even the coach Michael Davis's eyes are red ... ............................. No one thinks that the Brown team can win, don't say it is a player, coach, even if it is Bri's fans didn't dare to expect their own teams to win three consecutive victories, but when the game started, looked down with red eyes, like an angry bulls, the bruises, the dolphine players, coaches, and Brown team The fans are all stupid: this is still that "you love, I am like this anyway."

The salted fish Bri Team? This is the super salty fish we are familiar with, the Brunt we warm for the purpose? !

How do you feel that those guys look at us like a killing of the father and enemies? The players of the Dolphin are wrong, the Brown team's players look at them is not to see the feud, but look at a bunch of movement, total value of more than 2 million dollars!

After the initial mistakes and incredible, the Brunt's fans are of course ecstasy: no matter why the team suddenly hit the blood of the chicken, the team is demonstrating this kind of hard work, it is the fans hope Seeing ... who likes to watch the team that you support is like a salted fish.

As for the employees of the data research firm on the stage, a full dumbfounded: This team pressed the recognized strong team's dolf dolphin played a colored team. When is the full-legged brunt team? When the final Bri team was at 16: 7 final score, the confidence was full of confidence to take away a victory, and the audience was awkward!

The Bri's fans can't believe that their team actually achieved three consecutive victories. Do you do this dream? When did the team have a three-game winner? Ten years ago? Still 20 years ago? The players of the Dolphin team are a depressed low head, and they are lost, they can't believe that they have not been able to have a name "to send warmth" from alliances.

The team took away a victory ... and even the famous commentary of the Fox Sports in the game, Anthony is not exclaimed "UnbelieVable!


That is, at this time, I still celebrate the fans of the Brown team, and suddenly found a group of staff ran in the middle of the various things in the middle of the venue ... What is the situation? This abnormal situation, not only let the fans who are ready to stop and prepare for the lively, but also make it for more than ten years in the FOX news platform, but it can be seen that Anthony is confused, but he has never seen it. This situation: "These people ... seem to be a table?"

At the same time, while the Anthony has played a gesture: the live broadcast is over, you can prepare the signal.

It can be made in Anthony, and the lead has actually gave him a "more waiting"

The gesture - is just that, he is actually preparing to signal, but it is unintentionally aiming at a glance, and then the ratio of the ratio is not reduced, but it is slightly climbed.

1 percentage point.

This abnormal situation has hesitated, but did not immediately cut off live signals, but immediately contact the director: the game is over, the Brown team doesn't know what is made, the current situation is the audience in front of the TV. Brown team This move is very curious, so the live broadcast signal is still ? Since the lead is said to "then wait"

, Then wait a good, as an experienced old solution, this start-site response ability is not called at Anthony, and he carefully looked at the movements of the staff, scratched the head, not A very certain tone said: "Yes, these staff are indeed a table, this table looks a bit like ... receive apower?"

Little award? The rat rate of the FOX sports station has risen again.

2% a percentage point: Hey!

This is rare, good end, the Brown team staff arranged? Looking at this surprising situation, Anthony I laughed: "I can understand the award? Hahaha ... It can also be understood that the Brown team already has ... I have not remembering the wrong, it should be 13 years without getting three consecutive victories. Is it possible to give him a bonus to his team in Fernandes?

After all, this is the first three consecutive victories since Fernandes, he did enough reason to give the team a bonus ... "

At the same time as the Anthony, it looked at the ratings that started climbing, and the director of the FOX Sports was broken: not!

Continue live!

Since the audience in front of the TV is also curious about the Mo's movement, then we will continue to live, which can be a ratio.

Even the fans in the scene refuse, the team will win, everyone is very cool, plus this situation in the history of sports, it is very curious about the situation in sports: Mr. Fernandes is here. What? Well, I really want to be a podium, Mr. Fernandes is really ready to send a bonus to the team? The staff's movements are very fast, a temporary table, very fast, a few minutes of Kung Fu, "Little Podium"

Just a good, on the spot of tens of thousands of fans and even Millions of FOX sports platforms, Chen Gongda came to the microphone: "Thank you, thank you, I am still watching our next program. ... In order to celebrate the first three consecutive victories since I took the team, the next game started, every scene, the fans who watched the ball can receive a burger and a cup of commented by the ball. "

Laughing at the scene of the funeral!

Everyone is very happy, although a cup of cola and a burger worthless of money, but this sky is full of free burgers and Coke feelings very cool? Chen Geng also was very satisfied with the effects of his words. He nodded, and then said: "I believe that everyone is very curious about this arrangement. Yes, like everyone, I want to make money.

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