king of power

Chapter 843,

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Also said that the entire Shangfei Group is up and down, and even the aviation industry department is inside, in fact, there is such a kind of "since you have such a thing, then you will worry"


The problem is that this kind of emotion is one thing. This emotion is in the end or the lazy thought and dependence of the human bones are doing the thoughts. The values ​​and morality of many years tell you. This idea is wrong, people should rely on themselves.

Therefore, in this era of the face, when Chen Wanto does not cover up, after the attitude of this kind of mentality, many people ... accurately, the vast majority, all the heads At the same time, the face is not ashamed while the face is hot.

Although there are some words, Chen Li did not say, but did not mean that they didn't understand Chen Geng, the deep meaning of Chen Geng, I sent you such a high salary, support you, not to let you have a meal all day, otherwise I will raise What do you do? Do you raise pigs? Even if it is pigs, at least the pig can kill the meat in the New Year, kill the money, raise these waste, can you kill you eat meat in the New Year, kill the money? In a word, you are not as good as those in the pig!

Just when this everyone is embarrassed, an unhappy voice appears ... "Y11 is going to stop production, what is it used?"

The sound is not big, can only hear it from behind, who can be said, in front of Chen Tong, Zhang Ying, Wang Dazhi and Kelly Hicks and others can not listen.

Zhang Yinghe Wang Da Zhi instantly furious!

Zhang Yingzhao stood up and got up and roared: "Who said? Stand it up!

Wang Da Zhi's face is even more iron green. The two eyes seem to be glanced in the crowd: "Don't think that you can't hide behind, you will be fine, the whole room is only a few people? I really have to hide behind it. I can't find you at the sound? "

It is not strange to the reaction of Zhang Ying and Wang Dagguan, when Chen Geng expressed dissatisfaction with the chairman of the chairman, this unhappy voice is undoubtedly telling him to Chen Geng, clearly, and clearly: You Chen! There is no control power control for our Hafei Factory.

Don't mention what the Chen Wi will make any reaction, saying that Shangfei Group, saying Hao Factory, now the consequences of the result of this? It is not to say that Chen Geng canceled the shares of Shangfei Group, he said that Chen Mong was cold-processed in some part of the original Hafei plant, and all the support and support of Hafei Factory were canceled. It took two years. These old pliers of the factory can only rely on basic salary.

Various bonuses? Various subsidies and benefits? Do your dream!

It is not polite, it is that Shangfei Group is inseparable from Chen Pi, not Chen Geng, does not open the Flying Group.

This truth not only makes Zhang Ying and Wang Da Zhi to understand, the vast majority of people participating in this meeting also understand, for a while, to the teeth that whispered guys: you think about death, jump, Jiang, hanging ... how do you do it, be dragged with Laozi.

When the big conference room was shrouded by a horrible low gas, Chen Wong suddenly opened: "Old Zhang, Lao Wang, don't be so excited, swearing can't solve problems ..."

Chen Geng's voice is very calm, it is true calm, is not that kind of calm, stronger, and work hard.

Ok? ? Listening to Chen Geng's calm voice, not only Wang Daxi and Zhang Ying, those who have already been silently prepared in their hearts, waiting for people who greeted Chen Geng's anger, there is a little reaction for a moment: What is the situation? How do you not get angled? Zhang Ying and Wang Dagizhi were even surprised to see Chen Geng: What is going on? Why is he not angry? At the same time, Zhang Yinghe Wang Dagizhi is a little uneasy, they are not afraid of Chen Geng to get angry in this manner, compared to the delivery, they are more worried about Chen Geng after this will, find a letter from the head. Bigger.

Without ignites Wang Dafu and Zhang Ying, Chen Geng also said: "And who said we have to stop y11?"

what? !

Chen Geng is exported, not only the comrades of the Y11 project team, even Zhang Ying and Wang Dagizhi also surprised to look up Chen Tong, almost asked almost in the same way: "

Y11 does not stop production? "

Because of the birth of the special era, and the foundation of my country's aviation industry is weak, Y11 is not a successful aircraft, not only the problem of power systems, there are many other aspects. Insufficient, such as the support of the mineral department at the time, the subsequent project supported by the Northeast Agricultural Reclamation System, Y11 is small and horsepower, and the economic difference is poor, and because the aircraft does not have single flight capabilities, safety is also Not good, I can't meet the airworthiness requirements.

In addition, it is backwardly for the aircraft, and the system attachment does not match, the fault is more, and the seed either does not control the device, the broadcast is narrow, and the quality of the production is difficult to ensure that the planting equipment is small, atomization The effect is poor ... It can be said that Y11 is immature from the aircraft itself to the entire supporting system, is not perfect, and is precisely because of these reasons, the Y11 transport plane has been officially discontinued after the production of 44. (This total output, also proves the shortcomings of the Y11 transport machine itself), and the Hafei factory turned to develop the Y11 transport machine improved: Y12 transporter, and in this time, although the total capacity of Y11 with the help of Chen It has been raised to 62, but in the heart of the Shangfei Group and the employee of the oldhafe plant, it has long formed a consensus: After Y12, Y11 should be suspended, and this will not be too late.

But now, Chen Geng's one, let everyone surprised: What does it mean? Chen Chairman did not plan to discontinue Y11? Especially the existing technical team of the entire Y11, after listening to Chen Geng, there is still no eye, it is not widened, and it is excited to look at Chen Li: If Y11 continues to produce, Y11 The project team has the value of continued existing, no need to be allocated to other project groups to make someone else - when others are crying, how can he be comfortable? "Y11 will not stop production,"

When the face of the hundred pairs of eyes, Chen Piped affirmative replied: "In my plan, the Y11 transporter will achieve high and low match with the Y12 conveyor. Y11 will carry the piston power system in the future, and reduce the weight by lifting power. Further reduce costs such as a series of means, the main entry-level low-end double fixed wing aircraft market; while Y12 and after a series of improved models, the main 2.

5 tons to 3.

5-ton international general aviation market, two series models complement each other, meet a series of needs from low-end to medium-end customers ... "

Speaking of this, Chen Geng directly sought the name of Xu Xiangdong: "Comrade Xiangdong.


Xu Xiangdong, an Chen Geng, a spirit, and hurriedly stood up.

"Now, Y11 will not stop production. As the head of the power subsystem of the Y11 transporter, the task handed over to you is to communicate and coordinate from 331 Factory, and develop a power system upgrade improvement program."

Chen Tong was told Xu Xiangdong: "The overall goal of this program is to increase the maximum output power of the piston above Y11 to 400 horsepower with the maximum output power of the top Y11 to 400 horsepower, while fuel consumption is 20%, and the large repair interval is improved to At least 1500 hours, the cost is less than 30% lower than now ... "

what? !

Not only need to increase power, but also reduce fuel consumption, improve quality and overall quality, and reduce costs? !

Xu Xiangdong listened to the whole person, he stunned, he hurriedly said: "But ... Chairman, 331 factory is not the subsidiary of our Shangfei Group, we can only coordinate, discuss, if they ignore Let us, let him take him a little way ... "

"Then I don't care,"

Chen Geng became broken Xu Xiangdong, and he was very tough: "I only look at the results, don't ask the process, no matter what you are with 331 manufacturers, coordination is good, or you can find your own source of power, or you can also make yourself I just have such a set of power packages I asked, do it, you have promoted the salary increase, the salary level is raised two levels, enter the A sequence of the branch house, and the group rewards yourself 20,000 yuan bonus, and the future sales Y11 transporter, you can get 1% of the profit and you can get a 1% profit; you can't do it. Not only do you have a raise salary, but also a similar research and development task, the group will carefully consider your business capabilities ... "

The meaning of the words, if you do good, you will have a salary increase, get a bonus to take a dividend, the company will not depend on you, but if you don't do it, you will not ask in the position. I have died, such a big group, nor lacking the money of your waste, but if you want to go up, you want to progress, that is not.

When I heard Chen Geng, Xu Xiangdong's face was green!

But soon, after Xu Xiangdong, the face of others is green ... "Another family does not have to sympathize, don't have a gloating,"

Chen Geng continued to say: "The Group will begin to implement reforms at the Y11 transporter, Y12 transporter, and Z9 helicopter, and the core of reform is the performance assessment system, completed the company's research and development tasks, and promoted and salary , Divide the house, send a bonus, even a daughter-in-law ... These everyone don't have to worry, they will not everyone.

In turn, if it is not a task, it is not good to say that not only the promotion of the salary increase, but also makes the original wage level, downgrades, and adjust the post according to the situation. Different punishment measures ... "

After listening to Chen Li, I couldn't sit again, especially Wang Dagu, the old manager of the original Hafei factory. At this time he must stand out for the old and young people of Hafei Factory. He quickly stopped Chen Geng's words, whispered: "Chen Dong, Chen Dong, this ... I understand what you mean, but this reform measures are not a little too ... Well, too radical?"

How comfort is now, what performance appraisal? This is not only the voice of Wang Dafu, but also represents the voice of the old grandfather of the original Harfei factory.

However, Chen Li is as if he did not understand the meaning of Wang Da Zhi, and a confused man: "Radiation? I don't feel radical, in fact, I don't think too much, this reform is just in Y11 transporter, Y12 The transmissions and the three project groups of the Z9 helicopter are piloted instead of being fully available.

From this perspective, the Y11 transporter project group, Y12 transporter project group, and the burden on the Z9 helicopter project team, they also assume the experience of our entire group's reform, summary lessons ... "

When it comes to this, Chen Geng's expression is serious: "Comrade Dagui, Zhang Ying, there are comrades in the seat, I know this reform will encounter some difficulties, there is always some people don't like to change the status, they will try the same Various methods have boycotted this reform, but we hope that everyone will walk with me, go through, and the Shangfei Group is based on the foundation.

Zhang Ying:"……"

Wang Dazhi: "..."

In the face of this top hat lost, the past is used to giving two people who wear a big hat in the work, and there is no way to say something.

It is Chen Geng, then said: "In short, this adjustment of the core of this is a prize, and then no more 'It is nothing to do in the future, don't do one, I hope everyone Actively playing your own subjective initiative, actively playing your own intelligence, contributing to the group, I also assured you, as long as you work hard, the group will never be sorry for everyone's efforts and hardship, your efforts and hard work Will get a rich return.


Just saying that Chen Mong's temper may be so good, just in the face of so many people, how can he be a little temper? This is not, the whole means will come.

Chen Li has already said this, and everyone doesn't understand this. This is actually Chen Geng's fight against that provocation: the guy hiding in the crowd, thinking that Chen Li can't do any way? How is it? If my big Zhangqi drums, I will take it out of the crowd, and I have no pattern of the chairman of this group, too small to the intestines.

Ok, now I am not for you, I am targeting your entire "Laoha Factory"

This group, etc. "Laohafe Factory"

I know that because you will lead to Chen Geng's reform, huh, huh ... I realized what is not as good as death, I realized what is the common enemy of the people? Zhang Yinghe Wang Dazhi also understood the meaning of Chen Geng, and the two were opposite. The eyes were helpless, and only secret shook: Chen Geng is the chairman of the group, and now it is not good. Still look back and think about it.

------------ ps: 4000 words, there is a 1000 word that owes everyone before the completion of the purchase, and the other will restore 2 tomorrow, please ask the brothers to forgive, say that the recovery 2 is more After a few days, the result has not been done.

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